DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal…

DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal…”.
I am excited for this. I’Ve been intrigued by this line of products for a while now and I think I’m hoping that maybe they nailed it now. Maybe this is going to be a thing that I want to use on a frequent basis. This is the DJI osmo pocket 3. This is the creator combo, which comes with wide angle, lens DJI, Mike 2 transmitter. Like that’s the thing I’m speaking into here, which the integration there is very compelling for me and the battery handle to increase the battery life. Now, why am I excited about the pocket? 3? Well, first of all for cameras like this.

It’S sometimes tough to justify their existence, because your smartphone is already doing so much work for you and they’ve gotten so good, but this one is finally at a point where I feel like for some situations. It might be superior to a smartphone. Now let me explain: it has a 1-in cimo sensor and it can do 4K 120. So that’s already something that your smartphone probably doesn’t have.

DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal...

It has a 2-in rotatable screen on on the front. Now here’s what’s cool about that. The camera itself rotates it’s on a motorized gimbal through the flip of a screen. You quickly transition between portrait and landscape, 3axis mechanical giggle, giggle gimbal active track 6.0. The tracking is very cool here, initiated via gestures. It will follow around an individual, full pixel, fast, focusing dlog and 10 bits. So now you can do some color grading after the fact it records in Stereo and obviously it’s pocket size plus there’s a whole inventory of accessories available for it. Protective cover mic that I mentioned, which goes straight into it without the need for a secondary receiver, it has a handle that has a/ Quin thread on it, so you can mount this onto a tripod or other camera mounting points. It just seems like such a nice little package, and you know the thing that I like about this: is it really takes advantage of dji’s expanded, uh Universe of products like how they’re now doing this microphone and they’re doing cameras? Obviously we know them from drones. So utilizing that mic input that wireless mic input without the need for as much Hardware – I I don’t know why that just it’s the type of thing that gets me going, IOS and Android.

DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal...

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DJI Pocket 3 Is Abnormal...

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Ships in its own little looks like a toiletry bag. Look at that, but I actually kind of like this because it’s utilitarian looking just this kind of water resistant black material pops open. Ah, look at that, so they decided to go with a soft case. You just drop it in it. Actually, you know very simple: here is the pocket 3 and just look how cool that little Gadget is very quick to initiate so right away, boom, you’re going and this kind of handheld orientation with that large handle. Obviously there is a secondary handle attachment to make it even more comfortable to hold for long periods and for vlogging. Obviously, because we can uh, we can obviously move the camera around and it’s wide enough and has a 1in sensor. So now you can very quickly transition from the camera, pointing at you to whatever it is that you’re looking at and it’s the same camera quality as opposed to on a smartphone which, as we know, the front-facing cameras, tend to be inferior in quality.

So here is the battery hand handle so this one Clips on like that. What’S important to note here, it’s just it’s nice versatility to have to make this modular and removable more portable, don’t need the extra battery or doing more handheld and shooting for longer periods. Put the battery handle on and this is a convenient little tripod portion. You can hold it like this really nice Comfort, but then you need to take a stationary shot and that’s always attached and always ready to go so. Options and versatility extra battery, slightly more weight and more to grip onto, or just go like this, with nothing at all.

It’S up to you now check this out here, oh wow, I didn’t realize this was clear. It’S a little different than what I’m wearing record button type c couple LED indicators, power magnetic connectors on the bottom and lastly, what looks like a mini jack. I presume that’s an input if you want to send a lavalier microphone into it.

Camera itself is acting as the receiver you’re just speaking into this, and it’s going into that camera you’ve also got a a type-c cable included. Here. Is your wind screen and a little wrist strap and then you’ve also got a wideangle lens included, which is magnetic and just slaps onto the outside of the existing camera lens they’ve also included in a separate package here, a black mist filter. So there’s little tiny magnetic filters which can also clip onto here and they’re very fast to put on and take off inside this case, and it’s going to be tough to make out.

But there’s these little elastic sections to hold all all of your variety of accessories. Now, there’s more filters in this box over here three ND filters here: 1664 256, so obviously you able to get that shallow depth of field even in extremely brightly lit environments like well Outdoors. Obviously this is some type of case for it as well man.

You got to love the accessories included here now. This is by the way the Creator combo. So there is a more Bare Bones purchase you can make, but I think a lot of people are going to be interested in in the creater combo anyway. This is a protective case like look at how nice that is, to carry and you’re, not really worried about the lens or the motorized gimbal components cuz they’re tightly held in there. Oh, you see the little gimbal come to life.

Look at it stabilizing! That’S for yumo! Aren’T they cute those little gimbals? Look at that touchcreen as well, so we swipe from the left for playback. We swipe from the right to change image and audio parameters. Ooh, look at this exposure white balance, glamour effects, Etc, Focus mode, continuous stereo for audio I’m going to go ahead and tap the gimbal button to rotate so you’ll see boom.

It just comes right around and now we are into landscape, and one thing I like here if I turn this to look at other things, just how smooth that gimbal makes things, and it’s there’s no digital aspect to that: it’s not a crop. It’S a mechanical thing. Obviously, it just gives you that extra confidence and the other thing with a gimbal, obviously motorized – we can just reach up to our joystick as well as another option, just kind of rotate it in this way in order to pan or tilt oh cool, so flipping the Screen also acts as a power off. Does that mean it works as a power on it does and I’ll just show Mo what it’s like when it turns around look at that cool, and it even does the flip at the very end as well. This is very satisfying to use already quite responsive, also fast enough for 4K 60. All right.

So I’m now testing the recording on the DJI osmo pocket 3 and obviously my first person I have to approach is going to be mo. I like how wide this is. This is super useful, so I could be talking to Mo like that and then, if I want to flip it around, it’s me and it’s totally usable and I’m I’m not even a full extension arms length.

So often you might be trying to hold the camera out there, and also the grip is much more comfortable than if I was holding uh a camera in landscape orientation like a traditional camera. And if I go ahead and flip it back around and mow kind of backed up a bit, so he looks further away, but you could actually have a dialogue he on backing up. I don’t know where, where he’s going, if you’re have an actual dialogue, you could be there, let’s say and then flip it around there flip it around there look I mean it’s almost like you place it directly in the center. It’S also small enough, so I’m not focused on it.

Like I’m looking at you, it’s not intruding so much well now it is now you’re right in my face. You cannot defeat the gimbal just smooth sailing as Mo flies around the studio. Do you got? What do you got you got to through the legs? You got a cross over, oh he’s got stuff, oh no, he’s got stuff, yeah he’s got stuff, guys he’s got stuff. Okay, stop all right! Guys he’s got stuff.

You want to see how it handles low light. Guys he’s got stuff, that’s what they say when you show up at the right, like who’s team who’s, taking that guy how about this blow in the dark bask? It looks really cool over here and we obviously have the the uh difficult lighting to deal with here. Very cool cool all right. Let’S turn around go that way and I’m going to run behind you.

Oh okay, cool ready, shoot, horizontal or vertical. Just like this ready set. Let’S go man. Is this no sub for a gimbal? Is it like gimbal light? I mean cuz. Obviously, if you see like legit, get large scale gimbals, it’s it’s a whole deal dialed in and set up and if you’re trying to balance now, is this going to compare to like a full frame? No, it’s not it’s getting closer, because now you have a 1in sensor and it’s in a thing that you hit one button and you’re recording and you’re going to get that smooth video and for people who are posting to social media anyways. You know 4K.

60. You could do slow motion on here. It can now transition so easily from portrait to landscape, just with a tiny little flick like that continue boom and you’re back in nice interface, which is definitely no longer gen one, and now this expansion of accessories, including wireless microphone, input without the need for a separate Receiver, but instead the unit acting as a receiver itself active track, obviously following people and pets, or anything else around like you’re, not going to get a ton of attention, but meanwhile you’re having this really stable footage without disturbing people.

So this is obviously just an unboxing video sort of a first look at it very cool little device and an improvement over the previous versions. They’Re really starting to refine this product and I’m glad it exists because gimbals they’re so amazing they like they really haven’t, been replaced. Yet by the digital cro equivalents on smartphones.

They can be intimidating at scale like when, when you’re dealing with large ones and balancing and so on, but this feels like it has a better chance to be used just because it’s so convenient, they put it all into one package. So that’s your first look at the pocket: 3 from d Ji. .