Don’t buy this scam iPhone

Don’t buy this scam iPhone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t buy this scam iPhone”.
Apple products have long been seen as being more than they are. This isn’t just a phone, and this isn’t just a laptop they’re status symbols and wherever there’s a status symbol, there’s a knockoff, I’m sure you’ve seen them online much cheaper than an iPhone thinking. Maybe it’s just as good well that would require buying one, and so we did clearly there’s something to this. It’S frankly iconic, but at some point you’re going to have to use this thing and that’s real pay whoa here it is so this box looks an awful lot like the iPhone box. Okay, on the back, we have a high digital camera face recognition.

Don’t buy this scam iPhone

This is definitely not packaged as nicely as an Apple device. Apple famously doesn’t use any plastic in their packaging, whereas this uses a lot whoa a headphone, jack Apple would never include that whoo a screen protector, that’s amazing Apple, would never include that wa USBC Apple only just included that, and then we have a three camera bump. Just like the iPhone wow, it is uncanny. How terrible this looks. Wao it runs. Android keep the moving pieces is open.

Don’t buy this scam iPhone

The camera switch to video mode, we make moving pieces here. That’S what Mac address is most known for this is the slowest phone I’ve ever used. While this is loading, you might notice that there is a notch, Dynamic Island, it’s literally just a blank black thing printed onto the glass. Why would you do that? This speaker’s horrible? That’S it: let’s open up the camera, now, there’s three lenses on here. Unfortunately, system UI has stopped. This is infuriating.

Don’t buy this scam iPhone

Okay, let’s try Force shutting this off. You know this reminds me of how slow that iMac we bought that refurbished iMac with an a spinning internal drive. So we were trying to figure out the camera, that’s what we were trying to do. Then it takes so long to load things in this.

You literally forget what you’re doing. This is very strange. The selfie camera looks kind of good there’s, no Zoom there’s no. This.

I the cameras, are fake. Let’S go to the Apple website. Oh there we go, you know when a device. Is this slow, you kind of start. Second, guessing yourself did I really click on the internet browser? Oh, it’s loading. The browser isn’t responding.

Do you want to close it wait? Okay, I wanted to look at this website. This phone’s terrible I’ve never use it, but you have to use it. No! No! I did have to use the thing and boy: do we find secret lurking underneath, unlike a real, iPhone correct? Well, despite Apple’s best efforts to lock down iOS, it’s still vulnerable to spyware? Have you heard of Pegasus wor? Still it’s notoriously difficult to spot because of Apple’s sandbox restrictions. Certo anti-spyware, however, can perform a full deep scan of your iPhone by plugging it into your computer and using their desktop app. After a few minutes, any threats detected can be removed with a simple tap of the button, and now you can stay protected with CTO for even less click. The link below and get 20 % off.

Today, from the product page, it looks, looks like they’ve upgraded the iPhone since we’ve bought it, but even our old model advertised specs that meet or exceed what you’ll find on the real iPhone 14. Pro 1 TB of internal storage. Dual SIM card support a 6.7 in 1440p AMOLED display 16 GB of RAM and a very strong 6800 milliamp hours battery. These aren’t specs to scoff at and on paper make it seem like it’s worth far more than the $ 300 asking price, and yet the longer you use this phone, the more you hate it.

I put a SIM card in here intending to use it as an actual phone for a bit. That plan was quickly dashed, though, when it kept telling me there was no SIM card inserted. Did I put them in backwards or would detect the SIM card and then tell me, I have no service, no service, no service and it frequently switches between these states without any Rhyme or Reason. This is something that persisted across both slots, making it entirely useless as an actual phone, but hey it’s still got Wi-Fi, which would be great if that worked reliably. Unlike the SIM card, I could get this to connect to Wi-Fi.

It took about a dozen attempts across several networks, but it did eventually work. However, even if the shockingly unresponsive home screen decided to cooperate and launch an app, it would often show a connection, error or load indefinitely, assuming the phone hadn’t disconnected from the Wi-Fi of its own volition. By this point, you using this thing is a test of patience.

For example, I have not been able to download any apps onto the phone because the Play Store rarely loads and even when it does, it becomes so unresponsive. It’S basically useless and good luck force. Closing an app to try and get things moving again, since the navigation bar at the bottom often disappears without reason, even if you can get to the ad manager, it too will often freeze the web.

Browser works surprisingly well compared to everything else on here, though, it’s far from an ideal experience with janky scrolling and web pages awkwardly scaling. The other thing I noticed on here is that the browser, the notification shade even the settings – page look kind of old. In fact, I’d swear: this looks like Android 7, which is peculiar because this device claims that it’s running Android 12. Since I clearly can’t trust any of the claim specs I set out to test them. So, for example, I wanted to test the 1 tbte storage by copying a bunch of videos onto the drive. This is going to take forever. I can’t believe this Cable’s working, it’s it’s a big surprise.

Cuz, we’ve all month haven’t been able to get any cables to work, no matter what cable and power source we used, it wouldn’t charge or show up as a connected device. The only way we could even charge it was through a USB current tester. What we also couldn’t download any music or videos, since we can’t download any apps, we even resorted to Bluetooth File Transfer, which also failed and would have taken forever and did you catch when I said it doesn’t charge, it doesn’t charge using this charge port, but don’t Worry because the iPhone 14 pro does come with wireless charging through mag safe. I guess that means if I want to test the battery capacity, I’m going to have to do it by tearing it down. Let’S see what Mr we can uncover.

Are you able to tell me what is exactly in here? Of course I can, let’s do it. What we’re going to get is an ADB device connection. So that way we can talk to the system without listening to all the lies that it’s telling us on the there’s a lot. This is Android 6. Ah, here we go Hardware SP 7731 GAA. That is a spread Tri a what CPU so spread. Trum is a Chinese s, so men manufacturer, so it’s a quad core 1.2 GHz spread from s so yeah.

How many cores do you say this was supposed to have? I think it was was like 8 core o LCD density is not looking good 240. That seems accurate, actually well. The display is only 480 X 1014. What yep? It said.

It was more than that. I’M sure it did. That’S not 1080p. It’S not hey Brandon! What’S up, does this have an OLED screen um? No, you could see the blacks from the screen versus the phone, not nearly as dark, so I was lied to uh sure, okay, how much RAM 1 gab what of ram? It has 1 gig of RAM, but it said it had eight and the phone.

If you look, it says it has 16, you can see down at the bottom. The VM allocation total is saying 16, but it actually only has one so what’s going on with the other 15, it doesn’t exist. This phone has been so slow. It’S because it’s trying to fill up memory, it doesn’t have so what about the storage? It’S 16 GB total.

So essentially, it has the amount of storage that it claims it has in Ram correct, it’s full of lies, so I think the last thing we need to find out is the battery cuz. It says it has like a over 6,000 mAh battery. How can we do that? We take it apart, let’s get it all nice and toasty.

There is not much in this phone, it doesn’t even fill the space. They’Ve got a very large gap around the battery. Maybe that’s just in case it swells up.

Despite our best efforts, we are completely unable to unearth the truth about the battery’s capacity. Even when inputting the battery model number in Google, we got zero results. So we actually don’t know how about the battery is no safe to say this thing disappointed in pretty much every way imaginable, but the most shocking part is how much this costs it’s. What it’s $ 300 at that price? It costs far more than many budget Android phones from the likes of Samsung and Nokia and frankly, while it may look like an iPhone at a distance, I mean you could get a used real iPhone from a few years ago. For similar money and that’ll be way better, this thing is in every single way, a scam.

It is the worst knockoff product I’ve ever seen used or could even imagine and literally burning $ 300 would be more useful than buying this, probably better. For the environment too. Thanks for faking, this Mac address, if you’ve owned any knockoff products yourself give this video a like, and if you want to learn more about real products, then you might as well subscribe.

I’M curious in the comments below what knockoff products that look like Apple devices, you’ve bought and how that experience was was as bad as this. This is even worse than I could have ever imagined. .