Did Samsung Make the BEST Gaming Phone?

Did Samsung Make the BEST Gaming Phone?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Did Samsung Make the BEST Gaming Phone?”.
Thanks to Google Play and Android for sponsoring today’s video, what’s going on guys, it’s your aage consumer and today we’re going to be taking another look at the Samsung Galaxy zold 5, a phone that I don’t think gets enough credit for being one of the best gaming Smartphones out this year now, if you follow this channel chances, are you know that I’m a big mobile gamer? I spend a lot of time playing games on my smartphones, like I’d, say about 50 % of the time I spend on my phone. I probably spend gaming and during our real day in the life reviews, you know, I spend a lot of time gaming so that I can see just how powerful the chips are and what the displays are like. It’S a pretty big criteria for me to make sure the phone is up to Snuff and that’s what we’re doing today now we know the zold 5 is a beast when it comes to multitasking productivity, those kind of things, but let’s take a look at why it’s So good for gaming, now on the front, you have that 6.2 in narrow display. Once you open this thing up, you get that 7.6 in display, which is just great when, when it comes to gaming, now we all know this is like having a tablet in your pocket and nothing beats. When you have a game, that’s optimized to run on a display like this and Clash of Clans is one of those optimized games.

That you’ll only find on Google Play powered by Android, and you can do a ton of different things with that game. When you play it on the zold 5 now with the cover screen, if I’m waiting online for something or maybe I’ve got like a little bit of downtime, I can just jump into my game here play for a little bit pretty casual experience. But when I’m looking for that serious like I need to lock in, I can just pop this thing, open and jump right into the game with a much larger display. And that’s where the optimization comes in being able to jump between the smaller screen to the larger screen, just by flipping it open and while playing on the front screen is fine.

It’S just really nice to have that extra real estate, so that you can just see a lot more of what’s going on and you just have way more room to work with, especially with a game like Clash where you can zoom out. And you want to be able to see everything, that’s going on. You get this really wide view, and you can even zoom in really closely and just kind of have everything, upfront and personal, and with here you can just be really precise with all of your movements. It’S is nice not having to worry about like any accidental touches with a game like this, where you have so much going on on the field uh, you want to be able to precisely tap the exact icons that you want now. Obviously, a bigger screen is always going to be a win for us Gamers, but with the default 5 you can do even more than just game with this big screen, there’s a ton of multitasking. You can do with this as well. Now, honestly, most of my time, gaming comes at home because during the day I can’t really take my eyes off all of my emails, my calendar, all the things that you you know have to take care of at work. But with this I can just go ahead and throw up my calendar right there, so I can see everything that I’ve got going on while still being able to play my game.

So I can have emails open. I can have my calendar going. I can still do all the things that I’m you know responsible for, while you know slightly playing some Clash on the side, but yeah, that’s just flexibility. You don’t get with other devices.

Did Samsung Make the BEST Gaming Phone?

This alone is a bigger screen than you typically get on another smartphone to play. Any games and then to still be able to jump into not one but two other applications at the same time. Mind because, honestly, that’s like what a PC kind of experience you know, even if you’re gaming on your PC, you can still have like. Maybe another monitor where you have other important windows open, but this gives you like a similar experience.

That’S only possible because it’s powered by Android now I know I can’t be the only one who takes their gaming. That seriously, I mean honestly being able to open up a Google Search and look for tips and tricks, while you’re actually playing the game or maybe before you make a certain decision. You want to look up if it’s the right, one, that’s all possible and you can even watch like YouTube. Videos like if you want the ultimate just chill session, you can watch YouTube videos, while you’re playing do all kinds of other stuff I mean. Multitasking has always been huge on the zold, but when it comes to gaming, it just adds a whole another layer that you really just don’t see anywhere else now. I don’t know how many of you have played Clash of Clans, but if you want to take things like really seriously like I do, when I open up the screen, you can have some pretty intense battles, they’re really involved and, like I said, having access to the Bigger screen to do all the different Maneuvers and really just plan out your attack is so clutch and something that can be pretty easy to miss or even forget about is Samsung’s game booster, which is accessible right when you’re playing, if you’re, using the larger screen.

Because you’re serious about your session, you can turn on things like priority mode, which will block any possible interruptions like notifications and calls. But you can also select how much power you want to allocate to your gameplay with a few modes like performance mode or even, if you’re running on your last lag of battery, you can put it in battery saver mode. It’Ll also give you a solid idea of how your phone is performing overall and just how long you can play. But there are even cooler plugins that you can add to make like a gif if you’re Landing the finishing blow in a game of clash. And there are some other cool things here here as well. That can really help Elevate the gaming experience now, the really nice thing about playing this from Google Play is you can ACR something called Google Play points.

Did Samsung Make the BEST Gaming Phone?

So if you happen to be the kind of person who you know likes to fuel up and make some in-game purchases, you can get your hands on these Google Play points which you can basically use as coupons towards your next purchase, which is actually kind of nice, Because over time, you’ll end up getting more than you actually pay for now this bonus isn’t just limited to Clash of Clans but to other supercell games as well. So if you guys want to check out the other supercell games on Google Play I’ll of course, have them linked Down Below in the description and what’s nice is supercell’s partnering up with Google Play to actually give out some free, in-game decorations, so definitely check the links In the description, if you want to take advantage of that, it’s for limited time for the users who use my links to download the game, but for my fellow Gamers out there, the zold 5 is actually a sleeper. When it comes to gaming. I mean you get that really large display Snapdragon 8 Gen, 2 120 HZ screen, there’s just just a lot going for it, not to mention good battery life fast charging.

The list goes on. If you haven’t seen my full review of this phone I’ll, have it linked down below as well and the ability to multitask while you do your gaming there’s just a lot here that you won’t find anywhere else and I’m not mad at it, especially when you’ve got Optimized games like Clash of Clans, as well as the other supercell titles that you can find on Google Play being able to jump between a small and much larger screen. This a really nice experience, but, of course, I’ll have links to everything I talked about Down Below. In the description, so you guys can go ahead and check them out check out The zold Clash of Clans, all the good things uh definitely check them out, but that about wraps it up for this video guys.

Hopefully you enjoyed it and let me know if you’re, a big gamer does the zold 5 pck your interest leave a comment down below. Let me know your thoughts, I’ll catch you guys in the next one and again, thanks to Google Play and Android for sponsoring. Today’S video till next one peace, .