Do I Want the NCIX Domain?

Do I Want the NCIX Domain?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Do I Want the NCIX Domain?”.
Uh, so the domain expires um January 29th. Really I don’t know if you knew that. Oh, maybe I just shouldn’t, say anything, then I’m sure they’ll renew it’s probably set up on auto, probably yeah, because so my understanding is, it’s actually still owned by the owner of NCIX. How that happened through the bankruptcy wait.

I have no idea, not whoa yeah. I mean like, like dumped the IP out of the company and then held that personally in a company that the creditors somehow were not able to access whoa yeah. So I I theoretically yeah it’s a text message away: yeah like I’ve. I’Ve got them on WhatsApp and WeChat or whatever so like. Theoretically, I could make an offer.

I mean, theoretically, anyone could make an offer by all means, go, go ahead and like bid, but it’s dumb, because if it’s not cheap, I’m just not gon na, buy it and then you’re gon na buy it and do what nothing yeah exactly so it’s like. I’M honestly not worried about someone coming in and trying to snipe it, because this is more just like idle idle Theory crafting. Oh, wouldn’t it be funny if, like April fools or something like that, we redirected every uh every request yeah before now, under forums. You know we try to we’ve gone full circle, boys.

We try to like not not too aggressively, but we do a mild skin to make it somewhat look like the insects forums from back in the day, it’s like, like four people, get the joke. That would be sick, cam would get the joke. Deathhawk would get the joke. Okay, [, Laughter, ], Sky MTL would get the chance yeah yeah there’s a handful of cool people who would get it so I would be down.

I would be super down uh, but that was what got me thinking about it was we were talking about alternate ideas for an that could make it. You know a bigger experience and one of them was of course. Well. You know computer hardware, retail like why. Why wouldn’t we, and so I was like benefit well, you know what would that look like We’ve joked about it so much over the years, but like do I go from working at, making videos on the side to making videos and running yeah, because, like I, the more I sit here, thinking about it, the more I like the making the dream area to hang out for younger Linus like if, if you had like funnels yeah and like other stuff, so that if someone wanted to do water, cooling, setup yeah, some of The two like getting into Cutters is a little sketchy but like um, maybe they signed something I don’t know, but like tube Cutters and funnels and all these little type of things, so they could get into like water cooling more easily.

Um yeah like some like a like a maker space but specifically for like PC, Building and water, cooling and stuff yeah. That would be super awesome, be pretty sweet. I feel like that would be a very different um building zoning code.

You know than retail, so that might be a completely different okay, if retail is also there. Well, it depends. It depends if the city’s okay, okay, because retail retail zoning is much more expensive than what and like a Makerspace sounds like it’d, be more like a commercial or not not a commercial, more like something you could do in an industrial zoning, because it all comes down To like access and parking, and you know making sure that cities are laid out in sort of a sensible manner, so you don’t just have like you, know, Walmart and then like uh, you know go-kart place and then like an apartment and they’re just like what is This neighborhood – I don’t even understand you know so you have like shopping centers and yeah, yeah and stuff like that right and Industrial zones uh on the one.

Do I Want the NCIX Domain?

Okay, I I see it both ways: al dante over in float plane chat, says zoning is stupid. You’Re 100 right zoning is an artificial construct that is designed to um favor certain Lando landowners and disadvantage. Others uh, especially uh prospective landowners when it comes to residential zoning.

Do I Want the NCIX Domain?

It’S it’s extremely frustrating the amount of nimbyism that is preventing areas like my hometown, of Vancouver from building enough freaking housing, even though there is plenty of land we are built. I forget what the terminology is we’re built out, but we are not built up yeah, but there’s a ton of of uh resistance to building up that is making it frustratingly difficult for anyone, gen Millennial or below yeah, to actually get into the housing market we uh. I I will give no further context to this, because I think it’ll be funny that way, not because there’s any other actual reason uh, but my team and I were recently in a float plane over Vancouver looking down on Vancouver, and one of my main thoughts was Like what the hell, what is going on here, like there’s, there’s gigantic Tower and like right near the water City Center, all that type stuff, there’s huge Tower and then a bunch of single-story buildings. It’S like how does that possibly make any sense. Houston is apparently uh. Zoning free and there’s good things about it, because it means better flexibility. I guess, but people are talking about like yeah, you could theoretically have a chemical plant yeah right next to a residential area. That’S all wacky! So I see both sides is what I’m trying to say: yeah yeah yeah back to, though what would we do with it yeah my my idea before the show was just the like any time we basically needed a meme domain, you just like throw it as A slash or subdomain on uh, like a conversation that came up when we did, those pop-ups was where do we put the like CAD store because we needed a cad store just for the pop-ups cat is in Canadian dollar um, and I don’t even remember what We ended up using, I think it was like LTD or something, but we could have just used that which had been pretty funny. Um flow plane chat, wants the lab to be called NCIS labs that’d be hilarious. That would actually be pretty funny.

Do I Want the NCIX Domain?

Yeah, I mean that’s, that’s kind of that’s kind of a cool idea once again, it’s something that I don’t think has any value to anyone except me, so I’m not too worried about getting into a bidding war over it. But like I that’s the thing I’d have to find if it was just a meme, it’s a four-letter domain like it is going to cost over ten thousand dollars like this is a significant outlay, no matter how we slice it at this point um. So I would have to have a justification for it other than like April Fool’s one year. You know yeah and if it was the labs website yeah I could I could get behind that. I don’t know what it would.

I don’t know what it would uh stand for. I’Ve been sitting here trying to think of that Network. Computer interface X, Labs or I don’t know because yeah then you’d want labs in the in the domain, and I wouldn’t want to do that. That’S that’s stupid. Do you want labs in the domain? It doesn’t matter if it was part of the actual name name then yeah.

I I think I would so I don’t think yeah. I don’t think I would do that and besides, if I were to do that, then I would have to acquire the trademark anyway. Even if someone owned mcix Labs uh, they would be, they would have a hard time defending it. I think if I try to remove my memory of it being a computer store, it still sounds kind of technical and cix.

It’S like yeah. Well, I mean, I think it’s I I think we’d have to hear from other people like. Do you guys think sounds technological, I’m especially interested uh Europeans yeah people who didn’t necessarily know what it was like people who are Watchers since way after that? Basically, but I mean maybe that doesn’t matter, maybe maybe through our presence and and and YouTube and everything, maybe we created an association with technology yeah, a lot of people. Okay, people are talking about NCIS. That show I remember occasionally I would meet people and say I worked at NCIX and they’d, be like whoa. You work in TV, not yet.

Okay, yeah! I don’t want you. I don’t watch enough TV, so I didn’t really put that together, but that makes sense. How do I do polls again dang it? I can’t remember it’s just right: it’s here, yeah yeah. I found it. Okay, I’m gon na do a float plane, pull, does NCIX sound, techie, um, yes, no and just for fun. Just for fun.

Okay, throwback throwback option: we’re gon na do a five minute pull here all right, so someone said not completely intentional experiments, um, that’s not bad, that’s not bad yep Network, computer interface, Etc. Oh no, that was the thing I said. Turnip makes a return. Yeah just show the results.

Okay, what are we looking at here? Does NCIX sound techie 55, say yes, 10, say no and 35 percent vote for turnip I mean it often is the best option. It is yeah. I do I will admit I. I voted for turnip dang, it Luke you’re not supposed to even vote no you’re useless, can’t believe you all. The data is off now yeah yeah, you’ve corrupted it.

What about turnip Labs, it’s tainted! Turnip labs is that available. Turniplabs.Com that actually sounds kind of cool turnip Labs is take it no no, but we might be able to broker a deal yeah whatever. That’S basically, where you hand GoDaddy ninety dollars completely and they send an email yeah, one time, jerks um. Oh sorry, what was uh? What was something you said something while I was looking at someone in full playing chat mentioned, and I actually kind of like it. Labs.Ncx.Com sounds better than yeah yeah.

I don’t like someone in float. Plane. Chad apparently bought um. I don’t.

I don’t know why yeah, I don’t think that’s the ticket yeah. I don’t think that’s it yeah. My girlfriend says it sounds like a cheap version of NCIS. Jaden suggests.

Labs.Ncax.Website Heavens, no, let’s go and this guy works here ah go good. What was that weird domain? We saw when we were driving and I was like what the heck is, that I’ve never heard of that before, and then we looked it up and it was supposed to be like replacement, but neither of us had ever heard of it before I don’t know. Do you remember this? I remember the interaction, but I don’t remember so weird. I don’t remember why yeah there’s some there’s some really wild top level domains like not even not even wild like her her it’s it’s all it’s for it’s for uh. You know adult content or like not like that, just really weird. Why would anyone want that yeah can’t even imagine it and say x, dot TV, I believe, was registered by NCIX back in the day, because we weren’t sure if NCIX Tech tips would have nope. Apparently it’s available well, it was, I believe it was at some point. I could be wrong about that, but I thought we grabbed it because we thought maybe NCIX Tech tips would need its own completely separate website.
