Dating at CES 2016

Dating at CES 2016

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Dating at CES 2016”.
Hey, how are you nice to see you uh you? You looks a little different than your picture, but in a good way you know it’s even look me look great. Obviously I you know I got you this thanks for coming. I thought maybe we would want to go inside check something’s up all right. Let’S do it. How was traffic? Okay? I thought we’d drive on over to the central hall.

Dating at CES 2016

I’Ve got a killer food court you ever ridden in a convertible before. Do you like Pharrell? Oh, my god, all right all right hold on everything’s under control. We want the car ride based on yours. Are you hungry at all? I there’s a place. Has a Michelin star they just brought in a new chef. I know him foods phenomenal, so I thought we could. Just maybe you know, grab a bite two equally. Do you don’t have any gon na have any pollutant? What’S the grab and go, I might get a grab and go they’ve changed it since last time I was here you it’s hard to get a table here, because there aren’t actually the tables I figured you could just pay for your own. Do you, like Mountain Dew, find some carpet we can sit down on? I love a date that just leads down a narrow hallway. Don’T you the verge lounge, to read a lot of blogs funky. Let me help you up there and just help you up just come on up here here, there’s yeah there we go and just scoot you over here just go ahead and have a have a seat there.

Dating at CES 2016

There we go that’s better. So what we say do you have a facebook strong, a better, not have too many of those? I hope this is great. The fridges look again. Oh, Oh, Oh uh! Well, I had a great time today. I don’t know how you’re feeling you know no pressure, but if you want to do this again, you know you have my number sent me texts. You .