DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black – What’s The Best 4k Action Camera?

DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black - What's The Best 4k Action Camera?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black – What’s The Best 4k Action Camera?”.
What’S up everyone how’s it go. This watch hope you guys are all the way well and today we’re going to be doing a comparison, video with the new Massimo action. This is a compact camera from DJI and it’s obviously gon na compete directly against the GoPro 7. Black, which we have right beside it, you guys can kind of see the difference.

A side by side we’re shooting 4k at 60 frames per second we’re gon na dive into the main differences between the two, as well as some more examples of what you can expect in terms of the quality out of the Osmo action. So if you’re interested in finding out which camera is best we’re gon na get right into the comparison, but before that, let’s take a look at our sponsor that made at this video possible. You guys may have noticed on the channel page as well.

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It’S also using the same ecosystem of attachments designed for gopro cameras, which is an awesome thing. Now, probably the biggest distinction between the Osmo action and the GoPro is the fact that we have better overall displays on both the front and back of the Osmo action. Namely the front is a full color display that allows you to actually monitor the video. So it’s excellent for vlogging or taking selfies the 7 black, on the other hand, does have a front panel display, but it’s monochromatic and certainly use to monitor your settings and battery life. Furthermore, you can also see that the rear display on the Osmo action is significantly bigger than the gopro side.

DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black - What's The Best 4k Action Camera?

It’S also 16 by 9. So you can actually view your entire video without having to deal with bars at the top and bottom now, even though the AHS boat has a larger display, which you would think means a better overall navigation in overall ease of use, the GoPro system is just so Well laid out, and so well thought-out and since they’ve had so many years, developing their software. It’S actually just as easy to use and just as practical and just as convenient to both cameras have excellent overall build quality and they’re water-resistant down to about 10 meters. Do the similarities also continue? When you take a look at internal specifications, they both have a similar configured 12 megapixel CMOS chip.

DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black - What's The Best 4k Action Camera?

That’S overall about a half point three inches in terms of size. Both can shoot 4k video at 60 frames per second, as well as tended to be a video up to 240 frames per second and both utilize, some sort of video stabilization that’s electronic base. We have the Rocksteady system on the DDI side versus the hyper smooth stabilization on the GoPro side. Now, in terms of the side-by-side a video comparison between these two at 4k 60 frames per second one thing, you’re going to know straight off.

DJI Osmo Action vs GoPro 7 Black - What's The Best 4k Action Camera?

The bat is that the GoPro definitely has a slightly wider field of view and the Osmo action when the electronic stabilization is enabled tends to zoom in and crop into, the frame which doesn’t look as immersive as the GoPro. The other thing you’re going to notice on the go, is standard picture profile. Setting is that the color saturation sharpness and overall contrast is definitely turned up compared to what we encounter. What the Oz, which looks a little bit dull in terms of what’s the details presented, but that’s mainly due to the fact that the GoPro naturally kind of boosts all those settings in the standard picture profile settings if you do use the pro tune, a feature on The GoPro you can adjust all these parameters in post, but generally out of the box, you are going to notice that the image on the GoPro looks a little bit more vibrant, contrasting and saturated and you’re gon na notice a little bit better fine detail in terms Of the stabilization technology on both cameras, both are actually really good in terms of resolving smooth looking images. Most of my tests were done on foot whether going downstairs or running trails, which is very jarring to see without any stabilization, but both the Rocksteady and the hyper smooth delivered some really nice pleasant. Looking footage that rivals even stuff that you’re gon na get on three axis gimbal systems about a using electronic stabilization and, as you can see from the stair shots, there’s not really a huge difference between the two and especially in extreme examples. You might see a little bit better, smoother result on the DJI side, but in most cases the hyper smooth delivers the same general level of smoothness at your counter. Now, if you’re riding a bike or doing anything less jarring that running trails or going down steps, you are going to notice that pretty much in most cases, both of these systems are very smooth and identical in terms of their stabilized footage results.

Now, on a side note, I did notice that there’s a little bit more image, artifacts going on with the Osmo action, especially in extreme cases when you move the camera really fast back and forth. The fine detail is just not as apparent as it is on the GoPro side, even though the GoPro technically is a recording on average at a lower bitrate, but it tends to resolve fine detail and fast motion. It’S just a little bit better than what we find with the Osmo action that could be a shutter speed, setting issue that could be resolved in the future, but generally again, very similar results for the most part. Now, in terms of time warp or hyper lapse photography.

I did find that the GoPro resolved smoother, looking footage in those particular types of sequences, you’re just going to notice less jarring compared to the Osmo action based on our particular tests. Now some of the final things that we’re gon na talk about is the battery performance. Luckily, both of these cameras have user replaceable batteries in terms of actually shooting 4k at 60 frames per. Second, they are going to be pretty power-hungry and they get fairly hot, especially in a hot environment, so definitely be careful but expect anywhere between 80 to 90. Minutes of usage at 4k resolution, when you are shooting 1080p, you can get up to 10 to 15 %, better battery life performance and they’re, both pretty much identical based on our recharging discharge cycles.

In terms of longevity and there’s not going to be a huge difference in terms of one lasting longer than the other, now when it comes to the price perspective of things, the GoPro seven Black has been out for a few months now, and you could typically get It on Amazon for about three hundred and seventy dollars. Ish, there’s definitely a lot of bundles out there, which I would definitely recommend together so for just under $ 400, you can typically get a camera, a couple accessories, an SD card and extra battery. Right now it looks like the DJI Osmo action is probably the better view on Amazon.

You can get it for around $ 350 with a bundle, so we’re talking an extra battery, a couple of accessories, as well as an SD card, and for that price I would probably go with the Osmo action. I do like the overall video quality of the GoPro, but you can adjust the Osmo action to kind of fit your needs and from a user standpoint. I definitely like that front display and the rear display, just using in general, is a more pleasurable experience and it’s more of a stylish, more modern esque device. Plus I can use all my existing GoPro mounts. So if I needed another GoPro camera, I would probably go with the Osmo action or, if you’re looking for an awesome action camera. Definitely both options are going to be very satisfying to say the least, but I’m not guys and that’s really. It definitely love to hear your thoughts and opinions give us a thumbs up if you liked this video big. Thank you to you guys a for continuing to support the channel and a big thank you to dr. de Maynes for sponsoring this video and making that possible. As well see you later take care .