Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!”.
So, six years ago, Tesla rolled a bit of a surprise off the back of a truck and it was the Roadster 2.0 a two-door electric sports car. I should say Supercar with absurd specs world record acceleration just filthy numbers. This would be the flagship Smackdown to all gas cars as it was promised, but since then they’ve had a little bit of a re-shuffling of their priorities, you could say: they’ve got a whole cyber truck they’re, trying to make now other stuff they’re going to mass produce. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that Roadster is indefinitely delayed, which is a bit of a bummer. So I guess the smackdown’s gon na have to wait, actually wait hold on hold that thought, foreign Avera, and it is absolutely the smackdown of gasoline cars that we knew was eventually coming. You’Ve been able to buy one million two million three million dollar gas supercars for years now, but electric cars are, of course, newer and they’re exploding onto the scene.

So now we get to see what an all-out technologically advanced maximum performance, all-electric hyper car actually looks like and feels like romance has made one car before the rematch concept one. I was actually lucky enough to test that car too. That tiny little thing they only made. Eight copies of that, then they started working on the romance concept: 2, as they got acquired by Volkswagen group and merged with Bugatti, so that concept too became this Nevada, which they’ll only make 150 of and will cost 2.4 million dollars.

So so, to be fair, this isn’t a completely different Stratosphere than the promise Tesla Roadster, but the idea for all of them is the same: just make the fastest car possible, and so of course it’s electric. You know those like Scale of the Universe, videos on YouTube where the numbers you see, you see the scale of things, get bigger and bigger until the numbers just don’t even make sense anymore and they’re not comprehensible by the human brain. That’S this car zero to 60 miles an hour 1.74 seconds world record zero to a hundred miles an hour in 3.2 seconds world record quarter mile 8.3 seconds world record zero to 200 miles an hour in 10 seconds, world record zero to 250 to zero in under 30 seconds world record: there’s there’s 23 World Records on this list, and one of them is the record for most records broken in a day.

These numbers don’t really make any sense. So I need to feel this for myself, so uh track mode. The wing pops up everything turns red 100 front power, 100 rear power put on the brake put on the gas three two foreign, oh my god, oh wow, wow. I’Ve never felt that in my face. I think we can do it better. I think we can do it even better, so let’s do that quarter mile straight line one more time, but this time next to me is going to be a very, very fast car, the Porsche 911 Turbo S that car does 0 to 60 in under two and A half seconds I’m gon na give that 640 horsepower all-wheel drive Porsche a two second Head Start in a 400 yard race. Now, let’s see what this romance does to that very fast Porsche, zero one, two crazy! Nothing is supposed to walk a car like that. I mean this car is fast, but there you have it.

Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

This is a street legal electric car. After all, though so uh around normal roads, how does it drive so I’m driving in range mode right now, which by default is a hundred percent front axle, power, 30 rear axle and the softest suspension and the least aggressive acceleration the brakes are still really strong. But honestly, this is a very compliant car. That’S one of these things that I think is inherently going to be better about all these electric supercars is they can be really really soft and friendly, despite having 2 000 horsepower available.

The second you want it as I’m. Looking at the top, I have almost 100 battery and about 100 miles of range estimated. So I’m assuming it’s going to tell me that my range is low, based on how I’ve driven in the past and this car has not been babied. So I guess I should shock me, but we are working with 120 kilowatt hour battery, so pretty big battery the quad Motors uh and it will estimate, say about 300 miles of range on a full charge, which is pretty good.

Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

It has that CCS cord right behind my head and it’ll charge from zero to eighty percent on a fast charger in 20 minutes, and then this is also a really there’s a funny combination of parts. I talk a little bit in the autofocus video about this car about how they got bought by the Volkswagen group. They got a bunch of money into this company and they’re merged with Bugatti now so it’s Bugatti rematched and there’s a lot to this car that actually reminds me of Bugatti, where they clearly could have been lighter uh, but they didn’t. They went with high quality stuff everywhere. Basically, everything in this car is either carbon, fiber or metal, and it is rock solid, there’s, not a ton of uh dampening or like ice noise, isolation or foam, or anything like that, like I can hear the Rocks like going through the wheel. Well, it feels like a relatively heavy, but still compact sports car. I kind of like it also one more thing: I’ve noticed uh, so the dashboard of this car, the primary thing in the middle, is the speed and it actually changes the color based on the mode you’re in we’ll get to the modes, but also my uh estimated Range has been going up as I’ve been driving, so it knows I’ve been going slower Kudos, but also it shows my total power output and regen in a live counter on the side. When I hit the brake pedal, the regen number actually goes up, so that means they’re, adding regen before blending in the friction breaks.

Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

So it feels and drives like a normal car. It costs mostly when I let off the accelerator, but it behaves a lot like Porsche’s taikan and that same 800, volt system, which means hitting the brakes starts with regen, then adds friction breaks it’s clever. Even the infotainment is kind of interesting. It is a big touch screen in the middle of a car, interestingly, with some storage behind it that you could just pull back to reveal, but there’s a bunch of features.

There’S a 360 camera there’s a map, there’s also a button on the steering wheel. That has a little picture of like a voice control. When I press it, it says this car is going to get voice, commands and Apple carplay and Android, auto with a software update, if it actually does get all those things and it’s wireless. That would make this one of the best car infotainment systems of any hyper car I’ve ever seen, but as of right now it doesn’t have that, but you can still connect your phone and play Bluetooth music on the Focal Speakers which are all over the cabin.

So I really think that in this transition, or in this upcoming boost of all these electric cars, one of the most impressive things about them is the Jekyll and Hyde Factor. The fact that these cars can have multiple personalities. Obviously it’s super cool and super aggressive and snarling to have a gas car that has a ton of power and sounds amazing all the time I’m surrounded by those cars right now, you can’t even see, but a really impressive electric car can be both really fast and Performant and really soft and docile and smooth – and I think this is one of those examples where just driving it around like normal, feels really soft and smooth and if it goes into sport, mode or Cruise mode or track mode. Well, it sort of puts a mask on so I had to look it up to remember, which is which, but the Dr Jekyll guy, the nice guy is just driving in range mode or Cruise mode. All the gauges are blue and green and there’s a smooth soft throttle response. Soft suspension, lighter steering and the rear wing is all the way down at its lowest setting just to glide through the air, with maximum efficiency and minimal drag it’s almost shockingly calm.

You’D never know about all the horsepower underneath your foot, but with the soft steering and the regen braking it feels and drives. I’M not even joking, just like a super low Tesla Model 3 with Incredible brakes. But the Mr Hyde is the evil one and in this very same car, just by turning the knobs and going into sport mode or track mode, dialing up the power and everything turning yellow and red. You tighten up the steering. You stiffen the suspension. The throttle response from the pedal becomes much more linear with your foot like it’s incredibly reactive, just touching the pedal and the huge carbon fiber Wing extends up and out into the air, completely nuking your rear visibility to create more downforce.

To keep you planted to the road, along with an active rear, splitter down, underneath to redirect air plus, if you’re, fast enough and hit the brakes hard enough, the wing will flip up and become an air brake to help you slow down even faster. This whole car. Basically tightens up even more than it already was around you and becomes a weapon of speed and precision. I’Ve never felt a car where you have such direct and immediate control over exactly how fast you’re going at any moment more than the Plaid Model, S more than any gas car I’ve ever tried.

The lag is just non-existent, it’s pretty incredible so anyway, I guess the point is this is still that moment that we are waiting for for electric cars, even if it didn’t come from Tesla all those records that I was talking to you about before those weren’t electric Car records, those were production, car world records. Everything this does in a straight line, is faster than the Bugatti Chiron. Now I feel like the number one comment I can already see below this. Video is oh, but I’d rather take the shear on I’d rather take any of the gas cars any day because of the noise and the soul and the fun of it. And I get that to an extent, obviously see a two million dollar exotic hyper car should have fun it’s way more about fun than practicality.

So I understand that, but the point is the future of cars is now proven to be electrified in some way. The newest Corvette Flagship is electrified. The newest, Lamborghini Flagship is electrified.

The newest Ferrari Flagship is electrified. The newest Bugatti coming up will be electrified. The new McLaren Flagship to replace the P1 will be electrified and that’s what we’ve learned so in the meantime, it was exciting. Getting to drive this one of 150 super rare, expensive car shout out to the triple F collection for letting me come out here and actually beat on this car and really drive it. It was incredible check out their channel for more races with this car and other exotic cars also go check out the studio Channel. If you want to see a whole bunch of people at the studio, not only help shoot this video, but also experience the ridiculous acceleration. Also the autofocus channel for all the other car stuff. I think that’s it.

Okay, speed is ruined for me forever. Thanks for watching peace, foreign .