CrazyFlie: Tiny Open Source Quadrotor

CrazyFlie: Tiny Open Source Quadrotor

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “CrazyFlie: Tiny Open Source Quadrotor”.
And we develop a flying. Uh open platform named fight, run a lot of the support and also manufacturing yeah, and i i work a lot with the software also do some hardware and it has to be done as well. Yeah unfortunately, yeah – and i work software hardware and radio and itunes – basically we’re all free engineers, but we do whatever we can yeah for the company, so we’re good at some stuff and it’s pretty bad. So we started out in 2009.

That’S a kind of a hobby for you, the competence development project for the company, we’re working, so we set out to make a pcb fly. That was our goal and we got a small budget and we uh got it to fly in six months and then we decided we got a lot of attention. Online people were asking: well, where can we get the kids and we decided? Well? Maybe we should uh, maybe we should make it, we could manufacture and take it available for people that don’t use it. So that’s how we got started back into foster life. We did everything on the spare time, though it took almost, i think, 1500 to 2000 hours. Before we got the product, we could actually sell yeah.

So it was a lot of work, long nights and now that we have the opportunity to work full-time, so the development of a crucified to start around the beginning of 2014, when we were able to start working full-time after getting uh some feedback from the community and Also, a lot of ideas that we wanted to incorporate ourselves. We decided to sit down and assign the new customer so right now we’re able to work full time and survive on the revenue, so we’re financing the company by uh selling healthcare. Okay, oh yeah, we’re hoping to expand, but right now we need to celebrate more to do that. We have a lot of people that help us out, though, so the community is great and we get a lot of work from them and also they contribute with code and yeah. For example, we developed a client in python and now we have clients developing about every language, even javascript, so that’s kind of contribution. That’S really going to spread. We were open source enthusiasts, we’re using linux for uh for a while and we’re using a lot of personal projects, so that was in a way some uh. Some way to give back, but also open source is very interesting because it allows us. We have a lot of crazy ideas, a lot of things we like to do and not enough time. So if we make the flying platform that we want people to do stuff, they’re actually doing all these crazy ideas, so it allows us to expand the platform in front of it and uh. This was done pretty quickly to show the concept, and then someone from our community picked this up.

We need a much better interpretation for me. I think one of the biggest challenges is software right now, because it’s becoming really complex and you start seeing more complex systems like embedded linux and stuff it’s getting into the market, and i think the software part will be the big challenge in the future, because it’s Not enough with the simple sensors, you need cameras, you need other other much more complex stuff to make them work in real reality, and so especially aware that we need much more powerful hardware to go forward in the future and those are usually a lot harder to Develop with yes, so that’s one of the biggest challenges any time it takes a lot of time yeah. So it’s really great to be at the maker faire to meet other enthusiasts in open source and it’s really great to show our products and get some feedback to see what people think about them and what it all becomes. More real yeah .