Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?

Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?”.
Thanks to Tim for sponsoring this video, so what’s the next big thing for Apple foldable, iPhone, hey, I’m Jason Chen! This is the new iPhone. This was the biggest leak in phone history. Seeing a new iPhone before it was released was a rare sight at the time, with an Apple employee accidentally left a prototype of the new iPhone at a bar top secret iPhone prototype. Stop me if you’ve already seen this, but now leaks, are a dime, a dozen there’s, so many of them and sorting through each leak in each rumor can be daunting.

Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?

It’S the different worlds now than it was back then so when these leaks do eventually become public and they’re dead on and almost 100 % accurate kind of begs the question: how did that happen? This is John Prosser from front page. Tech he’s got a Daily News. Tech shows been hosting for years and he just recently become one of the most prominent Apple leakers on the planet, with an almost impeccable track record, and he also happens to be your friend of mine. So I wanted to sit down with him. Ask him a few questions find out what goes in to these leaks and how he’s managed to be so accurate, there’s a story there about how somebody can go from no history of leaking whatsoever to being one of the most prominent leaguers from a company.

Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?

That’S and totally secret in the world. What’S going on John hey, you weren’t, always a leaker you’ve been at this game for many many many years, but how did you go from sort of like reporter tech news to getting into into leaks like how did that process? Come about accident, I feel like it was an accident I just so. I believed some pixel stuff here and there before, which is fine, that’s cool. It really started, though, with Samsung stuff like earlier last year. I think when it was for the s20 and s20 ultra somebody just reached out to me a source for t-mobile and was like hey, I have prices on the stuff. If you wanted it, I was like okay, along with those prices I got like some. I got. I published the first pictures of the s20 and s20 ultra and then the event came on.

They went on stage, they announced the prices and it was the same prices I tweeted and but I saw them on stage and I was like man that is a that. Is a cool feeling they’re like wait, we told the future and it that’s what started. I was like I like this. I want to do more of this, so I just made myself more accessible. I didn’t have any goal of which leaks I was gon na get.

I just said: hey, you know you there’s a lot of people watching my show front page tech, there’s probably a lot of you that work at these companies. If you want to get a hold of me, here’s how and I opened up like a telegram – a signal stuff like that opened up my Twitter DMS and that’s what started it. People have been reaching out since then.

It just so happened to be really great people really great contacts, mainly from Apple. Of course, I get other leaks too, but obviously we put a focus on Apple because, if you’re getting Apple leaks, why not? If I have a leak, I try to verify it with. Like three different sources at the time, I was new to it and didn’t have any other sources.

That guy was the only person I had and so instead of vetting the leak. I vetted him as a person so, and I it’s kind of hard to do that now, like what the people that come to me with information, I can’t demand that they show me who they are so now it’s more about vetting the information, but then for the Samsung leak, I vetted the person and you know he proved his position in the company and so based on his position. I trusted him and his information and then eventually, like I think, a few days later, I got the same information from a source within Samsung that matched his so that one was more like I had to vet the person more than the info.

I think it’s almost better than not know names that somebody who got sued years ago to reveal a sources name like it’s, the less you know, yeah like I have my sources are named chocolate. Something weird: are you concerned about the legal side which, even if you’d have legal you’re doing nothing wrong your serve going head-to-head against companies with very deep pockets? I mean luckily for me for us, we live in the u.s. and freedom of the press is a thing. The only issue that I have fallen into is that so I’m aware of an investigation, that’s happening against me internally at Apple, I’m aware of that, because I have sources that are parked with the investigation that, like relay information to me and of course apples first instinct, Is to go after my sources and try to figure out who they are, because if they stop the flow of information, they won’t even get to me in the first place and really their beef and their issue is with the people giving me the information. Not necessarily me, but there they’ve attempted to build a case against me by classifying me not as pressed because I’m just a YouTube person, and so that’s what they that’s. What they’ve been trying to do is sort of prove that I’m not traditional press.

Does Jon Prosser hack Apple?

So I don’t count, I don’t fall under that category. It hasn’t been working out as well as just trying to figure out where the where the sources are so far. I haven’t personally compromised the source or got anybody caught.

No one’s left me or stopped working with me. We’Ve slowed down here and there, but even that’s tricky, because you don’t want to slow down too fast, because then it’s obvious like, if Apple’s paying attention to all the people and somebody just stops giving out information. It’S kind of like that’s sort of a dead giveaway, so it’s kind of a fine dance between Apple and I between me trying not to get my people caught and them trying to catch.

The people done some tricky things where I know they had given a group of people like a slight raise and – and this has happened to multiple divisions, not just like a source with me. They’Ve one of the plans was to give some people a raise and then those people were supposed to come to me. None of my sources got a raise. They were supposed to come to me and be like hey. I got during the pandemic. I got this. I got a raise the apples, so good, they’re being such a great company when in reality was a slight raise to the people, and but it’s just like it’s slay things like that that I have to be on the lookout for that they’re they’re, just they’re they’re. Actually real sneaky about it so, and I can’t it’s hard to outsmart apples, you just kind of sort of got to be like on the lookout and be like okay yeah. That seems weird for that information didn’t need to get out, and that’s probably them trying to you know, track down sources.

I know a lot of people think that you know. Maybe some employees are just disgruntled employees who are mad at the company and that’s why they want to share information, but actually most of my sources, if not all of them are just really excited about what Apple’s working on and want to sort of stick up for Them in the world of, like you, know, art the tech crowd around us being, like Apple, doesn’t innovate anymore. So a lot of people are just excited about what they’re working on and like to share it. I’M gon na take a quick break and I want to issue a challenge to you: go to your phone and check how much mobile data you’re using, and I would bet that you are using way less than that. Probably a limited plan you are paying for and if you are using way less data, then you are just giving money to the cell carriers and while your second home, we might want to consider switching carriers to ting and it’s not a prepaid service you’re paying for What you are using and while money is tight for a lot of people right now, you can get a cell phone plan for less than $ 20 a month and you can scale up or scale down you’re paying for what you’re using so you’re gon na get The same Sun that were used to they’re running on Verizon, Sprint and t-mobile. It’S super easy to: do you go online, they send you a SIM card, you put your SIM card in and that’s really it switching carriers is not a complex saying and of course you keep your phone number and you keep your phone. So if you want to check it out – and I really think you should go to John ting comm – you can check your phone to make sure it’s compatible.

It’Ll work with most cell phones, but also they give you 25 dollars in credits which, depending on how much data is that to use, will cover you for almost a month, so you’re getting pretty much a month of service for free. That’S a really good deal. So save some money check out John King comm, but we’ll also link to it down below. So the whole interview with John was over 30 minutes. If you guys want to watch the entire interview – and there was a bunch of really good stuff that we had to leave out just for time, I’ll link down below, we can watch the entire thing over on the Apple Circle. How do you sort through these leaks and whether or not you think they’re believable or not with you know you them trying to trick you in a company who’s, the Capel’s, I’m pretty forward-thinking with they with his game they’ve been involved in it for a while, with The week right well, it’s got.

It worries me a lot, because when it, when I first started it was just people trying to trick me because they wanted. It was just fans that wanted to have a conversation with me, and so they would trick me with information or try to trick me with information. I’Ve gotten like 10 minutes into a conversation before I realized. Oh, this person actually doesn’t know anything.

So it’s gone from fans trying to trick me to Apple literally sending people my way to try to trick me and so again, that’s where verifying that information with multiple sources comes from to try to be careful. That way, do you think Apple or other companies? Do this intentionally, like you, think that they leak things intentionally? No, maybe other companies do like. I know Samsung is sort of infamous for leaking their own stuff on their own website like a week before an event. I highly doubt that Apple wants it, though, especially with how secretive they are and how much, how much resource they put into global security yeah and the investigations like this.

I I don’t. I highly doubt that any leaks that I know that’s a common thing. It’S a nice conspiracy theory, but they don’t want leaks to get out. Has there been anything that you’ve that you’ve leaked that you regret sharing like it? Just wasn’t worth it.

It was right, but it wasn’t worth it a couple things one I leaked. I posted a keynote and it was up for maybe 10 minutes on Twitter. I posted a keynote of the iPad pro 2020. It was it’s made for internal use, only it’s stuff that you could have seen for yourself on the website.

I put that down because I actually got a cease-and-desist for that one from Apple themselves like minutes after I tweeted it, and that was silly and dumb and didn’t need to be posted, and I was cocky about that. Shouldn’T have been but there’s another thing. My Apple is: phasing out, beats tweet. You remember that one. I regret that one, not because it’s wrong it’s right, but I regret that one because of how many times I’ve had to explain what I’m mean by that, and it’s just like constantly explaining what phasing out a product line means like this is a long term down The road years from now thing not like hey, you shouldn’t, buy beets right now, because they’re gon na be gone.

So what’s the next big thing from Apple foldable iPhone, that’s the next story, I’m working on! Yet really I’m sorry! I don’t want taking exclusives, but can you share anything about this? Okay, here’s an exclusive, the foldable iPhone, isn’t foldable it’s there. It’S two displays, so it’s like we’re the galaxy fault. I can’t believe I’m just like dropping this.

The galaxy fold is, you know: it’s one display panel that actually folds the foldable iPhone isn’t so similar to what Microsoft is doing. Maybe two displays kind of like that yeah. Is there a time frame where they’re just working on prototypes and wasn’t ready, ready, yeah, just prototyping? I have no idea, you know the time frame for it, but that was like I’ve been sitting on that information for like three weeks, because I’m just like. No, that doesn’t make any sense and no one’s gon na believe me, but I’ve heard it from two people, but usually you know before I report it. I get it from three people, yeah, so affordable, iPhone, I’m sure they’re working on one. That is, you know one continuous panel, but at least you know, maybe the first one is what we’re looking at the prototyping is literally to display panels. Is there anything else that you want to share about the life of of a leaker or or anything? It’S a lot more stressful than I thought. The first big thing that I needed to land was the iPhone se date, because no one had for a surprise press release.

People have been like new Apple products this month or this week, but no one has been almost like. You know the month prior been saying. This is the date that this surprise press release is gon na come out, and then it happened. A lot of people assume that I’m making this up and that you know this is just for my short 15 minutes of fame, without realizing that I have been doing this.

The same thing you’ve been watching for like eight years and be really dumb for me to throw it all away for some fake Apple leaks. You know eight years later, but this is one of those things where I knew I wasn’t making it up. I was confident the information, but when the day came I was like I was losing my mind. I know that I play a character online. You know on the show and on Twitter, but really behind the scenes. It’S insanely stressful one of the most stressful things ever that the 15th April 15th was the day yes II came out was the most stressful day of my career. I haven’t posted in two weeks because of the pressure that I feel after we released the Apple glass story. There was a lot of controversy over that episode and I there’s just a lot of pressure involved that makes it it almost makes it hard to follow up or come back with another episode, pretending like everything just back to normal. So if there’s one thing about this sort of thing, that most people don’t see, especially from me, because I’m playing a character online, that seems way more confident in cocky. There’S a lot of stress and pressure buying the scenes to protect the sources, but also give people enough information, that’s believable, and that you know at the end of the day, helps my track record when it. You know it comes true eventually, John. Thank you man for for taking the time.

Oh of course, thanks for having me this was fun. Where can all everybody know where they can find you, but where’s people go when they want to get information on the latest things from Apple and from everything? John Prosser? Oh, you can just find me on Twitter, John Prosser. You could Google me then find my Twitter and the YouTube channel front page tech is, is my tech news show and that’s it? Thank you.

Matt be there. Thank You Man. Thanks for having me dude .