Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!

Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!”.
Yo, what’s up mkbhd here, welcome back to dope tech. I love doing these. The series where i find the dopest tech and then share it with you, so we got a couple things with this one. First, one is these: these are battery banks.

This is the shar geek storm 2 and storm 2. Slim uh. Let’S be honest.

Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!

Most battery banks are basically the same thing right, they’re all kind of boring, but i have gone on to basically replace all of my functional battery banks in my life with these because they’re the same thing but cooler, you know maybe transparent tech is having a moment Here in 2022, because we’ve seen the nothing phone, the nothing earbuds and some other transparent stuff. Logically, why not try it with power banks too, and it turns out it looks sick, so basically, all power banks inside they have got to have batteries. They also have a logic board and some ports. This one does a great job of being able to see straight inside, i would say in a tasteful way, but i also haven’t flown with this yet, and so i kind of wonder what the tsa would think about this design.

Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!

Luckily, it’s got a little label that says airline safe on it. That should do it, but i think the best part is it’s actually a really good power bank. So all the ports are on one side here, the small one. The slim has one usb a and one usbc and it’s 20 000 milliamp hours, that’s enough to fully charge a brand new macbook air, and i say that because it also outputs enough power to do exactly that.

Dope Tech: The Most Extreme Gaming Monitor!

The usbc port here will output up to a hundred watts and the best part is there’s this little screen here on the power bank that lights up when it’s doing something it has all kinds of nerdy information about every single little thing. That’S going on in real time, so your charging power, wattage amperage temperature and everything it’s actually sick, so yeah as soon as i plug something in i know how much power it’s giving or receiving. I don’t know if you remember that cable i showed that’s in the what’s in my bag, video that also showed how much power was going through it on a tiny screen, but this is kind of like that, but with any cable you want, so the bigger version Has more ports – and it’s also bigger, so it has more capacity. This one is 25 600 milliamp hours that will charge a 14-inch macbook pro from zero to a hundred in an hour and a half. So i guess what i’m trying to say is unless the airline’s taken from me, i’m gon na use these for everything. Now i really like them, i use them.

Currently, we use it literally to power the mixed pre 3 that my my audio device is for recording videos. They have this terrible design where you need a power bank instead of putting batteries on the back, because it blocks the sd card slot anyway, i’m loving them they’re, both 200., not cheap, but hey. This is dope tech, okay. So this thing is ridiculous, so samsung reached out and they wanted to sponsor a look at their new odyssey arc.

Gaming monitor i’ve seen some pretty crazy monitors in my time, but nothing like this. So this is a massive 55 inch corner to corner 165. Hertz curved gaming monitor pretty sure it’s the only monitor in the world with that exact spec, and it has a one millisecond response time, plus it’s amd freesync premium pro certified, so it’s definitely built for gaming and in every way this thing is ridiculous. It basically feels like putting a tv on your desk but way more powerful and it needs some pretty serious hardware like this huge foot, wide metal stand and the mount that’s attached to it to hold the whole thing above your desk.

So why would someone get something like this like? What is this capable of well turns out pretty much everything, so it plugs in via this box back here, like some other samsung tvs and there’s four total hdmi 2.1 ports on the box, so you can give it a bunch of inputs and then there’s this remote. Like it looks kind of like a skinny tv, remote that comes with it and there’s also this, which is called the arc dial, it’s kind of crazy i’ve never seen anything like this before, but basically, instead of having to reach all the way around. The back of this huge monitor you have the controls on this dial and it connects wirelessly via bluetooth and that’s how you get to your settings and control this monitor, so you can set it anywhere. You want at your desk for your controls, and both this and the remote have solar panels on them, so you should actually pretty much, never need to charge them, which is super smart, so this arc dial will let you control pretty much everything about this monitor.

But when you’re just using it like a normal monitor, not even gaming, just for productivity and stuff, like that, it’s still very impressive. It is a huge monitor and at this resolution it can fit a ton of stuff on the screen any app or program that benefits from spreading things out will never look better than it does on this monitor. Also, the whole thing has a matte anti-glare finish that cuts down on reflections or any lights that may be in your living space, and you can put tons of things on the screen to your heart’s content and i feel like because of the curve. You know it’s not as neck breaking as something this size would be if it was flat. So just so you know this is called a 1000r curve monitor because the radius of the circle that this monitor would make. If you extended it all the way around into a circle is 1000 millimeters, so the smaller the number the more pronounced the curve and this one curves so much that the upper and lower corners really do stretch into your peripheral vision. Just gives you maximum immersion and then, as you can imagine it’s incredible for gaming, so i’ve gamed on a lot of nice monitors in the past couple years and also tried gaming on tvs in the past. This isn’t quite like either one of those experiences because the size and the height and the sheer curve and the image quality, it’s just an amazing setup for pretty much any game that you throw at it.

Also, the speakers built in aren’t bad either. There’S four speakers at each corner and two central woofers, so just with the monitor’s built-in speakers you’re getting a dolby atmos setup and it can help with object tracking sound, because the left and right channels are so far apart. This is a quantum mini led display at 4k resolution, so there’s legitimately details in the darkest and brightest parts of scenes and games, but also samsung says there is a multi-layer neural network for upscaling, but just like playing a game full screen. Obviously it’s incredible, but let’s say your neck does get tired right, you’re, not really so used to turning your head as much or maybe you’re. Just super used to playing a game on a smaller screen like a 24 inch or 27 inch screen right.

All right. No problem, so this arc dial lets you pop into a setting called flex move screen. You hit that and then you can literally drag down the size of the monitor to whatever size you want it to be.

You want a 30 inch monitor. You want a 27. You want a 24 22, whatever all these different sizes are available to you, it kind of looks crazy, tiny.

You can move it around, maybe put it in the middle, so you’re not looking down all the time. There’S your smaller monitor. It’S convenient fun fact.

This graphic! That’S behind whatever your screen would be actually changes based on. What’S on your screen, so it matches the colors. If it’s dark, then it’ll be dark. If it’s bright and colorful, then it’ll match the colors, but probably the most extreme feature of them all. This whole thing this gigantic panel rotates 90 degrees to create this towering 55-inch diagonal monstrosity. That’S literally curved over your head, basically towering over you.

So seeing this monitor in portrait mode is wild and there are even a couple window management features to help. You make the most of this ridiculous amount of vertical screen real estate. Here you can see it mimicking three 27-inch monitors stacked on top of each other, each with something completely different going on the screen, so productivity can be fun. Each of these windows is the size of an entire monitor and, if you’re feeling bold, it’s actually the world’s best shorts or reels or tick-tock monitor where you can truly kick back and immerse yourself and waste unbelievable amounts of time. There’S actually also a feature called eclipse. Sync, which has two lights on the back of the monitor that will change colors, based on, what’s in the game, to reflect off the wall for even further immersion.

But, let’s be honest, most of the time your eyes are going to be all over this display. All the time now this is dope tech, so we know it’s the craziest leading edge stuff, but if you do want to actually get your hands on something like this, it’ll run 3 500, and if you want to justify it, you could say it’s kind of like Having three or four monitors in one so yeah shout out to the odyssey arc for that. That brings me to my third and final item here now, as you can imagine, the webcam situation, with a huge monitor with any huge monitor, can be pretty crazy, but also webcams generally are pretty trash. But then this insta360 link webcam started showing up on my feed. Actually, a lot in the last couple days, there’s a bunch of sponsored videos. This one clearly isn’t sponsored by them, but i did get my hands on it and i wanted to check it out and it turns out.

It is really cool and very impressive for certain groups of people, so, first of all, if you’re just looking for a quality upgrade, a dedicated webcam will always give you that over a built-in. So with this one you’re getting a half inch sensor 4k 30fps video phase, detect autofocus. This is easily miles better than any normal built-in webcam into any computer. It’S kind of like the opel c1, but they’re both like a step below using your literal iphone as your webcam with continuity camera, but, as you can tell just by looking at it, it’s this little rig here it’s about more than just the camera quality.

It is all about the features, so you can see. It’S got an entire gimbal built in like someone sawed it off the bottom of a drone and stuck it onto a webcam and the world of motion. Controlled video camera just opened up a world of possibilities. So having a swiveling tilting articulating camera as a webcam means it can follow you around and track you around a room, no matter where you go, and it is a thousand percent faster and more responsive than like what we’ve seen when apple. Does the super ultra wide camera and then does center stage and crops in this just this is, i feel, like i can walk around the room and it’ll follow me, so this will clearly be pretty sick for streamers uh, but i think underrated. It would actually be even better probably for remote work and remote learning things like that um, because continuing along the theme of this being the smartest webcam i’ve ever used, it can obviously use the gimbal to point in any direction.

So it’s a really solid desk view because, as you can imagine it literally just tilts down and points more directly at your desk and then proceeds to use sort of extra processing to create a pseudo top-down view. Kind of like what apple did with continuity camera. But then, probably the most useful one there’s these tracker stickers that come with the webcam. All you have to do is put one on each corner of a whiteboard and then move the whiteboard somewhere into frame. And then all you have to do is give it a peace sign and it’ll go into whiteboard mode. You can see the whiteboard over there behind me.

It’S not even like in the normal frame of view of the webcam, i’m just going to give it a peace. Sign it blinks, it goes into whiteboard mode and it sort of locates. The whiteboard takes a second. You can see it going over my shoulder there, that’s the whiteboard and then it snaps in and now you’re fully on the whiteboard.

Well, you miss some i’m teaching. I’M instructing things on the whiteboard from across the room so easy like this is everything apple center stage ever it to be? Obviously they want you to be able to put your ipad down and walk around the kitchen, and it follows you but yeah. This will literally follow you and complete 360 degree around your laptop.

It’S it’s much better, so yeah i’ll give it another peace sign. It’Ll realize it can go back to me, snaps back to me and then uh yeah we’re just using the webcam like normal again, but it also has a feature which is when you stop using it. So i’ll stop recording and then you close the app and it goes to sleep after a while it just shuts down and faces straight down which is sort of a privacy feature which just means it won’t be able to look up. And at you it’s nice that a webcam that can turn around doesn’t when you’re not using it. It’S a privacy feature so yeah. I think that’s gon na that’s gon na easily qualify for the smartest webcam. I’Ve ever tried uh, but it’s pretty smart, that a camera company is what insta360 is, is making a webcam.

So that’s that’s why it’s also fantastic quality and everything else that’s around. It works pretty well, so yeah pretty sick. That’S why it’s dope tech, so that’s it! For this one, a super cool, clear battery bank, an insane 55 inch super curved gaming monitor and the smartest webcam that i’ve ever tried.

I really enjoy doing dope tech videos and i’m glad we’re bringing them back. I’M kind of surprised we haven’t done more, we’ll probably do another one soon. In any case, thanks for watching this one subscribe to see the next one when it comes out and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace .