Cooler Master – MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler – Former Member Exclusive

Cooler Master - MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler - Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Cooler Master – MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler – Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals floatplane exclusive preview of the master liquid 360 millimeter RGB liquid cooler. This thing is insanely huge, insanely gorgeous and frankly, it’s a knee expensive 159 dollars is the anticipated launch price of this holy smokes inside the box. You get a whole bunch of stuff, it’s nicely packed. You’Ve got the three RGB fans mounting solutions for all the modern cpus, except for thread ripper, but it does cover intel and AMD and then, of course, a RGB controller hub to let you plug everything, including the fans into single connectors sort of I’ll show you a Picture of that in a moment, but it is kind of a cabling mess. What it is is gorgeous.

I’Ve got footage for you here in just a minute, but I’m just showing you some pictures. While I do some voiceover I’m gon na, let you hear what this sounds like in just a second, but it is undeniably gorgeous and there are a ton of different modes you can set. These RGB fans to here is a wide shot of how I have it set up with my test bench. I haven’t actually put this into a computer yet, and there are no, in fact, cooling results in this article, because it is a preview – slash, tease this actually launches on August 14th.

So before then, I can’t actually share with you how well it cools now. That is actually balanced on the box of the cooler and yes, it’s an open air test bench rather than an closed build. It will be used in a build video. Not to worry.

Cooler Master - MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler - Former Member Exclusive

I have something special coming up soon. For those of you curious, that’s a rise in 720, 700 X and in msi RX 580, not that it makes any difference, but that’s what that is, and then yeah here’s the fun part. The cabling to be honest with you is, is not going to be fun when I actually put this into a build, I’m going to probably spend more time messing around with cable management than I did putting this together. Putting this together was easy mounting.

Cooler Master - MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler - Former Member Exclusive

The fans was easy mounting it to the motherboard was easy, hooking everything up with all the wires. I will spend time during the review talking about it. Let’S just say that pick a case that has plenty of room for cable management, because there is tons of it. This is just a fun quick video I did handheld with a 1080p camera on the desk.

Cooler Master - MasterLiquid 360mm RGB Liquid Cooler - Former Member Exclusive

I laid everything out to take a look at it. I did take pictures of it here, but I thought well, why don’t I go ahead and take a quick b-roll. Slash footage of it. I don’t do very much of this on my channel.

I am aware I should be doing it. I’M gon na try to be getting to doing it more there. You can see the RGB controller with various buttons and options. This is expandable. You can add more RGB fans. If you buy one of their triple fan kits.

You can control six different fans with the controller, there’s an absolutely ridiculous number of connectors there, but not to worry you don’t use them all. You can see the wonderful cable mess that you’re going to be dealing with trying to wire it up. If you have room behind your motherboard case, it’s not too big of a deal. If you don’t well, what can I say it’s gon na be interesting.

In any case, let me show you some gorgeous RGB footage. Now I am leaving the sound in at normal sound. My hope is that this isn’t too loud, and you can hear me this audio was recorded using the camera’s built-in microphone and my camera is about. Oh, maybe eight or nine inches away. I am very close to these fans and no they’re not inside a case. This is an idol at the Windows desktop, and this right here is.

I believe this was the default configuration it was in out of the box. I played with it a ton since then, if it’s not it’s just one or two button presses way to get to it. These are prettier in real life than this. Video will lead you to believe. I got ta tell you.

My wife walked in the first time into the room when this was actually turned on and she literally stopped halfway across the room. Looked over and went wow, those are really beautiful. They are, they are stunning.

They did this right. This here is just a different pattern. I’M gon na show very much of it, but it simply gives you a cycling of the colors as it loops around it’s kind of a cool effect and here’s a different one. This kind of goes back and forth.

When my wife saw this, she made the comment that it looked like the fans were turning both directions, and I can certainly see why she would say that there are some really cool modes. I’M not going to show you every one of them here, but this is just kind of a teaser of how cool the RGB is. This personally is my favorite.

It’S some the rainbow across all three fans notice that they are fairly well synchronized. They should be because they are plugged into the same controller. It’S not like they’re running independently and again, as I said, if you had three more RGB fans in your case, you can plug them all into the controller and have everything sync up. That’S pretty cool! This is just another shot with the camera pointed directly towards the fans, I kind of had it tilted to the left a little bit. This was all done handheld by the way, this is not on a tripod.

This is me simply holding the camera, as still as I can, it does have a image stabilization built into it, but this is a handheld shot right here. This particular one was about one foot away from the actual fans themselves, so it’s a fairly close-up shot of how gorgeous these fans really are. This right here is the pump itself on the CPU. Now it’s currently rainbow to match the fans, but it changes depending upon the modes, the other ones that you saw before it’s really really beautiful. Now, I’m going to show you some panning shots here. This was done all handheld again.

My attempt to do more b-roll be warned in just a second full. A 264 stress test 4.2 gigahertz. Among fan speed. It is loud if you’re wearing headphones turn them down, but I want you to hear these fans from 6 inches away at full speed. Yes, that is quite loud and I’ll, be completely honest with you it’s louder than I personally would want to tolerate. Now I have sent a piece of this footage over to Coolermaster.

To ask them. Is this normal for for full speed? Again, the camera was six inches away. It’S a 264 stress testing with everything maxed out with an overclock, but it was still very very loud. How loud will they be once it’s actually installed into a case? I don’t know cuz.

I haven’t done that yet, but I will I will be doing a build with this cooler and if, by chance these fans aren’t supposed to be this loud, then I’ll, let you know I’ll give them a chance to. Let me know if it’s not, because if you get overly loud fans well, then that’s just not very much fun is it. So if there is a problem, we’ll get it corrected, and this is just the fans at 10 % speed, or rather the video at 10 % speed just for the fun of it. This is a floatplane exclusive preview, no performance, but that’s coming very soon.

Thank you. So much for watching and for being a floatplane subscriber and supporter of tech deals. I will see all of you guys next time. .