Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?

Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?”.
What’S up tech friends, cyberpunk 2077 preloads are live and you can get your hands on the game. In fact, this is crazy. Right now there has been like 8 million – that’s right: 8 million pre-game purchases, which equals about 500 million dollars. That’S just crazy! Now this right now isn’t the all-time biggest like selling pre-game.

That would be gta 5, which made like i think, 800 million dollars. So that’s really crazy and it’s still going to be growing and selling and in fact, what’s really crazy is that there are a lot of things about this game that are just really kind of crazy. Not only has everybody been anticipating it right now, this game actually holds the record for the most concurrent players playing at one time online.

That’S just crazy, and not only can you get the game on steam. There are other places where you can actually get the game. Um so you’re not just stuck to getting it at one place, so i just want to just throw that out there, but right now, everything with the game isn’t totally wine and roses, especially for those people who have an xbox or a ps5 and that’s kind of What today’s video is more about, i have some other stuff coming up some footage, some testing with the 30 90 and other stuff like that, but right now, let’s just talk about what’s going on with the launch of cyberpunk 2077 and how it’s affecting things. Let’S talk? Tech are you looking for a code for your favorite game, or maybe you need a new windows 10 key, but don’t want to spend a lot of money.

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You can see a spike from around 8 terabytes per second to the full peak of 23.5. That’S just an amazing amount of people downloading this game. At one time i mean think about it. This is probably going to go down as one of the top 10 games in history period and it’s honestly, like i’m thinking, one of the most anticipated games that i’ve really ever seen. There have been some other games in the past where i’m like. Okay, i’m waiting for it, but with this game i think because of the delays and stuff people are just like. Oh my god, i want this even more right. You can’t get your hands on it. It’S kind of like that beautiful girl that you can’t get your hands on, but you really want her and the more you can’t have her the more you want her. I think the same thing with kind of with cyberpunk 77, because 2077. Excuse me, although cyberpunk 77 sounds cool, cyberpunk 77. back in 1977, what kind of tech would they be using? Surely, wouldn’t what they’re using today that’s for sure, but on the pc side of things beyond all of the users and that kind of stuff um things are kind of interesting. Now i’m going to throw a couple other things at it before i get to the heart of the video, but now let’s get to what really is going on for owners out there of the playstation 5 and the xbox things are not looking good whatsoever. According to tom morgan of digital foundry, cyberpunk 2077 on the ps4 looks really blurry and it’s running between 720p and 900p resolution that really sucks and the frame rate for any driving around the big city areas is constantly around 20., while some indoor battles run well at 30 frames per second, they can actually drop to 25 per seconds, as well frame rate drops are one thing, but there’s also hitching big hiccups in the action where a new object or texture needs to load in this can make it a challenge to shoot or drive And let’s just face it when you’ve just spent a lot of money on your brand new console and a brand new game comes out, do you want to be dealing with glitches that should have already been fixed before the even released the game? This is just more malarkey surrounding the game.

Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?

These things should have been fixed. Why is it now that the people who own these things are? Basically, it seems like to me being beta tested and that’s just on the ps5 side of things? What about xbox now? Why it turns out that cyberpunk 207070 on the ps5 does not have the quality mode that is available on the xbox series x, that is to say, the game on ps5 runs in performance mode. By default on the xbox series x, you can switch between the two quality mode, shoots for a high resolution, something approaching 4k and 30 frames per second, whereas the performance mode aims for a smooth experience.

It’S worth noting that the xbox series x does not have this toggle between modes either. So right out of the gate, we see a bunch of problems for people who either own sony stuff or for people who own microsoft stuff. So right now i’d have to say if you’re somebody out there and you own either a ps4, ps5 or an xbox, maybe xbox x, excuse me.

Maybe you might want to just chill out and wait a little while before you buy this game and not be their guinea pig and be their beta tester. I just you know, i don’t really think you should have to do that. Obviously, on the pc side of things, things seem to be going a lot better, but i’ve only had a chance to just basically get the game installed and up and going myself, so i barely have even had a chance to even touch this game uh. When i first got my code, it wasn’t working.

I found out that i was actually trying to do my code to the wrong place kind of embarrassing but yeah. I thought i had steam cone, it was and it wasn’t steam. It was from some place called cgn or something so i was like okay, but now i’ve got it all installed and so i’ll be playing it and we’ve got a lot more stuff coming up. You know, as far as the visuals gameplay testing and all that stuff.

Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?

So look forward to those videos but as it is right now, if you’re somebody out there and you have a console, i would hold off on buying cyberpunk 20 7070 at the moment, because, obviously it’s having problems, it’s not perfect. So why get something? That’S not going to run perfect. If you have a pc, hey go for it. You know, you’ll be able to play the game.

Cyberpunk 2077: Launch Success or FAIL?

There’S lots of stuff in it to do and play and, like i said, uh, i’m really excited when i had to wait hours to download it. I was just like using the f word like multiple times. You know, like f bat f, this i want to play. Dab it i want to play now, so that’s it folks! That’S today’s video cyberpunk 207070! It’S out there had more consecutive players than any other title ever around right off the bat it sold over 500 million dollars. That’S a lot of money, so hopefully all that r d money is paid back, and this is just basically the tip of the iceberg, because things are just going to keep going and going and going. This may end up being one of the highest selling games of all time, but it’s definitely going to be in the top 10..

So i’m eric you guys been watching techa tomorrow. If you like what i have to say, hey, please sub to the channel i’d love to have you back here once again, but make sure you turn on that notification bell or you won’t know that i’m making videos. Also in the beginning of the video we had, some things come up about selling codes. All those codes are guaranteed by me.

Make sure that you enter the code tt18 and save yourself more money and all that stuff, and if you want to support the channel with no money whatsoever, hey try amazon, prime for free for 30 days. I have a link down below it. Helps keeps me around it. Gets you a bunch of free stuff, so we all win peace out and see you guys back in the channel for more tech on tech of tomorrow. .