Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word

Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word”.
In this Microsoft Word tutorial we’re going to look at how to create a certificate in Word, and I think you’ll find this to be a useful project in an educational setting for teachers to make certificates for their students, but also in the business world and in families And in many other situations it does come up that you need to create a certificate. Word makes it so easy to do that, so, let’s get started making a certificate in Word. The first thing I would do is go here to the upper left and click file. When you click file, it takes you to this screen and you can choose new.

I would like a new document and I could choose a new blank document and build a certificate completely from scratch, but that’s going to be a lot of work instead, I’ll just click here in the search and type in certificate. It’S searching both templates that are on my computer as well as templates that are online only and you can see, there’s a whole bunch here, and I know for a fact that most of these are not on my computer. Most of these are in the cloud on Microsoft’s website and because I have a legal registered version of Microsoft Word.

Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word

I can access all of these wonderful documents and use them as if they were my own. Here, we’ve got a great one for preschool diploma. Here’S one gift certificate award: this would be wonderful for a small business there’s some that look more official and fancy and some that look more fun and playful. It really just depends on what you’re looking for for me in this case, I’m going to use this certificate of award, so I click on that and it gives me a preview of what that looks like now.

Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word

If I want to, I can click the next arrow to look at the next option in a preview format, but I’m just going to go back and select this particular one and click create. Now. This is downloading the template from the cloud where Microsoft keeps these templates and it’s installing this template on my computer. So now I have it in my word document to see this a little bit better. You may need to go down here to the lower right and change the zoom level of your document. You’Re gon na find yourself doing this multiple times, one working on a certificate and every certificate template is a little bit different, but I think this one is a good example.

Creating a Certificate in Microsoft Word

You’Ve got some nice decoration around the edges and you’ve got a bunch of words, all formatted, beautifully for a certificate and up here at the top. I can click on the word date. It highlights the word and I can go in and put the date of this award – let’s say November 14th 2020 certificate of award. Now what if this really isn’t a certificate of award? Maybe it’s more specific than that? I can certainly customize this.

If I don’t like the wording instead of certificate of award, I could say certificate of achievement now notice that the way that the certificate is set up each word is pretty well independent. You can click and drag to get everything, but when you click on a word, it highlights the whole word and then you can replace it with your own word very easily. So I really like that, but you’ll also notice that this word here achievement when I customized it. It made it too big for the layout that’s set up here, so I can change the font.

I can just click on it to go from 80 font to maybe 72 – that’s still, not small enough, so I can just keep trying until I make it so that that fits. I can also click. This decrease font button that might have made it too small and so you’ll have to play with that to get just the right font size for what you’re looking for all right, I think that looks pretty good certificate of achievement and maybe I’ll put excellence in sales.

So this is for an employee. That’S done a great job. I want to recognize the employee for their work in sales.

If I want to, I can add a personal message. Congratulations from the leadership team. Again, it looks like I’ll need to customize the font size. A little bit I can go here to the home ribbon and that’s another way to also change the font. It’S a little bit easier in some cases and if I want to, I can continue the message here below in a smaller font. In this case, I’m thinking I don’t really need that element, so I just click on it to select it and tap delete on the keyboard and it’s gone next recipient put in the recipients name in recognition of.

So this is in recognition of Amanda issued by and then I can put who issued the certificate and that’s kind of interesting that they have the name above and then the words issued by below. If you don’t like that, it is possible to highlight that and drag it somewhere else. It’S gon na be kind of hard to get it in the exact perfect spot. As you can see, Microsoft Word has this document set up to have placeholders, basically, for where things go, so it can be a little challenging.

So what I would probably do, if I wish that issued by was up above is, I would just highlight it and then hold ctrl and tap X to cut it. And then I would go here to the insert tab and ribbon and I want to insert a new text box. This will just be a simple text box there. It is, and I can click on it and then get the very edge of the text box.

To put it where I want it to be, I just clicked on it to highlight the text and then I’ll paste in be issued by and then I can click and drag on that and put it wherever I want it. That’S really the nice thing about a text box, it just kind of floats on top of your document and you can place it where you want to place it. So I think that looks better, at least for me, and I could do the same thing with in recognition of alright. So I feel like I’m done with this certificate looks really good, and now I can just go to file and click print and print this out.

For Amanda Thomas, I can sign it and hand it tour and I’m good to go. It is also possible, of course, to save this, and I could email it to her and what, if I wanted to post this online, that’s another option that I would have. I could click share and sign in to my account to share it to the web that way or to share it to people individually.

But another option is to export and I can go to export and say I want to change the file type instead of exporting this as a document, I want to save it as another file type, so I click here or double click, and here is where I Can choose the file type notice? That PDF is one of the options, that’s a great option to use, and then I can just save it, and so now it’ll be a PDF which is much better for posting on the web on a website or even including an this might be a better option. So that’s how you can easily create a certificate in Microsoft. Word thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful. If you did, please click the like button below and consider connecting with me on my social media accounts like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, and definitely do subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos about technology for teachers and students and when you do subscribe.

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