Doortop Stash

Doortop Stash

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Doortop Stash”.
Okay pop quiz: what does the top edge of your utility closet door? Look like i’m betting that you’ve never seen it even if you’ve lived in your home for quite a while, not many people think of this space inside the door as a hiding spot. But it’s right there within easy reach when you need to get to it. Shawn michael reagan’s door. Top stash takes advantage of this out of the way part of any home, to create a secret stash spot. In fact, it’s so out of the way.

We’Re convinced that this will be an effective hiding spot even after this project is published all over the internet to make this project you’ll need begin by preparing the cigar tube if desired, remove the paint and then drill a small hole in the center of the lid. Mount the washer to a piece of scrap wood with a few nails and countersink the washer just a bit. This will allow the screw head to sit flush and stay out of the way of the door. Jamb now secure the washer to the lid using the screw and a lock nut select a hollow core interior door to conceal your stash. It should be a door you can access with some expectation of privacy position the stash closer to the hinge than the knob.

It will undergo less acceleration in this position when the door is opened or closed and will be less likely to rattle measure the thickness of the door and mark the middle drill. A small pilot hole into the door now use a spade bit that matches the large washer to drill a small depression into the top of the door. This hole will provide clearance for the washer, so don’t drill any deeper than its thickness.

Next use a spade bit that is a bit wider than the cigar tube and drill a hole which will accommodate the length of the tube. Your stash is now ready to use, fill up the tube screw it shut and drop it into the door. This spot is so out of the way it’s almost certain to escape detection when you need to retrieve its contents, simply open the door and use the magnet to retrieve the hidden tube. Let us know if you make this project or if you can think of a better place to stash your valuables and check out for more projects, tutorials and maker inspiration.

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