Douglass Rushkoff at World Maker Faire New York 2013

Douglass Rushkoff at World Maker Faire New York 2013

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Douglass Rushkoff at World Maker Faire New York 2013”.
I’M douglas rushkoff, i write books about media technology and culture. I wrote a book called present shock when everything happens now and what it’s about is the human reaction to living in a world where everything’s happening now, where we’re, on the one hand, under constant interruption because of our devices and our incoming tweets and phones, and all That and on the other hand, because we’ve kind of woken up from history to some extent we’re no longer doing things for goals and retirement and salvation we’re really looking at in a healthy way. Looking at things happening as as they happen, the industrial age was largely about disconnecting people from the value they created. It was a really just a series of innovations in taking the craft and the skill out of manufacturing and being able to find the lowest cost. Uh least trained people to put a car together or a shoe together or anything, and it really kind of peaked with all of our outsourcing to china and giant manufacturing plants and essentially, slaves assembling things for the first world and the maker movement is really about reversing That trend, you know we no longer not that we ever did, but now we’re really aware of the fact that you don’t need a factory to make something that people can make things with their hands.

You know the digital. More than anything, the digital means, the fingers digits. You know, so the the beginning of a digital age really involves the rediscovery of our hands of our ability to make things. I don’t know what it’s going to look like in 10 or 20 years: either they will make local individual manufacturing illegal if they don’t um, we’ll end up seeing a a very new economy, replace the employment stock market, corporate based economy that we live in today. You .