Could AI Replace Linus?

Could AI Replace Linus?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Could AI Replace Linus?”.
Yeah, let’s move on next one all right, Ian uh, happy Friday, though, what uh, what tech related job do? You think will take the longest for AI to take over well this one’s just for Luke. Oh, it looks like dude. It is not! Oh, also get owned. The longest for AI to take over, I was gon na, say developing AIS, but that’s not even true they’re, like already working on each other and stuff yep.

Could AI Replace Linus?

It’S really tough. I think if you knew the answer to this, you would probably find some way to get extremely rich over the next little bit, because that is a question that, like everyone, is trying to figure out right now, um, how about like the business engagement, side of tech. So so the the actual like schmoozing, that takes place where companies work on integrating each other’s Tech and making deals. I think that while you and I might go well, they could easily take over that by just writing emails. It’S already integrated into office and it’s integrated into Gmail or whatever. I think you – and I both know that, even though it’s not really our thing, a lot of business is done over drinks over shared experiences totally is yeah um, whereas you and I issue all forms of social contact um. So we don’t really get it, but there’s a lot of there’s a lot of times that I’ve encountered people in my career, where I would send an email and get ghosted or get blown off, and then I would run into them at a party at CES or Something say literally exactly the same thing then bridge that connection and all of a sudden they’re down to do a deal because we hung out or something and I’m kind of like that’s stupid um. But I don’t. I can’t change that.

Could AI Replace Linus?

I I I have to play the game right. I I I think it will be my my jump is like infrastructure maintenance, because so like the actual Hardware, maintenance or okay, my job’s, safe, because you could for now now uh. Because you can. You can like automate a lot of that with robots and you can do whatever.

But what, if that’s the problem? What, if the like networking that connects everything goes down for whatever reason sure yeah all right yeah, I don’t know, I think those were both valid answers and we should not be angry with each other anymore tonight. They don’t like it when mom and dad fight. Well, that’s why I was trying to tell everyone to like just don’t you guys, still love each other. There’S no, there’s not my fault.

Could AI Replace Linus?

Could I do a bad job? Producing I’m sorry, it’s Dan’s fault. 100, he’s the wedge that came between us. One thing that we agree on is that it’s your fault, .