Does it Suck? – $15 Amazon Headphones

Does it Suck? - $15 Amazon Headphones

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Does it Suck? – $15 Amazon Headphones”.
Airplane …, What’s up guys. Lew here back with another video, and it is another installment- -in the new hot new series: -‘Does it Suck ?’ Hot off the presses, … Hot, like pizza, …, The Amazon Basics, on-ear headphones They’re about 14 dollars and they come in this Frustration, free packaging., Certified frustration-free., I’m already frustrated reading that. Guys know.

The whole purpose of this show is to look at items that are a little bit less expensive are reviewed well on Amazon that that you might have questions about. You may be sitting there looking at the product page and wondering. Are these things any good for $ 14? I know I’m a little bit skeptical.. You probably are too, but that’s what this series is for. So let’s do it, as you can tell.

This is AmazonBasics. Basic., So I suppose the idea here with $ 14 headphones. You just need something simple: to replace, possibly a pair that you lost, or maybe the pre-included headphones like say these earbuds, Maybe that fourteen dollars to buy a gift for somebody or $ 14 to buy a gift for yourself. Now inside the box. It is super simple. Couple of plastic bags.. They are recyclable.

Little bit of protective stuff here they look: ok, 3.5 millimeter, headphone, jack., No microphone or anything. But hey! Listen! That’S ok.! This big sticker here., Not a huge fan of it., Came off pretty easily., Alright Good. For you, Amazon, I’m not frustrated yet.. You don’t want to see me frustrated. Such a puny.

Little knife Headphones. Little neoprene, padding on the top. Matte black., Fairly cushiony earpads here and let’s go ahead and try them on. So it’s an on-ear style..

Oh there’s also a carrying case., Pretty sure you guys saw that. Without even plugging in any music. The isolation is pretty good, but the proof is in the pudding as they say..

Let’S find out exactly what kind of noise these make 14 dollars. …. Alright, Most surprising part the low end.

I think you guys can hear it there.. I hope so coming up close to the microphone.. Ok, now, I’m not usually a huge fan of on-ear style.

Does it Suck? - $15 Amazon Headphones

Headphones. I-I would normally take an around the ear style instead, but for what they are. This is surprising..

Does it Suck? - $15 Amazon Headphones

These are legit.. This is a legit headset They’re simple. This is-this is (, knocks ) plastic.. The sound is certainly an improvement over standard little ear, pods like this..

I’M gon na just refresh my memory right now real quick.. Now it might not be a fair comparison.. These are free, headphones and they’re in-ear style. It’S a harsher kind of … crunchiness. I’M gon na switch back right now, just to keep it fresh.

It’S night and day-night and day really-Uh-if you’re. Looking for, I don’t know the most basic Amazon basic upgrade to your audio. These are good value for 14. Bucks-Uh-These are certainly not throw away headphones. Check, em out., I don’t know they don’t suck.

No way They do not. Suck., I like being surprised here, on’Does it Suck ?’, and I really had low expectations for $ 14 headphones, but they’re legit. There you have it I’ll drop a link in the description if you wan na check out pricing and availability on them..

Thank you very much for watching.. If guys enjoyed this content, make sure to leave a thumbs up down below and if you’re living in ear bud purgatory and you wan na step the game up, but just a little bit. This is worth trying Basic stuff, not so basic sound.. Alright, later guys, .