Don’t Buy This INSANE Gadget…

Don't Buy This INSANE Gadget...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t Buy This INSANE Gadget…”.
All right, so, first stop don’t blame me for this. You need to blame Willy. Do aka hilly whoo this thing here I mean you can tell from the presentation very sketchy, but I inspected what was in this bag and I was like man that is so crazy. That might just be crazy enough for me. So let me show you what I’m talking about. Oh, my goodness, a little muzzle there. It’S called blocks Vox this strap and these earbuds.

Now this thing is crazy. It’S bananas, it’s wild! What you do with this thing. Is you strap it on your face and you, supposedly you have a private conversation in public so that the people around you can’t hear what you’re saying while you’re talking into your headset. So this is what you’re gon na look like something like this.

You can play nearly right now. I assumed you could still hear me. Wait muffled a little bit. I don’t really, of course, the tighter that you put it on man. You really got ta breathe through your nose yeah I’m gon na choked out the tighter you put it on the quieter you’re gon na sound, okay, the quads, the tighter you put this on the quieter that you will sound. Now I get it. This goes over your mouth, this thing straps on to hold it there, but then how are you talking? There’S no microphone in here right, there’s a little mesh area over on the side right there. It’S the size of your microphone piece on a generic, straightforward headset like this one, there’s a little slit on the outside, and this inserts into there like that. So now you have access to the mic, and then this goes up into your ear. I’M gon na talk to will I’m gon na try to talk to? Will I’m gon na try to call will through this and we’re gon na listen to what it sounds like? He didn’t tell us if it makes any sense or if this is the most ridiculous big to ever come through unbox therapy HQ you’re gon na look a little bit insane, obviously wearing this in public Jack.

Don't Buy This INSANE Gadget...

You can’t pull it off, but guy, like you, oh man. Oh, my goodness, this is already it’s doing really bad right now tighten this up a bit here. Can anyone hear me right now? You guys can hear me right now. Oh man, this is uncomfortable.

Don't Buy This INSANE Gadget...

This is weird. Can you still hear me right now? You can boy from this volume ventilating, you anything I’d, say okay well get over here. We need you, brother who’s, not comfortable. Take this off. For that, oh, my goodness, this is rock hey. Are you sound good? You sound pretty clear yeah! I mean it’s not that I can fully hear you there’s no muffling there yeah it’s it’s a bit weird, though, because I can hear you clearly hear what you’re you know hear it’s like a low-end situation.

Don't Buy This INSANE Gadget...

What’S that I mean it does work. No! No. This is this is what you did to me. I think the truth about this is that wills trying to muzzle me and here in my crotchety old tones, yes, sometimes well, that’s rude. First of all tell the people the truth. It’S a little ridiculous. Looking try it on here! You go her. Oh yeah! No! Try it on. I don’t care, you take it off, take it all in! Oh, that’s! Your whole story right there. It’S really! This is not possible. This is not a thing. Do you want to see a future in which people are walking around is on there? No, no, it kind of works. If you want to mumble yeah, it is what it is. I guess I mean you’re shaking your head: should people go and buy this thing? Yes or no will? Oh man, you go for the others, but no, I would say no exactly you roll up into the Starbucks with this they’re seriously gon na wonder what you’re about, even if this thing worked perfectly just the appearance of it alone.

It’S so catastrophic yeah so offensive yeah that it cannot possibly exist. You would, if you would need to have a private conversation so badly in a public place to justify ever reaching. For this thing, this is a disaster I mean we’re cyborgs, the whole strapped is uh. Very this is gon na be forever associated with Willie.

Do are you happy, but is your identity now Willie do well? Yes, he believes this is the future. He put this thing in front of me. He ruined my day and also ruined yours all right, so there it is .