Display Tech is Getting Good

Display Tech is Getting Good

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Display Tech is Getting Good”.
Hey lonus how we were to do that. One get the hell out of here: hey lmg team, been rocking some new LTT gear recently and figured I’d grab some more. Are there any consumer level products and that lonus and Luke are especially excited for in Tech excited for excited for Consumer products? I mean man, I’ve been pretty into like big TVs. Lately, yeah high sense has that one coming. That’S it’s 5 in smaller than the TCL, but it’s double the number of dimming zones and double the peak brightness.

I think that I it’s funny. We we did that video um earlier this week on nvidia’s HDR conversion uh, so they take SDR content and then they just use like their their um neural processor on their GPU and they remap it to an HDR uh. So like a wider gamut and with um uh – and they add – I don’t know if they actually add the metadata so they’re, just yeah they’re, just converting it to the Wi um, color, space and um and then remapping um, the brightnesses, so Bas, basically they’re just doing Like on the-fly tone mapping from SDR to HDR um according to the capabilities of your display, so it’s like it’s super cool and there’s problems with it, like it kind of Best, Buy effects things. Sometimes overs, saturates, things um and you lose a little bit of artist.

Intent sometimes, but overall I think I would watch most things with it rather than without it it’s pretty cool and um. By the way, some people commented on the side by side that we did saying we were using different monitors. We know that uh. The reason that we didn’t address it in the video is because it didn’t matter they both use the same panel and they were both checked by Brandon Dickerson ahead of time to make sure that their performance was close enough, that that wasn’t what we were seeing. I just thought I’d clarify that anyway um. I was surprised by how many of the comments on that video were still from people who think that HDR is like not real. Like it’s snake oil, it doesn’t matter um what we could just everything could just be SDR and you could just like turn up the brightness, and it would be it’s not guys it. The display has to be capable of it.

The content has to be graded, for it uh it. It is not snake oil it. Oh apparently, we did acknowledge that they were different monitors. Okay.

Display Tech is Getting Good

Well, apparently, we didn’t give enough background, because people still seemed very confused about it um. But yes, yes, it is totally a thing. Thank you. Djore spark over on float, plane and the better it gets.

Display Tech is Getting Good

I think the more people will realize that it’s totally a thing and that’s why I was so excited about RTX, video, HDR or whatever their stupid branding. For it is they got to throw RTX on everything? Now I guess um whatever The Branding is. That’S why I was so excited about that technology, because it unlocks this enormous back catalog of content that people can enjoy on HDR devices, and you know what what it actually made me think about that.

I kind of wish we had included in the video. But I didn’t really think about. Until now is I wish Nvidia had pulled it off in phones? Remember their Super Phone concept, yeah um! I would actually love it if the kind of machine learning accelerated upscaling, for example, or frame interpolation or um SDR to HDR tone mapping or whatever else like all this Tech that they’re building and, in fact have built even on arm platforms.

Man like they got the Nvidia Shield, if I could buy a phone that was a modern Nvidia Shield in a phone form factor. I would strongly consider it me too, and phones have like very few compelling things these days yeah, but it’s just would be nice. They happen to be in for most people. I would think best screen in your house like unless you are a a unless your family has a media Enthusiast um who gets significant access to the budget. You probably don’t have a TV or a monitor.

Display Tech is Getting Good

That is a better display than the one that’s built on to you know any phone that’s come out in the last two or three years, they’re, so bright, they’re, so accurate um B. Basically, any iPhone from the last few years is going to be an outstanding HDR display and if just everything you watched on your phone was automatically converted to HDR, I think it would really help people understand how good it can be, even if you know the upscaled Stuff is or upcon converted stuff is not as good as if it was graded properly for HDR in the first place. So overall I I I’m I’m a Believer. Um display Tech yeah there that’s what I’m going to say.

Uh, some of the the super high refresh rate oleds lately we’re going to be checking out LG’s dual mode one soon, so it’s the 120 HZ or sorry uh, one yeah 240, HZ, 4K, 480 HZ 1080P. And the big question that I have is sorry. What exactly is different about this right? Because you could have uh, you know a um you.

You can have a a a a monitor and run it at a non-native resolution. You could have a monitor and you could run it at half of its native refresh rate and to be clear, there are differences there there’s a reason that this is being differentiated from things we could do that with before, but that’s something that I want to kind Of dive into – and it seems to have to do with the way that the reporting to your GPU Works uh the way they’re handling, scaling, uh, Brandon, Dickerson and plof are are working on it. So I’m pretty excited about that.

One yeah I uh when you were originally saying TVs, I was going to say monitors yeah, so that kind of rips it I don’t think, there’s any individual component in a computer that the future of it is hyper exciting to me. Um phones are not exciting. To me, yeah storage was super cool for a bit, and now it just seems to be CPUs were really exciting there for a while as well that joke bites.

That’S pretty good, ah ah um, and he has no Bell, there’s nothing. He can do yeah troll Dan um. He tried whack a piece of metal, yeah um, but yeah. I I don’t think I think it’s displays for sure. .