CoolerMaster – MasterLiquid 240 AIO – Unboxing & Updated Review – Former Member Exclusive

CoolerMaster - MasterLiquid 240 AIO - Unboxing & Updated Review - Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “CoolerMaster – MasterLiquid 240 AIO – Unboxing & Updated Review – Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello and welcome floatplane supporters and YouTube members. We appreciate your support of the tech deals channel. Your support will increase the number of videos. We can make the content, we can output and hopefully, if we can get enough of you, we can hire a full-time editor and we can outright double our content output. This is a blast from the past. The cooler master master liquid 240. This is an interesting video, because this is the unboxing. It was originally meant to be turned into a dedicated video with snippets and cuts from the installation of this cooler into the original Rison. 7 1700 bill done in the cooler master master maker 5 T case, which you know it’s interesting interesting thing.

I still have that case and I still have this cooler and it’s all still there. That gives me the chance to give you the perspective from two and a half years later, usually, when products get reviewed, I’ve touched them for a day or a week and there’s no long-term history that can really be provided. Let me share with you the long-term thoughts on this cooler and then the unboxing and everything will come, but this just gives me a chance to talk for a little bit. First of all, it works fine.

CoolerMaster - MasterLiquid 240 AIO - Unboxing & Updated Review - Former Member Exclusive

It has worked since day, one. It is now two and a half years old. It still works, the pump works, the pump is quiet, it cools the chip ridiculously well.

CoolerMaster - MasterLiquid 240 AIO - Unboxing & Updated Review - Former Member Exclusive

I certainly I tried to overclock it, but the chip was the limitation. Their temperatures were never an issue. It’S just the first gen rising ships only had so much overclocking potential.

I really never got four gigahertz stable out of my original 1700. I eventually switched that chip out from my 1700 X, which does run at 4 gigahertz. It’S just some of the excerpts wouldn’t do four gigahertz in some would and then some of the Nanak chips.

Actually, a lot of the Nanak chips would not do 4, gigahertz quite a few reviewers to do 3.8 or 3.9 on their launch 1700s, but could get four gigahertz on the X chip, so they or Bend I mean in theory. They. You know they will go a bit higher.

The one big complaint I have is these fans did not stay quiet cooler, masters fans are very hit and miss when it comes to noise, and I ended up replacing these fans and the funny thing is, as I sit here, recording the voiceover. I genuinely cannot remember. If I put be quiet or Noctua fans on there, but one or the other, I changed the fans and that the noise went to basically zero. The pump is very, very quiet.

CoolerMaster - MasterLiquid 240 AIO - Unboxing & Updated Review - Former Member Exclusive

I’M genuinely pleased at how quiet this pump is. My Corsair pumps are noticeably louder than this is I can audibly hear Corsair pumps when the fans are really quiet. This pump. Is I mean? Yes, if you tilt your head down and you put your ear right up next to it? Okay, you can hear the liquid moving, but that’s it.

It is sweet sweet sweet. As far as the fans go, it depends upon which model you get. I don’t actually think they sell this model anymore, so it’s relevant and the new RGB ones are. I recently used the 360 millimeters super duper, RGB cooler, which works really really well.

On the I $ 9.99 hundred K build god, the fans are allowed on that thing, but you know sometimes you’ll just get loud fans, and sometimes you won’t and it just it just depends upon the kit that you get so you may want to consider changing them Or not something else with the coolers to keep in mind if you do change the fans, you do change the cooling dynamics, because the fans that come with liquid coolers are static pressure fans designed to push air for they’re supposed to be static pressure fans. So if you change the fans out for airflow fans or for super quiet fans, you may reduce the cooling performance anyway. I have talked way too long.

Let’S get to the unboxing. Now the audio you’re about to hear was recorded back. I do believe it was March of 2017, so this is two-and-a-half years ago, so my voice will sound different.

It’S just a different style of video, enjoy hello and welcome to tech deals. Cooler, Esther’s master, liquid 240, 240 millimeter liquid cooler. What is this, why should you watch and why should you care well, in short, if you are looking to overclock your cpu to a high level of performance, if you are looking for one of the best values on the market for a high end, high performance, liquid Cooler stop you’ve come to the right place: 240 millimeter cooler under $ 100. This is an amazing value. I’Ve reviewed many coolers on my channel. This is the least expensive, 240 millimeter cooler I have ever covered, but it is not a cheap budget one. In fact, this one is quieter than a library, low noise fans, low noise pumps. I’M actually quite excited about this one.

Now, in this article, I’m gon na be opening this box up, showing you the parts talking about what you can use it on and then showing you some clips from where I actually installed it into a machine or well. I will, by the time you watch this video. I have it yet and then I’ll talk a little bit about what your other choices might be now. This is special because this is one of the few coolers on the market that already comes with the AMD.

Risin am for socket brackets in the box, most coolers on the market. Right now, don’t yet come with those, and you have to order them separately, because the new AMD rise in a m4 platform is so new, but it supports Intel chips as well. Everything all the way back to the LGA 775 socket and everything newer cents, and so anything Intel’s made for more than 10 years and basically anything AMD’s made for almost as long now. That’S enough talking, let’s open up the box inside the box here there is a piece of styrofoam to protect it and we have a pair of 120 millimeter low noise fans and some instructions yay. These are nice. One thing I like about these fans.

Take a look at that all black there’s no gray pieces on it, there’s no red or white or blue pieces too. Many of these things are coming with colored plastic or other things on them that detract from the appearance the radiator is black. The waterblock is black.

The hoses are black if you’re building a case, and you have a color theme going, be it all black or maybe an RGB case. This will stay out of your way. There are a lot of parts in components.

You won’t use them all. In fact, this right here says Intel LGA 2011 right there that would be for Broadwell II. Now that Rison seven is out.

I hope not too many of you are planning on building one of those machines, but if you are or you have one, there are the parts for it, lots of posts and screws. Now, all of that will be explained in the instruction manual one more multipurpose bracket AMD on this side and intel on that side. Of course, we have two silica packets to keep all of the moisture out, and now we have the important part right here. We have got the radiator and the water block. I want to hold this up, so you can see it take a look at that that is beautiful, cooler, master master liquid 240 is printed right on there. This is nice.

Take a look see if I can get the light to shine there we go if I can get the light to shine through there. Now. Here’S what’s nice about this radiator array with the two low speed fans that are – and here we are with the fan you can see how many fan blades are on the most of the fans that come with coolers that I have reviewed previously only usually have between Five to six fan blades with this fan design and that radiator design, cooler master says that this has a maximum sound level of just 30 decibels that is quieter than the inside of a library.

Now, on the actual water block itself, that logo will light up. If you want it to, that, is a white LED light that shows the cooler master logo. Look how thick that is. This is a high flow pump for high efficiency and this hosing I like very much.

I recently did a build video with an inexpensive liquid cooler and all it had was rubber hoses. All it takes is a small Nick in those rubber hoses and oh no, you know you might end up with a leak. This is mesh and there’s the rubbers actually underneath that so they’re protected. I like the design of this. This is nice and these turn so you can adjust this and mount it as you need it for under $ 100 for a high-performance, 240 millimeter cooler. I’M excited now.

I haven’t actually installed this at the time of this video. I will, by the time you watch it, but if this performs anything like the more expensive coolers, I think I found my new go-to budget 240 millimeter cooler. Now, setting that aside, there is one more cable here now this is a splitter. It’S nice look at this.

They provide this in the box. If you need something to connect multiple fans, if your motherboard does not have enough of the fan, headers no worries, they provide a splitter cable here, so that you can connect this to one fan header on the board and connect the pair of 240 millimeter fans. To this, and that way you don’t have to worry these – you can easily spend an extra few dollars on the fact that they include one is very nice.

The last item I want to show you is the thermal compound. When I’ve reviewed more expensive there, we go liquid coolers in the past. They come with the thermal compound pre-applied. Now that can be convenient to be sure, but you get one application of it once you install the liquid cooler on a CPU, it’s done! If you want to remove it, change, CPUs upgrade switch to a different machine, or maybe just remount it, because you didn’t get it quite right.

The first time you’ve got to go out and buy more thermal compound, because once you use what’s pre-applied, you can’t use it again. You can’t take it off and put it on another CPU. This has multiple applications 8 to 10 applications in this tube.

You could use this for the next 10 years if you wanted to switch between different CPUs you’ll, easily spend 6 to 10 dollars to buy a quality tube of thermal compound included at no extra charge. And here you can see all the parts laid out on the table. If I sound excited, please keep in mind that I love deals, there’s a reason why my channel is called tech deals for under $ 100 to get all of this to get the extra thermal compound, which normally you’ll spend six to ten dollars on to get an Extra power, splitter cable, which not all coolers, include that’s another couple dollars the fact that this includes the am four brackets.

The fact that this will work was rising without waiting for another set of brackets to come in the mail. The fact that it has the multi bladed quiet fans, it’s got an LED, lit pump. It is a full-featured premium, cooling solution for a budget price. It’S a deal now, as I said, I have not actually installed it if the cooling performance is less than the other ones I’ve tested. I will tell you at the time I do the install and when I do the actual build video.

However, as it stands right now in terms of construction quality in terms of fit finish and feel, this is right up there with the other liquid coolers that are reviewed. It feels like a quality product. It looks like a quality product and I’ve reviewed stuff that isn’t – and this is definitely a step above up step up, and this is definitely a step up in terms of fit finish and feel from the budget discount items that I have reviewed in the past. And now with that being said, let me show you a couple of quick scenes from the installation of this cooler on the AMD Rison 7 CPU on the am 4 motherboard and there you have it now to watch the entire installation be sure to click the link In the video description below to go to the full build video showing this installation in the computer, I will actually put the link down there with the time stamp already in it. So it will fast forwarded you to that section in the video. If all you care about is seeing the installation of this cooler, but if you want to watch that whole video, it is interesting in its own right. I like this video, if you liked it share it with your friends if you loved it remember to subscribe to my channel, it’s a big, huge red button directly below questions and comments in the comment section and as always, check out the links in my video description Links to both Amazon and Newegg to buy this cooler compare prices between the two stores.

They both offer great customer service, buy it where it makes the most sense for you and then, of course, links to all of my cooler reviews. I have a full playlist of all the different coolers air coolers liquid coolers 1 20s to 40s to 80s, also linked in the video description below. Finally, if you found this video helpful and useful – and you want to support my channel – consider donating via patreon, there is a link in the video description below to my patreon account.

If you can give $ 1, if you can give $ 5 anything helps, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for watching. I will see you in the next article and that’s the end of what was recorded back then now.

Needless to say, as I noted in the video, there was no footage of the installation of this. That’S not the point of this video, because I’m just I’m grabbing old footage that never got used and just giving you an exclusive video to say. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you for being supporters of the deal nation thanks for watching and I will catch all of you next time. .