Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality

Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality”.
In other news, yet another Telehealth company has leaked patient data, yeah, speaking of which um according to a filing with the U.S government online therapy service cerebral accidentally leaked the information of over 3.1 million U.S patients. How do they even have 3.1 million okay? It doesn’t matter with third-party advertisers and social media companies through tracking pixels embedded in their code. Leaked information, included, patient names, phone numbers, email addresses dates of birth, IP address, cerebral, cerebral, client, ID number, demographic information appointment dates. It gets worse prescribed treatments, oh God, answers to self-screening assessments and insurance details, so pretty much everything everything every possible thing in addition to its legally mandated filing to the federal government, cerebral posted, a notification of the breach to its customers at the bottom of its website. Two weeks ago, fellow Mental Health Service, better help was ordered to pay 7.8 million dollars in Damages not enough money for mishandling patient information, including allowing third parties to use data for research purposes yeah. They should have just been like destroyed for that last month. Online pharmacy GoodRx was fined 1.5 million and ordered to stop sharing patient data with advertisers, which it had apparently been doing for years. Our discussion questions. Oh delightful. When you meet our Wan show writer you can you can remind this individual that um they are delightfully naive.

Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality

Sometimes I no, I think the discussion question is just to to help Kickstart us not something that they’re actually asking our discussion question is you would expect companies dealing with sensitive medical data to be particularly attentive to the issue of privacy? Why aren’t they? It’S actually a interesting question to a certain degree. It is. It is an interesting question, at least in the states, there’s HIPAA health, insurance, portability and accountability act, and one of the things that I just thought about this, because I found my original application to work with Linus yesterday and hilarious cringed the entire way through it.

It’S really brutal, that’s amazing! Everyone yeah, it actually is um, especially by you, because the amount of writing issues was like. I mean it’s worse than now and now it’s bad so uh what you can take from that, whatever you want um I mean you did, lie and say that you had skills you didn’t have so I was sort of misled there. There was that worked out. Uh. Don’T do that um, but one of the I mentioned like doing Tech stuff in a little company that I ran. One of the people that I worked with was uh a doctor and whatever the Canadian version of this is, I had to do a bunch of security stuff for them, yeah to secure their data so that they were in compliance yep and it was like they were Really intense about it, this had to be very careful.

This was one of this was a single individual yeah, and it was one of my biggest contracts that I had because of the amount of work that it required and like they were doing like small office. I.T work and stuff like that setting up Nazis and yeah like it was mostly like uh uh, like legal shops, that just needed like a lot of documentation on things and like we can’t lose this. If a fire happens basically um like if a fire happens, we lose our entire business.

So we need to make sure this is okay. It was like that type of work. It was actually kind of interesting um, but yeah like this stuff exists.

Canada has this: the U.S has this um, I don’t know if it applies to these companies or I don’t know if it’s like enforced heavily enough, because in my opinion, when this thing exists, uh – and it says like a a – it – is a U.S federal law that Governs the privacy and security of personal health information, so if that thing exists and then like better help, has to pay 7.8 million dollars in Damages for mishandling patient information allowing third parties to use data for research purposes, how is it only that much? I love that better health was especially like mental health, which in a way, tells you a lot more about someone from an advertising profile perspective than like and well and there’s a lot of stuff with therapy where, like you’re, you’re, sharing information shoulder or whatever yeah. Like that’s the thing right, you’re sharing stuff in confidence too. Well, that’s the idea, like an intense level of confidence, yeah, like I’m pretty sure, actually more than any other realm like in society almost or is it doctors or something? No, I would say your therapist is probably the person you are more likely to share honestly, because the people who are going to therapy I mean, I would say, for the most part, probably want it to achieve something, and I’m again pretty sure everyone knows that if You are not honest with a therapist you’re not going to get good therapy right yeah, so it’s kind of like um, it’s like uh. I remember finding out this was this was interesting a while back that, apparently dating sites have way more accurate information than pretty much any other method of pulling people or or finding it, because paid profiles on these sites only exist when people are honestly earnestly looking for Someone who is like them and they will fill them out, apparently super super truthfully compared to just about any other method of inputting data, about yourself at least on the internet, and I forget what the advantage was that helped someone. It was like Plenty of Fish or someone to like just sort of Leverage it in a way that allowed them to grow their business enormously because they like own everyone. Now I think yeah and and that’s why the matching is so spookily accurate.

Sometimes I mean I’m sure you know people have gotten bad matches, but um there was this. There was this time when it was really really awful and then extremely quickly. It like got way better because they figured this out or something like that. Yeah yeah, the mental health, one is brutal round pie and Float playing chat goes like.

Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality

Oh, you have depression. Here’S some ads that prey on people like you like right, because now the ad industry is woefully under regulated. We’Ve talked about this on the main show before there is billions of dollars a year and people currently pursuing master’s degrees in order to work in the field of making sure that they can manipulate how you live your life in regards to how you use apps and Websites and different things like that, that is genuinely a thing. So when you start feeding that group information that is expected to be private and is about your mental health or or other potential things going on, that’s like as dangerous. In my opinion, it’s legitimately dangerous. That’S not even an opinion, I don’t think I think we can.

Doctor Advertiser Confidentiality

I think we can say that that is fact yeah. I don’t know, don’t like it, don’t like. It always felt icky about about that kind of stuff. You know but, and the amount of like gambling advertisement – that’s going on these days. Oh yeah, it’s crazy yeah that ruins the heck out of a lot of lives.

Yeah I’ve told you this story. I think before I used to work at a place called the Canada Bread Factory, I think you can maybe put together what we used to make there um Canada, oh yeah, the whole country yeah manufactured there uh it was common, relatively close to a casino. It was I’ll, say, okay, I’ll, say not uncommon, for people to come back into work after like a weekend or something and be desperately begging for overtime because they blew their rent at a casino and they don’t want to get kicked out.

And I’m like man, you knew you knew while you were there. I know this person, I am 100 certain. They knew what they were putting on the table or whatever it was, was money that they needed for rent and if they lost, they were screwed, and they still did it like that’s, oh, it’s so brutal one of our float plane.

Uh Chatters says the number of ads I get for depression studies and ketamine therapy is wild and I’ve never even done more than click on a better help. Ad .