Does Intel’s AV1 Encoding Matter?

Does Intel's AV1 Encoding Matter?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Does Intel’s AV1 Encoding Matter?”.
Um anyway, I love this stuff. So one of the things that I wanted to know was, can I expect an improvement in this kind of Technology with the encode and decode engine that you guys have built into Arc a hundred percent? Obviously I mean we’ve already talked that we support native av1 encode for the first time yeah. So what’s the advantage of av1 talk to me like I’m five, okay, ab1, because I still make mistakes about Ram bandwidth and latency, so I’m clearly put in your place. I did yeah it’s true.

Does Intel's AV1 Encoding Matter?

Uh AP1 is a Next Generation codec standard, so it basically reduces the bandwidth required for a high quality upload. And so, if you encode to av1 you can you can kind of either push more bits of quality up to the cloud. So you can have a higher quality, uh stream or you can reduce the bandwidth and kind of maybe reduce some of the Jitter reduce some of the stutter and it’s smaller file sizes, if you’re, if you’re recording locally so av1, is sort of like the future of What is encoding going to look like, and it’s supported, natively in Hardware on all of our gpus now, when you say supported natively in Hardware, yes, think! That’S something that a lot of people don’t understand is just because you have Hardware support for encoding uh in a particular manner. That doesn’t mean that your quality is as good as if you were to do it through software. So – and it also doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be fast enough for a real-time application like game streaming yeah.

Is it that good? It is great okay, it is great and you’re going to get to test it right, you’re, going to you’re you’re going to basically yeah, so there’s no point lying yeah I mean, I think it’s great. It’S actually you guys remember quick. Sync right, quick Sync has been awesome for forever and this is using a lot of the similar media technology. But quick sync hasn’t seen the kind of support that we’ve seen for other encoders.

Does Intel's AV1 Encoding Matter?

How why do you got? Why do you guys suck at propagating quick sync, like I remember, we’d, get these benchmarks in these like weird Chinese, like DVD authoring, Suites and we’d, be like amazing, and then it takes Apple to go and popularize the concept of Hardware encoding, accelerating you know: mainstream applications Like Final Cut and all of a sudden, everyone goes wow. This is a great idea. Why did Intel sucks so much at communicating the importance of fixing? You know it’s hard to put a name on it.

Does Intel's AV1 Encoding Matter?

I blame Ryan, why that doesn’t mean? I can’t blame Ryan. It’S funny come on, it’s sure, uh. You know I, I think what it comes down to is like it’s all about software, enabling developer relations.

All that and Intel has. I also like an unparalleled infrastructure for that. The the problem – I I think, is that um there are some complexities of things.

Quick sync wasn’t always turned on by default. When you did a when you made a desktop system right, your integrated Graphics gets turned off and and developers don’t they’re like well. If I’m not there, why am I working on this project? If that’s not the case right and I remember, we had very specific discussions as we were launching uh, uh, 10th or 11th gen about the we were you know, quick sync is super important. We need to tell motherboard vendors you need to leave.

The default cannot be off anymore. The default needs to be the integrated graphic stays on, because that’s what enables the media engines to be accessible and there’s no good reason to have it off years and years ago. You might make the case that it was, you know, compatibility multiple drivers, yeah yeah, but like when Windows handles multiple vendor drivers all the time. So if you had an Nvidia or Radeon card, you could still have it all work and it’s all well integrated or an art card someday soon and that, but now, when you do that, when you have an arc card right, you get you we can take advantage Of both engines right so I know Raja – has talked about it a little bit. We haven’t talked about it recently, but we have uh.

I think it’s called stream assist, which is an idea that if you have an arc card in your system – and you have a a CPU with integrated Graphics, you can actually use the integrated Graphics, quick, sync and code engine to handle all the encode operations. That’S a big problem actually, particularly when you’re running very demanding games, like you’ve, probably run into this. You stream, so yeah uh nvank is amazing. It’S uh outstanding. It’S been the industry leader for basically, since it was implemented yeah, but when you’re playing a heavy game and you’re trying to encode, you can sometimes run into issues where either the encoder will get overloaded or you will drop significant frames and a lot of games. These days, we’ve moved away from rts’s for the most part, so a lot of games these days are GPU bound, not CPU bound. So you run into that a lot. That’S actually a pretty cool idea and might be the first genuine example of someone trying to marry, integrated and discrete graphics, trying over and over and over and over again. So there’s a whole collection of technologies that we have called Deep link. Yes, and I think, we’ve described deep link a little bit, but it’s the concept of how can we use all the power of that integrated CPU, which has graphics and now connect arc graphics to it? What are the leverages there and there’s lots of them right, and it’s going to become very, very common, that you’ll see features on Arc that are only activated when it’s coupled with an Intel CPU, it’s going to be very extreme assist, is one of those and then Um uh, like hyper hyperincode hyperin code, uses the the uh, the encode engines on the integrated and the encode engines on the discrete arc graphics, and it will.

I think I think you know 60 something like that. Right now. Tell me something: is there a technical limitation that would prevent this quick sync assist from working with an Nvidia or an AMD card, because in my humble opinion it would be a good guy move and it would be extremely positive press for Intel, free, open standard style To to get some mind share and some awareness within the streaming Community, which, by the way is really influential, I mean a great example of this – is the recently defunct Artesian builds, which I had never even heard of. I had no idea, they existed until they screwed over a small streamer with a prize went absolutely Supernova, uh Steve from Gamer’s Nexus actually talked. I saw it a lot about Artesian, builds and and – and we all discovered that they were actually running an enormous operation, what they have like 40 employees, 60 employees, or something like that.

Apparently I don’t know the the last video is something a 20 million dollar business. Yeah, like they were running this enormous operation, their only way they Market it, as far as I could tell, was streaming building machines and then sponsoring as many tiny streamers as they could with these with these gaming Rigs and and they turned it into this enormous freaking Business, so if I can, if I can put pressure on you guys in a very public forum, uh we’ve got almost 20 000 people watching right now by the way say: hi, hi, 20. 000 people.

Thank you guys very much for tuning in. I would like to see Intel try to take a very open approach to their technology, because if I was a streamer and all I ever knew was GeForce or all I ever knew was Radeon, Which is less common in the streaming space because of nbank. If all of a sudden, you guys were to get your foot in the door and go hey, you probably already have an Intel CPU. We have this really great feature that you’re going to like that is going to save you from those encoding overload errors.

It’S going to save you from any kind of kind of FPS drop when you’re uh when you’re running a particularly demanding game, um all of a sudden they’re sitting there going. Okay, I’m using this Intel branded technology. It’S helping me with my game streaming and I think in terms of Mind share that could be extremely helpful.

I think that’s a fair point. Let us go look at that and I actually I’m not going to say it already, but I think it may may work, but I I think we need to go look at it because, what’s I think happening is most of those gpus are turned off in the Bias but uh, but we can take it and go. Look I’ll. Give you an update. Okay, yeah.

I mean it’s just it’s one of those things where I’m thinking about this, not from an Intel needs to Market better standpoint, necessarily, that’s my pitch to you guys, but from that hey, I want technology to work better, yeah standpoint. It’S it’s a very fair request. It is, and and and and yeah and – and you know what honestly there’s nothing that offends me more than being treated like I’m, not a good enough customer um when I bought my airpods Pro Apple basically said: well, you you don’t need a battery meter. You have an Android, I saw you reaching for it, you don’t need to you, don’t need to be able to update your firmware because you didn’t buy enough Apple products. You can only update your firmware with this thing with an iPhone. Is that right? That is correct.

You cannot update the firmware by plugging in a lightning port and plugging it into a PC through iTunes or whatever. They did not create a way to do that, and they did that because I am not worthy enough. I didn’t buy enough Apple products and I don’t like it. I think it’s arrogant and I think it’s extremely anti-consuming to move back from Apple uh. I think you’re worthy. I want you to know that I think you’re worthy yeah yeah, your whole family loves you yes and gosh darn it people like me, there’s an old reference.

Uh three pin power, connector three pin connector next to the power connectors uh! Yes, uh! Are you able to talk about that yeah? It’S fine, this three pin connector on the card is the. Can you show it to the table? Uh? Maybe not really, there’s a small three pin. That is the USB connection to uh control the rgbs yeah. So it will come with actually here it will come with this cable right that connects there.

Now I noticed it’s a super weird USB USB header yeah. It doesn’t have all four pins in it. You don’t need four really yeah, because the card is already gone. We’Re talking about power, yeah yeah, I’ve never seen anybody do that, though, even on a powered device.

That is a super weird. If it is we’re weird we’re dudes man we’re weird dudes, we do weird things get used to it. I’M smart enough! People, like me, dammit, the quote, the quote was close: .