Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial

Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial”.
In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at how to create your own page on facebook and i’m not talking about profile or a wall, or things like that. What i’m talking about is a page that people can visit. It’S like creating a web page, a website that people can access and i’m going to show as an example an educational page on facebook. But you could create a business page. You could create a personal page to represent yourself and some of your hobbies and things like that. The options are endless, pretty much what you could create with this, so i’m signed into my facebook account as you can see, and if you look in the upper right corner, you should see this little drop-down button little triangle.

Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial

If you click on that notice that there’s an option to create a page and also to manage pages that maybe you’ve already created in the past now for some reason, this doesn’t always show up for me and I’ve seen other people as well with their own Facebook Accounts, they’ll click there on the triangle and they don’t see create page. If that happens for some reason – and you still want to create a page, all you have to do is go down and choose help and then do a search for create facebook page and, for example, here’s a little article who can create a page. You click that, and it’s got a link to create a facebook page, you click it and it takes you to the right place. So I have seen that happen from time to time that you’re not able to see the create a page link and that’s the way to solve the problem is go to the help. But for now I’m just going to click create page, and it takes me to a screen here on which I’m supposed to choose the kind of page that I’m going to be creating. Is that a business? Is it a company or organization a brand whatever? Now, from the teachers point of view, if I were a teacher wanting to create a facebook page to represent my class or to represent me as a teacher, I would go with this option here: artists, band or public figure as teachers, we are public figures. We are in the public eye to me that makes sense, but you could choose a different option if you want so I’ll click that choose category and I’ll go down and choose teacher, and I need to put my name here and then click get started.

Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial

There’S a couple of questions about what is your page about? If you want to link to a website that you have in addition to this one, you can put that in and then you can choose a unique Facebook web address that this is where people will go to find your page that you’re creating next it asks. Is this person that you’re creating the page for a real, celebrity or famous person in this case? No I’ll click skip next up, I get the opportunity of uploading a picture of myself. I could import it from website or I could upload it from my computer and I’ll just upload from computer. I could go to photos and pull in a picture there or I could go wherever I have pictures. I could go and bring one of them in. As my profile picture next up, I click Next and I add to favorites it says: add your page to your favorites to easily access at any time, so you can just click that button it’ll be added to your favorites, newsfeed and so forth.

Creating a Custom Facebook Page Tutorial

I’M going to skip that in this case. Next up, you can share this page with friends. This is a good way to start getting the word out about your new facebook page and then the last option is reach more people. You could create an ad to advertise.

Your page and notice that there is a budget you’d have to be, you know willing to pay, but this would advertise your page to the world. I’M going to skip that as well. It wants me to start off by liking the page I’m going to skip that as well. It also points me here to build audience. It wants me to invite my contacts to look at my page and there’s several other things that you could do to start getting. The word out about your your Facebook page as you can see, this is my page now, and I’ve got some options here. I have messages that I can set that I can look at and then down. Here is my actual page notice that i can add a cover is what they call it to my page to go back here behind my my profile image.

I can basically start posting as this public figure jackson stout. Now, if I were not a teacher, but instead maybe a small business owner. I could put the name of my business here and I could basically post representing that business. I could put coupons a sales advertisements.

All sorts of different things on this page to get attention for my business as a teacher. This is nice because I can put announcements for the students and their parents. I can put calendaring information on here, just lots of different good things that I can do now. Similar to the regular facebook personal pages that people have, you can post your status for your organization or your class or whatever you can post photos, and you can also put in events and milestones so I could put in as an event a test is coming up. I could put some details about the test, maybe what to study, what to review, where it’s going to be when it’s going to happen and the category and all that kind of stuff, and then I click create now some other things that I think make these pages, Especially powerful for teachers is that you can also you can write posts, add videos and things, but notice that you can also ask questions. I can basically pull the people that come to my facebook page, so I could ask the question like what country would you most like to visit and i can add, pull options and notice. You can put in some multiple choice and then click post and i’ve just created a simple little pull for my class or for the audience that comes to my facebook page. I really like the facebook page options that we can use to create things to create a web page for our class or for our company or organization.

And, of course, as students come to this page, they can like the page, and that will make it so that whatever I put on this page, will show up in their feeds on their wall. So try using Facebook to create a class page. I think you’ll find it worthwhile and a good tool. Please subscribe to my youtube channel to get more videos about technology for teachers and students.
