Don’t Trust Strange Cords

Don’t Trust Strange Cords

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t Trust Strange Cords”.
Hey dll, my mother recently received a USB to USBC Cable in the mall in the mail uh that she didn’t order, cut it up and threw it away, but I’m wondering how a scam like this would be cost effective. Was it a bad one? Did you did you run it through a tester? There are testers to find out if they’re malicious cables um, but I would not imagine a scam like that that to be particularly coste effective depending on it depends if they’re targeted like if, if this person’s mom works in um like a medical field, or something like That and they they were trying to Target them for for patient data or something then absolutely it would be cost effective. But I know certain uh medical procedures. She performs wow, no, I’m I’m just I’m just wow wow uh yeah. I I can’t imagine just randomly shipping out a th000 USB cables. It depends, though, be valuable if they’re, the ones that are uh, that you can, that you know have Wi-Fi and stuff built into them like if it’s an OMG, cable or something like that.

It’S definitely not cost effective. Those are quite expensive, but if all it has in it is a tiny amount of storage and it just farts a little payload onto your computer yeah. I still think it would probably need to be targeted, though cuz like you’re still paying shipping all this other kind of stuff, and what? What do you shipping’s cheap in the UK, though, and like there’s a lot of places? Actually, that is super cheap compared toada Canadian shipping, Canadian shipping is BR, send a cable to someone.

Don’t Trust Strange Cords

It’S like $ 15, be down the road, yeah uh yeah, oh Cohen, lemon, says uh. You would Target a neighborhood where it’s just generally wealthier people, so you just send them to like a wealthy zip code could totally do that with with shipping too so yeah I mean it could it could be like. I would call that I’m just making this up on the spot, but I would call that, like soft targeting when database Arthur, you don’t know the half of it Royal Mail is super cheap. Compared to what we have to pay.

Don’t Trust Strange Cords

I mean it makes sense. You guys are like Eeny weeny know that you don’t own the whole world, how it feel very small got him yeah their their ruler is still on our money, so yeah. Why do we have to have stupid Charles on the money so stupid? I didn’t even mind it when it was Elizabeth seemed generally, not the stupidest.

At least it didn’t like her. Her whole thing with the the car was very funny. I’M going to screw up that story. If I try to sell it, so I’m just not um but yeah, and at least it didn’t like change like we had to incur I’m assuming a relatively significant expense to like reprint a bunch of money. Well, no, they don’t reprint it.

They just print what they like: okay print, so just change design and continue forward. Yeah, that’s not too bad, but like eventually they do recall old series and and issue new series. That’S generally for security more than it is for just like yeah yeah. It’S a different old person on the thing I thought they issued a redesign. I I didn’t really follow it, though yeah I mean there was still design time, there’s still, it’s still a pain, but anyway yeah. Why not put more loons or geese on the money yeah? I mean I’d, be I’d, be I’d, be down.

Don’t Trust Strange Cords

Why don’t we put freaking Terry Fox on the money yeah like well for what limited series or something no just put him on there? I didn’t think it was. Oh, is he I don’t know, I I never carry cash anymore money. I thought he was on $ 5 bill or, like we have Canadian heroes in 2020, a short list of eight Bank notable Canadians uh were to be portrayed on the $ 5 vertical polymer bills. In place of Lauer uh, five 600 nominees, Terry Fox, so yeah, I guess it was limited. I didn’t realize it was limited. Well, that’s stupid! It should just be.

It should just be Terry Fox forever yeah like for for real for real guys. Uh. If you don’t know who Terry Fox is he’s an absolute unit, you should go read about him. It’S one of the most inspiring stories that you will ever hear he’s incredible. What a Chad yeah absolute unit, all right, apparently for a limited time, he was also on our Looney. Well, it should just be all the time yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, you heard it here. First yeah we’re advocating for Terry Fox on all the money instead of King Charles yeah, like how many, how many greater thans would we need, and the government uh Tim Orton.

Those two things should happen. Okay, I don’t know that I would want the Canadian government running it, but how about some Canadians yeah? How about that fair enough? Okay, we can agree on that yeah very good, very good, very good, very good. How many marathons Charles run fewer than Terry, probably and Terry, didn’t finish one? What was at the end of the marathon? What was the goal for for Charles I’m? Not I’m not to be clear.

He finished a lot of marathon distances, but I mean the one. The marathon – and you guys will have to read about him if you want to learn about Terry, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, remember having Terry Fox day and sports events at school yeah. It was great. I love that they did, that they still do great yeah. Terry Fox is totally still thing. That’S very good.

We should have Terry Fox day forever yeah. Until we get a better Canadian than Terry Fox. We should have Terry Fox day. Yeah. Good luck so we’ll have Terry Fox day forever. Yeah.

I feel like that’s a thing that would actually get Canadians like really riled up. If people tried to like go in on Terry Fox ohac, that would be guns out time. Yeah unacceptable. I’M talking these, but you know yeah, no unacceptable, yeah, yeah man don’t go after Terry yeah man. I’D be really angry D. Me too, I would actually I see his face.

You went there for a second, no man, oh boy. Oh you! Don’T! Oh man yeah! You know you don’t leave Terry alone yeah. Oh man, all right all right! Next, one .