Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones

Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones”.
Skillshare is a great place to learn new skills and pursue the work. You love we’re gon na talk about concept, smartphones, which is a bit of a rare topic. These are phones that are either created for the purposes of entertainment or made by companies as a promise to consumers of what the future might hold and in a lot of ways, these are even more exciting than the phones that end up being released. They are bounded by the same realities of having to mass-produce, to reduce costs and to make profit, and instead these are the creators visions of what could be one day possible. So, let’s get right into it.

We’Re gon na start with a couple that I found pretty hilarious because, as you guessed, when you let people’s imaginations run wild the results aren’t always fantastic. First up was the triple display Android phone, similar in a lot of ways to the ZTE axon M. That was recently released, but instead of two displays, we’ve now got three which sounds kind of ok. Until you try to see someone folding it up, it is laughably impractical, it folds into a triangular prism shape, which means not only is it impossible to pocket. But you see people in the video struggling to hold it properly and I’ve got to say the trailer is almost a difficult video to watch just because you are cringing throughout the whole three and a half minutes watching these people trying to navigate the complex form factor To perform basic functions like take a photo by the end, it seems like they’ve given up and they just show somebody using the phone as a plant pot.

The second and I hate to say it failed concept with the iPhone 2020. This was made by concepts iPhone, and essentially this is your standard iPhone with a display that is 360 degrees, not to be mistaken, with a phone which has a front and a back panel, which we have seen on a couple of 2017 devices. This is one screen that envelops all the way around which credit where dude looks fantastic, and this is a really well produced trailer, but it’s got to be up there with one of the most useless features.

Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones

I’Ve ever seen on a smartphone. There is probably no bigger waste of battery than having a screen for which you can only ever see 50 % at one time that is constantly on constantly draining battery life and performance. All right now, on to my favorites, you’ve, probably seen the first one.

Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones

This is by sonnet dark. It was released in 2013 and almost immediately became a huge viral here. The video has over 40 million views right now, but curiously, whilst the video is titled iPhone, six to seven, it was actually released just after the iPhone 5 and before the 5s. So I think he or she might have changed a title a couple of years later, just to keep catching search traffic, okay. But the main point of this is that, just by pressing one application on the iPhone it completely changes, it looks like something out of a Transformers movie and you see, if projector super-high resolution, by the way, projecting a keyboard up in front and on the rear.

It projects what looks like a Mac style interface now. Clearly, this concept is filled with a lot of wishful thinking. I mean those are some of the best looking projectors I’ve seen full stop, let alone packed into a smartphone, but at the same time, what makes such a great concept is that this is potentially something that could be done. We have seen projectors getting better and better built into phones and we have seen phones that can produce computer like interfaces, for example the huawei make 10, for example the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, so it’s far-fetched, but at the same time it’s implausible. I, like it number two, is the Nokia morph, and this was released back in 2008, so for a lot of people, this was their first glimpse into the idea of a foldable phone, and this was a concept that really did it all. It was like Nokia’s way of saying: hey, look everyone. This is all the stuff we are working on, or have plans to work on so make sure you invest more in our company. Having said that, it was a really well-made video with some really smart ideas. It shows a nanomaterial construction which allows the phone to fast charge just using sunlight and we’ve also got transparent electronics, so I think it’ll be quite some time before we get a transparent battery. That is the idea that it’s showing that akhiya morph also showed off haptic feedback on a display, as well as a superhydrophobic coating, which basically made the phone very much waterproof.

Concept Smartphones that are better than Real Smartphones

But, interestingly enough, these two things are features we actually see on modern-day smartphones. So, ten years after this was released, which at the time looked almost like a sci-fi movie, we’ve seen some of those features, that’s kind of a cool thing. We’Ve then got Samsung’s iconic, 2014 CES showcase and you’ve almost definitely seen this video during the rounds. This shows a guy in a bar who basically impresses a girl using his foldable displays, smartphone, which some people found kind of lame, but at the same time, the possibilities here are really quite fantastic. It shows a foldable smartphone concept with a more seamless transition between the two forms.

Then any current generation device can offer and the fault is occurring along the display itself, which is something Samsung has been working on for years now, not the same as what serve te is doing where the phone is simply folding along a hinge, and I think this One is particularly exciting because, as we move into 2018, people are getting very excited for the Galaxy X and the current rooms are suggesting. The Galaxy X is basically going to be based off the concept we saw in this article now. One phone that may well have slipped under your radar is a ZTE Eco Mobius. Now this arrived at a similar time to Google’s project ara, or at least when that project started getting more serious and it was well timed because this was also a modular smartphone. You could swap out the RAM the CPU, the GPU, even the camera module and the phone managed to do this, whilst looking badass, probably the best-looking modular phone concept, I’ve seen and also retaining a similar form factor in thickness to a non modular phone.

The idea at least, was really good news for consumers being able to upgrade your camera module being able to swap out your battery for a larger capacity, one being able to keep your phone running fast by getting the latest and greatest processor or without swapping the phone Out entirely, we’ve then got microsoft’s 2011 future productivity vision, which shows a small firm, which basically is 100 % display on the front. But it’s about a little bit more than that. It’S about how it plans to use connected devices all around you in your life, with the smartphone being the centerpiece. It shows how the phone is going to communicate with the TV, with your full scale PC as well as even what appears to be some sort of electronic book.

The video doesn’t really have one particular core focus, but it’s a really interesting, broad showcase of the general tech that we can look forward to. Then we’ve got my favorite. This phone looks very much like an iPhone 6s, which makes sense because this concept came out just before the iPhone 7, but it has a curved display which, to be honest, looks right at home on the iPhones. I always think that should be the direction Apple goes in with its standard iPhone models, but there’s more.

The display does something you’ve, probably never seen before, with an almost conveyer belt like functionality before point 7 inch standard display vertical orientation comes a widescreen landscape. Viewing experience. Probably eight inches in size, the mechanism does look like it would require some pretty advanced, flexible screen technology and when the phone turns around a new look from the rear, you can see this whole conveyor belt system seems to take up most of the internals of the Phone with no real space for battery and, of course, powering an 8 inch widescreen display battery is one thing, you’re, probably going to be running out of so again. This is one of those examples that is not practical, but it’s such a cool idea. It looks fantastic. It’S really out the box, but at the same time, in some capacity it is a plausible concept.

Alright. So, as I said, this video was sponsored by Skillshare. Now this is basically an online learning community. It’S got more than 17,000 classes in design photo and more. The Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to the high quality classes from experts in their fields. So you can improve your skills, unlock new opportunities and do the work you love.

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