Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!

Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!”.
What’S up tech fans today we’re going to be taking a look at a power supply from the people over at cooler master. Now this is the bad boy in my hand, it’s the v850 sfx gold. It’S a fully modular semi, fanless 80 plus gold certified sfx power supply. So let’s dig in and let’s see what this power supply is all about. Are you building a new computer or just upgrading an old one? If so, then chances are you need a new windows? 10 key and cd key sales they’ve got you covered buying, has never been easier and prices for windows keys are under 20 and there’s even additional discounts.

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Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!

Now there are 16 awg cables that are inside this box. We’Ll start unboxing it right now. So let’s just do that. That’S why i set this two camera angles here.

Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!

This box opens okay, so we’ll take it up here and go ahead and just open it like this and see it over there, nice and good sorry for these strange unboxings, something’s falling out that’s for the bracket, so we’ll just open that up. So you guys can see everything in there. Here are the brackets and there are tie downs so inside this little bag you can see both the tie, downs and the bracket, so this is going to be that sfx to atx bracket that we were talking about before now.

Since this power supply is 90 gold, certified that means that it’s going to under normal circumstances, it’s going to be running at 90 percent efficiency, so 90 efficiency – that’s not bad right and that’s what’s going to be running at um. Also, this power supply is rather unique. So it’s really small too.

So here are all the cables. There are a bunch of different cables in here for pretty much everything that you could imagine under the sun. So let’s go ahead and let’s take a look at all the cables that are in here, because there are actually quite a few of them in here say: the wires are more than anything else now these are like. I said these are the awg cables. These are thicker and flatter, so they actually can produce whoops more electricity through them. I mean you’ve got everything you need. I mean i mean one as i two falling i’m gon na keep showing you guys my head, i’m gon na be setting up for a better unboxing area. You know i have to set up a whole other film area for doing that, because in here it’s just not really meant for that, but um i’ll just hold them up here. So everybody can see them. Though you can see all these. These are going to be your power cables set those down some more cables. These are the cpu cables right here. It even says cpu on them. I’Ll take another look right here and see if the other ones actually have writing on them. Nope those particular ones. Do some more of these shut those down actually even more of those a lot of these? So if you’re picking up all your saver drives, you’ve got a lot of cables, so we’ve got one two, two of those: the power power. Okay, what else we got going on in here some more cpu cables – at least these are all marked. That’S quite nice haven’t done a power supply unboxing in a very long time, to be honest with you more sata connectors, so there’s four sets of zeta connectors each one of them has, let’s see one two three four of them on it. So you’ve got that going on oops your power, cable, nice, thick power, cable. Also, these aren’t marked. Oh yes, they are. These.

Are your pcie cables right here once again, they say pcie, although i thought the whole power supply was. You know base around that, but okay and then last but not least, this is cmpsu, so a lot of different power cables in there. Now. Let me this is very small. I mean honestly, this is like the smallest power supply. I’Ve ever seen um also they say it’s like a semi fanless design.

Let me get this up here, so you guys can see this on the side. You got a little warning label and on the back you can see everything connects everything’s well marked out, so you can see it good to go there and then, last but not least, we have all the nomenclature all the information about it. It’S very small as well. The power supply is only 3.94 by 4.92 by 2.5 inches.

So it’s a really small power supply. We can translate that into millimeters for you, folks who aren’t from the usa, but that’s it. You know single fan design on top, it’s very, very small um. This would be great for building like little tiny.

You know gaming systems um, but since it’s 850 watts i mean it. Could you know power? You know something bigger. The the thing is: there’s just not a whole lot of cables in here to hook up a lot of video cards. So that’s going to be the you know the thing about about this particular power supply and right here on the side it does say i don’t think i’ve showed you guys this. It does say the the the name right there, the v850 i’m using a second camera. As well, because i find that, like this particular camera, i have it set on like i luck, so it pretty much just locks like onto my eye, so a power supply that you know comes to market it’s about 209..

It’S sfx, 90 gold certified has a 10 year warranty. I mean come on a 10-year warranty. Have you ever known anybody in their life to own their pc for literally 10 years and keep it going usually stuff just fails or they move on.

Cooler Master V850 SFX Power Supply Unboxing!

So having a warranty, that’s 10 years to me, is kind of like saying: hey, you’re, getting a lifetime warranty buddy, because i mean i don’t know about you, but i usually upgrade my computer at least every two to three years and and more, if possible. If i’ve got the extra cash, so you guys know what i’m talking about, but all in all, i think it’s pretty cool. I mean all of these cables are completely flat.

So they’re going to be, you know really nice. When you’re building your system, i mean a lot of people would probably complain, say: oh, they should be braided, but i mean that’s stuff that custom builders do at least these are flat and they will fit in your system. So you really won’t have to worry about too hard of cable management. They’Re, very you know um they’re, very pliable as well. So when you’re doing your build, there shouldn’t be too much of a problem. You know working around it and doing good cable management um.

So that’s it. I mean there’s not a whole lot on. Just a you know: a power supply. If you mean i could stick inside of a system and say hey yeah, it’s running the system, but beyond that i mean this is pretty much.

What there is about. A power supply, i mean it’s small, it’s powerful. What more does anybody want? You guys are looking to purchase one of these or seek more information. I’Ll have a link down below.

So if you guys want to check that out or if you want to just um just go out and buy one on a crazy whim, you can do that too. It’S your choice. You have the power anyways, i’m elric, thanks for watching tekken, tomorrow, um kind of a different way to do. Unboxing right i mean hey, hey, but it’s working for right now, um tomorrow, i’m actually going to be setting up a whole new area in my living room.

I’Ve got it all cleaned up and looking nice with surround sound systems and paintings, so we’ll be able to film out there and i’ll be able to focus one camera really on an unboxing area and do more traditional. Like unboxings. I’M going to try to experiment with, like you know, multiple cameras, so that’ll be kind of cool as well. I’M trying to get better at doing videos this year.

Um, sorry guys. I’Ve been sick for a long, long, long time. Um, a lot of things have been happening with covid and everything that have been a real struggle, but i’m going to really get back into doing hardware, reviews and the stuff that you guys actually want to see, which is you know, pc related stuff. So excuse me, as i dabble sometimes into music, but i will still be trying to bring you guys as much pc oriented stuff that you guys the audience want to see. Um if you like my channel and you’d like to sub. Please do so but make sure you turn the notifications bell so that you know i’m making videos otherwise you’ll have no idea that i’m even making them and if you want to support the channel um like i said, we’ll, have a link down below where you can Try amazon, prime for free for 30 days or if you have a single dollar you can support us on patreon. All the links are pretty much all down below.

So just click more information on the video and you are good to go so peace out. Thanks for watching we’ll see you guys back from the channel. I’Ve got a lot of monitors coming up in the next couple of weeks, got some sound stuff coming up. I got plenty of videos for february um this month. I turn uh 56 years old.

So let’s see how good this old 56 year old guy can do. Peace .