Curved TVs: Explained!

Curved TVs: Explained!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Curved TVs: Explained!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m kbhd here and two years ago at CES. We saw a whole lot of these 3D TVs, whether you needed glasses or there was glasses list 3D, but people didn’t really like them uh. They kind of give you a headache. They’Re a little bit distracting to wear the glass is so 3D TV is just kind of slowly went away, they’re not totally gone, but you don’t really see 3D TV marketed nearly as much as you did two years ago.

So now this past January, at CES, we saw an interesting new fad pop up. There was obviously a lot of 4K, and that is not a fad, but we also saw these curved TVs from a bunch of Manufacturers. These giant curved panels and a lot of people have asked me questions about it. People are curious, like are these legit? Are they worth checking out? This is a quick video on curved TVs explained. So if you’ve been on this channel a while, you may recall seeing a little while ago, I did a curved smartphones explained video, but those are much smaller displays. That’S a handheld display and phones like the LG G Flex and the Samsung Galaxy Round, where you can hold a curved display in your hand and that might not change the viewing experience a whole lot.

But it definitely changes the way you touch the phone and the way you interact with the screen. But these curved TVs are obviously a lot bigger than your phone and they’re curved for very different reasons than you would curve a phone when you curve a phone you’re curving it to fit better in your hand or fit better against your face, while making a call, Because that which that’s what you do with a phone, when you curve a TV, you get three main differences in the viewing Experience. One immersion two Distortion and three glare now to actually show this to you guys, I’m gon na be using this 55 inch Samsung hu 9000 curved TV and yes, it is actually one of the 4K TVs shown off at CES this year.

So it’s perfect for this. Now, Distortion and glare are naturally cons of what people are concerned about when you curve a giant TV like that, is the image going to get distorted and is there going to be a lot of glare from weird angles and the bottom line is glare, really isn’t Any more of a problem than it is on a normal flat TV, but Distortion can get a little bit weird. If you’re, looking at the TV from a weird angle, there’s definitely a slightly smaller viewing radius where you want to be while looking at this screen, that doesn’t mean you can’t look at it from off axis and see everything.

It just means that it’s going to look a little bit weird from slightly different angles, if you’re trying to watch a movie and get the full cinematic experience now, all these TVs have a pretty similar curve. Radius, no matter who you buy it from and that measurement is the radius of the circle. This TV would make if you continued its curve, all the way around into a complete circle, so that measurement here is 4.2 meters or around 13 and a half feet, which means you’ll get the optimal viewing experience.

If you sit about 13 and a half feet away from this TV and the center of this imaginary Circle, that’s where the immersion comes in, where you’ll really actually notice the curve on the TV and it changes the viewing experience now. They’Ve made some other changes to make this one in particular a more immersive TV. So I mean it’s a 4K TV.

Curved TVs: Explained!

Of course, more pixels makes the image more immersive you get that’s why bezels have been getting thinner to focus more on the content and less on the hardware around it. That’S also more immersive, and I welcome all these changes to a TV to make it more immersive. Only becomes a problem, though, when it’s distracting 3D, for example, was supposed to be more immersive, but it actually distracted you with the glasses you had to wear or the headaches it would cause when you’re looking at it.

So that’s why it fade it away quickly, but I say the subtle curve here on these TVs isn’t really distracting it’s as long as you sit somewhere around that 13 foot Mark you’ll get a great viewing experience. In fact, if you sit more than 13 feet away, you’re too far away and there’s really almost no point – it might as well be a flat panel because you won’t notice the curve when you sit too far away. But what’s funny is when you sit closer than 13 feet away inside that radius, it gets even more surrounding, and the TV actually seems bigger than it really is so really immersion tends to be that X Factor that decides what the difference is between a curved and A flat TV, but honestly, if I’m going to tell you the truth here, you’re going to want to just see one in person, it’s hard to actually judge. If you care about the curves of a TV, a lot of people, just don’t you know it’s more expensive.

First of all and you’re going to have to pay extra to get a curved TV. So if you’re going to buy a curved TV check it out in person first and check out the larger models, because the smaller ones you’re not going to be able to tell it’s curved nearly as easily so there you go guys, I’m going to ask what do You think of curved TVs, or have you even gotten to see one in person? Yet, honestly, the only one I’ve seen in person is the one I’m showing you today and after using it now it’s kind of weird to go back to a flat TV. Just because of the way it appears to you in front of you just the angles. The way they work, but let me know what you guys, think of curved TVs curved panels curved smartphones. Do you even care, I probably wouldn’t recommend buying a curved smartphone at this point, but it’s a lot more tempting to buy a curved TV. So let me know what you guys think, thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys in the very next one peace, foreign .