eBay’s Lies And duplicity

eBay's Lies And duplicity

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “eBay’s Lies And duplicity”.
What’S up tech fans today, i’m going to talk to you guys about how ebay has become duplicitous and scandalous and is doing things that are just not right, and this is both from a seller’s standpoint and from a buyer’s standpoint. If you’re, a seller, you’ve probably noticed that they’ve had this new thing called manage accounts where they brag about how they’re saving you money and all this stuff. That is very duplicitous and the way that they’re listing products on there is very scandalous. So, let’s talk ebay and let’s talk tech.

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First off: let’s talk about ebay from a buyer’s perspective, so i know that many people out there go to ebay. They try to find the best prices on stuff, especially when they’re talking about used video cards and used hardware – and things like this. But there’s been a trend lately on ebay, and this is not just my opinion. This is actually a known fact now between lots of people selling on ebay, because it’s just become really a scandalous situation.

eBay's Lies And duplicity

Now, here’s what they’re doing. Basically, when you go to search for a product on ebay, the first thing that you’re going to notice is that all the prices are very high. So what ebay is doing right now is they’re, showing people all of the highest price stuff.

eBay's Lies And duplicity

First, the lower price stuff won’t even come up in a search engine unless you buy something i’ll give you an example. Last week i bought a cd. I couldn’t find the cd anywhere else. I finally found it for 35 dollars. I bought it 10 minutes later.

I went back on ebay, sal found the same exact cd for twenty dollars and even cheaper. So when you first go out and you look for stuff all they’re going to be shoving in your face – is the most highest priced stuff, because that way, ebay can make the most profit off. Not only you but off the person. That’S selling because they’re charging selling fees now we’ll get to that in a minute that are much higher than ever before.

eBay's Lies And duplicity

So not only are you getting screwed, the person selling is getting screwed as well, because, if someone’s selling their stuff at a cheaper price they’re not even going to be in the normal search engine, so you really have to dig and dig and dig and try different Parameters in order to get the best price and that’s just ridiculous ebay used to be about saving money kind of like an online swap meet, but it is no longer that anymore ebay has become a very, very greedy organization. They try to milk the absolute most out of the people that are selling and they try to squeeze the absolute most cash out of people that are buying. That is completely utterly scandalous.

Behavior and i’m not really happy about it whatsoever and neither are a lot of other people. So now, let’s talk about something else, and this is from a seller’s perspective, ebay, just rolled out this whole new plan that they call the managed payment program manage payment program. My butt now, let’s just start off with why they did this. They try to tell you that they did this. To save you money, that’s right to save you cash, but that’s not what it’s about at all at all. This is really really duplicitous behavior, because what they’ve really done is because paypal separated from them, they didn’t want to deal with paypal, and so they just wanted to completely screw paypal out of the brick by the picture. Now they did this under the guise of saving. You money because they’re like oh you’re, not going to have to pay any more ebay fees and a lot of yadda yadda yadda is going to save you money. Let me tell you: it was the biggest bunch of horse i’ve ever heard in my life the day after i changed my account to a managed account.

I started noticing that all of my fees and everything were just out freaking rages way higher than they were before and when i went and looked at the amounts and everything – and i started complaining to to ebay about this – they told me oh well, look you’re saving 0.28, 0.28. So what is that, like 28 percent of a penny, i’m saving so you’re not saving any money as a seller? Because of this, what they’ve done is they forced you to put the money directly to your bank account? They hold your money now for a few days, and this is even a more screwed up situation if you’re selling expensive items you’re having to pay for the shipping of these items out of your pocket and out of your paypal account, even though you can’t get the Money put to your paypal account from ebay right, doesn’t make any dang sense whatsoever. So all they really did was cut paypal out of the picture raise their fees.

Try to make it sound like they’re doing you, the seller, a favor, but they weren’t doing you a favor at all. It’S completely duplicitous behavior, i’m not happy with ebay right now whatsoever for a lot of different reasons. I think that they’re screwing people left and right um be very wary of. What’S going on there also another thing: i buy a lot of cds and, if you’re a person out there and you buy and collect these, as you will you’ll notice that the prices have jumped up just crazy, because if you go to amazon, you’ll see a cd Selling for i’m not even joking, i sold a fast way cd. They had it listed on amazon for nine hundred dollars. Okay, i’m not a greedy. I sold the cd for what i paid for it. 19.99. That’S what i sold it for you know, i’m not that type of person to greet out but what’s happening is, though, is a lot of these ebay.

Guys are now saying, oh well, over on amazon, it’s selling for a thousand dollars, so i’m gon na charge a thousand dollars and it’s completely asinine. It’S stupid nobody’s going to pay 900 for a music cd. I mean you’d have to be nuts. I collect cds and i’m just telling you right now. I don’t care if it’s the most rare, solid gold gon na wipe my butt and cook for me, cd, i’m not paying you 900 for it, and this is another part of ebay. That’S really really screwed up a lot of people are basing their high prices off of whatever these extraordinary prices that are going on over on amazon amazon’s a whole other video i’ll talk to you guys about that soon. Let me know if you want to hear about that, because i’ve got some things to say about them and what they’ve done as well, but the bottom line is this: if you’re going to go to ebay and you’re going to start buying, something don’t just take the First search engine results that they throw at you because they’re going to throw at you the absolute most expensive stuff that they have and you can even do an experiment as soon as you buy the expensive item, you’ll be able to find the same item that you Just bought for much cheaper minutes later. Why is that? Why is that? It’S scandalous and it’s really kind of making my stomach cringe every time i think about the crap they’re pulling and if you’re a seller guess what you’ve just been conned and screwed as well, because they told you all. These lies about.

Oh we’re going to cut paypal out and save you money yeah. They saved you point 28 of a penny. Big savings right, yeah, my rear end, but that’s my take that’s my rant.

Let me know what you guys think. I know a lot of you guys do buy your computer parts on on ebay. Tell me if you guys have had similar experiences. The best thing that you can do, though, is don’t accept. Those first search engine results, keep searching type, the name indifferently look in in different areas. I found a cd just yesterday that was 399 on all their pinchy freaking search engine things i typed in a little bit different found that same cd, listen to this 29 yeah. So that’s the kind of bs that’s going on you’re getting screwed coming in you’re, getting screwed coming out and honestly. I think a lot of people should start vetoing ebay and i honestly wish somebody else will come out with a different service to sell on. I know other friends of mine have started their own direct website to sell stuff. Maybe that’s maybe that’s the solution, but for right now i’m done selling anything on ebay because their fees are just outrageous and stupid and as far as buying there, when i buy there, i’m going to make sure that i do my absolute damnedest to make the search Engine work for me and not work for them.

I’M elric! You guys been watching tekken tomorrow. I love you guys, thanks for watching um, not really too much links or anything for this down below you guys all know what ebay is and so there’s no links down below. But if you do like my type, if they like my type, do you like my type, i am pretty cute right: yeah, yeah yeah! No, if you like my take on things, hey i’d, love to see you subbed here, but when you sub make sure you turn that notification bell or you’ll, never know i’m making videos. Also, if you don’t have amazon, prime, i have a link down below you. Can support the site for absolutely free by just downloading that link trying amazon prime for 30 days. You can cancel it after that. Doesn’T cost you a penny. We also have patreon for a single dollar.

You can support tekken tomorrow and help keep me on the map. So peace out we’ll see you guys back here for more tech here on teca tomorrow. .