EA Gets it Wrong Again

EA Gets it Wrong Again

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “EA Gets it Wrong Again”.
You want to pick one yeah EA blames Gamers using high-end hardware for Star Wars, performance issues, EA man. We used to dog on these guys all the time and then I feel like they were. You know they learn to keep their mouth shut, yeah. That Activision Blizzard be worse, yes and let Ubisoft be worse and then they got annoyed. You know blizzard Bethesda they’re taking too much of the spotlight. We got to do something really stupid and now they’re back welcome back.

EA Gets it Wrong Again

Let’S go EA EA’s released a patch for Star Wars, Jedi Survivor, which has been plagued with performance issues, including wildly inconsistent FPS, massive vram usage, broken cut scenes and frequent crashes before the patch EA released a apology of sorts where it blamed the issue on PC players Using Windows 10 on high-end Hardware, the official statement I’m going to skip the first paragraph go right into the second one. No, I’m not I’m going to read the whole thing from the start. We are aware that Star Wars, Jedi Survivor, isn’t performing to our standards for sure for our percentage of Peace for a percentage.

EA Gets it Wrong Again

Great, that’s very helpful. So, first you, hedge your apology, you’re, not even a full line in yet a percentage of PC players, in particular those with high-end machines or certain specific configurations. For example, players using Cutting Edge, multi-threaded chipsets, designed for Windows 11, were encountering problems on Windows 10. or high-end gpus, coupled with lower performing CPUs, also saw in uh.

EA Gets it Wrong Again

Unexpected frame loss now hold on a second. I have to stop you right here. It’S my fault. If I have a cutting edge high-end CPU, but it’s also my fault, if I don’t have a good enough, CPU, yes, carry on you’re, doing it wrong.

Whatever way you’re doing it you’re doing it wrong uh, they they end it with rest assured. We are working to address these cases quickly, to be fair, to be to be fair, they’re, not blaming the people they’re just saying this is where the problems are occurring and we are fixing it okay, but does it perform great on Low End Hardware? I think I think it might perform more consistently. I think the problem right now is that you’re getting crazy spikes right. So the issue, then, is that they’re, just they just didn’t validate ultra settings, oh yeah, I think so because why would anyone do that? And, and a very good variety of Hardware, I think, is a big part of the problem you know.

What’S really sad is the probable result. Here is we’re just not gon na get high-end, sliders they’re probably going to look at this and go. You know what it would have been so much easier for us to just cap it out at whatever the crazy gen consoles are capable of. Is it just high quality settings that this is a problem? For that I don’t know, I don’t think so.

I think it’s everything but they’re specifically saying the issue is high-end Hardware yeah, but they’re not saying when put on a high-end setting it’s just high-end Hardware at all, wouldn’t any. Why would anyone run it on low, though yeah? But you can’t say, like medium is a high-end setting, that’s fair and medium is a pretty common thing for people to run stuff on. No, it’s all settings. Yeah people are saying it’s all settings. Okay and apparently there’s a there’s, a new patch which is already helping it. I think people are just mad because of the wording of this, which it’s not worded great, the uh is it performing to our standards, for a percentage of PC players is not a fantastic way to say that no, that’s um, that’s uh! That’S that fine! That’S like when I asked one of my daughters to apologize to the other sorry yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly man, um, so Hardware, unboxed disputed EA’s conclusion finding that the game ran better, not worse, on Windows 10 and that both 10 and 11 showed poor CPU usage Console Gamers were quick to point out that they too were encountering game breaking bugs and serious frame rate issues.

This EA blamed on an issue with HDR that was under investigation at time of writing. The game Steam rating is mixed. At 56, positive uh, okay runs like my butt after Taco Bell. I actually take issue with that.

Your butt probably runs pretty. I was gon na, say Taco Bell. Well, maybe not well, but very fast, [, Laughter, ] low latency, oh boy, .