Defend Your Home with an AI Turret

Defend Your Home with an AI Turret

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Defend Your Home with an AI Turret”.
Yeah Dan cool he’s a cool guy. Look at him, go look at his fingers, typ all right! You know! I don’t listen to you when you’re talking. Why do we jump right into our next topic? Uh Luke? Have you seen this Kickstarter huh? Have you seen this Kickstarter? Probably not? Oh, no from okay we’re going to watch it together, awesome! Okay! This is the paint cam Eve. It is a face recognition and paintball firing security system, supposedly uh where’s, the dang, it where’s the where’s, the video, oh upcoming project, bloody heck. No, no, no, there’s! No there’s a video there’s a video okay hold on is the video on interesting engineering. Here it is uh what what am I even looking at here? What is this junk? I saw a video. I think I got it, you got it okay.

No, I don’t. No! I don’t okay gosh darn, it oh wait hold on hold on. Well, I do I. I have videos from other people. Oh I got it. Okay, you got it. Okay, we’re going to Luke’s laptop here. It is we’ve got audio.

Defend Your Home with an AI Turret

Do we care about the audio? No, it doesn’t matter. Okay, cool y, introducing paint cam Eve, an AI powerered, robotic security system. I would like I would like to know um I mean I’d like to know so many things uh face recognition, animal recognition where, where, where, where is the hopper for those paintballs that came out of there, can’t be very many that came out of the oh okay? It didn’t quite come out of the cameras um, that’s it. I got yeah that was it. I saw. I saw another video a little while back um can I just say for a no I’m going to get through the thing.

Defend Your Home with an AI Turret

First slovian startup Oz. It is seeking funding for a home surveillance system called Paint, cam Eve that uses facial recognition and motion detection to detect and assess potential threats. It can also shoot these threats with UV paint paintballs or get this tear gas rounds according to Oz. It same same class.

The system allows for remote monitoring it’s it’s nonlethal, but can also operate fully autonomously without internet. After identifying an intruder in a forbidden area. The device will issue a verbal warning, followed by a 5-second countdown.

Defend Your Home with an AI Turret

If the intruder fails to retreat, the device will aim for their chest and start firing, Oz it claims the eve system will be able to recognize specific people as well as animals and specific objects. If an unknown person approaches alongside a familiar guest, the system will notify the user seeking further instructions. So I saw a demo somewhere where they had a known person standing in front of the unknown person and it like it, didn’t fire, not that that could be faked or doctored at all. So I would like to. I would like to ask – and I guess I’m addressing Oz it directly here. I would like to ask your engineer: leadership sure. Have you ever fired a paintball gun? Do you have any idea why we don’t use musket rounds anymore? Have you seen how inaccurate they are? If you fire at someone’s chest with a paintball round, do you have any idea what your liability is going to look like when somebody loses a eye? I mean, even if this thing worked as well as you think it did. Even if you with your, however many hundreds of dollars, you’re going to raise on Kickstarter, managed to create an automated turret, the likes of which many much larger teams have tried to create, with sometimes catastrophic results. Even if you did that the round you’re firing is so spectacularly stupidly, inaccurate that this is a disaster before you even wake up from the weird fever dream that you had and thought.

Oh, that seems like a good idea. I mean people have already made these like, of course, they have yeah, wait, didn’t uh, didn’t hasn’t a YouTuber made this um, I’m I’m only remembering this now. What’S his I know the channel boy boy, I don’t remember what the channel where they make. The things on is called um.

Maybe I can find it by just looking up boy boy, Michael Reeves. I mean yeah he’s probably done something like that. I did a thing. That’S it yeah didn’t he make one.

I mean we’re working on a water one for my cats to keep them from scratching up my carpets, but that’s a whole separate conversation. The point is hey thanks for coming out uh. This is a really really bad idea, yeah. So it’s it’s a bad idea, uh, because most like this is a.

This is a Creator from Slovenia. So we don’t know what the laws are there. I see a large amount of uh Americans in the chat talking about how this is definitely illegal and is a federal offense, which is why I’m assuming they’re Americans um but like this is yeah. This is a company in Slovenia, but uh people have done this.

I’M going to show off oh yeah, it’s on my screen. Now I did a thing as a video. I made an illegal home security system where he just straps a paintball gun to a camera on a tripod that, like can do things and it uh it. I think that yeah they wore t-shirts with someone’s face on it and then had it shoot them for a while.

This is not. This is not advanced technology. This is like it’s very doable, um and you’ll get in insane amounts of trouble, because most countries that I know of have some form of legal system around based around like automated home defense and the way that that’s usually set up is because of traps. Booby traps and stuff and there’s been cases where people will like rig a shotgun so that, if like a barn door is opened, the shotgun will shoot out and yeah.

That’S not. Okay, it’s actually super dumb and super bad. The damage that is flicted, the the person who ends up being responsible for that is, is not the the thing that ends up being responsible for that is not this automated turret, it’s you yep and like uh yeah, the second. This paintball hurts someone or doesn’t and then that person just claims that it hurt them.

Yeah, you’re screwed, that’s a big one: you’re SC the whole just like people claiming stuff, and then I’m traumatized. Now, all of a sudden. It’S on you to prove that I I can’t open doors without fear anymore. I need therapy for the rest of my life you’re going to pay for it now, you’re out Millions. Bob IUS says paintballs can be fairly accurate, but you need a pretty long barrel to actually get the round to spiral that little camera was like yeah Bo yeah Bob brought that up it had a maximum like 2in Barrel. There is Absol and, and Bob erris is right at a range of, but that’s the thing right like at a range of let’s say: 10 m 30 ft. I could probably hit an aluminum can pretty consistently like I’ll, miss but I’ll miss by a little bit like. I could hit a torso no problem from that distance every time, however, the problem is that uh, a 30 ft, that’s nothing.

Presumably this thing is not mounted like at the perimeter of wherever you’re trying to protect like it’s. It’S like home security thing by the time. Someone is within 30 ft of this thing. If you have it mounted in a traditional security camera location, I think it’s supposed to be indoors indoors.

Oh well, that’s, but this this security camera thing is indoors Outdoors. How long would its range be? Well, that’s my point: that’s even more insane is: is you’re going to you’re going to have you’re like facial recognition, someone just walking down the street you’re going to have 20 of you’re going to have 20 of those feet just in the distance to the ground? Yeah not not to mention you’re going to have to compensate for drop offs, somehow okay hold on a second. This is getting even more complicated. Tear gas in your house, yeah, okay, fair enough and then that and then that Barrel that Barrel further complicates it.

This thing is not going to be accurate; it has absolutely no hope whatsoever of being accurate at all. I assumed this was just indoors. It being outdoors makes it significantly more hilarious it it I mean, there’s there’s some amount of like you, know, accuracy and volume where, if it’s able to shoot just like a huge amount of stuff, how the hopper on that thing, yeah round, I didn’t see one at All so yeah, I don’t know um if they have like, maybe maybe it gets fed through something that’s like on the other side of the wall. Ory Wrangler says porch Pirates, maybe but yeah, but if it gives them a 5-second warning, I could be off and on your porch in 5 seconds and the first porch pirate that gets shot by.

That is just going to tell everyone else. They know and everyone else is going to go, get shot and then they’re going to sue the heck out of you, like that’ll, be the new scam yeah getting shot by these things, so you can sue the owners um in probably I’m assuming most countries. We don’t know about all of them, maybe in Slovenia having automated defenses for your home is totally fine, say idea, um.

Actually I have a 98 Custom where the barrel curves up it’s pretty accurate at long range does not have to be a long barrel yeah. But your 98 Custom Barrel is like four to five times the length of this Barrel. That’S this little tiny security camera Barrel is very small yeah.

That’S that’s part of the problem, so many problems .