Computing our climate future

Computing our climate future

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Computing our climate future”.
Climate information is really needed everywhere.. The challenge is that you know there’s a lot of climate change information out, there. It’s not necessarily in a form, that’s really useful and usable to to stakeholders in the ways that reflect the most advanced, computational efforts.. We need to improve our climate models to make them more robust, better match data and to address uncertainty.. I see a lot of opportunity in improving our understanding of this.. We want to create a tool that allows stakeholder communities to make the best decisions based on the best science that we have today. In principle.

What a climate model does is it’s a series of equations and calculates how the climate will evolve under different kinds of scenarios.? You want information that you can act. On., For example, they’ll, give you a prediction on what is the likelihood of rain tomorrow and that’s information that you act on.. You can decide not to go on a hike.

If the probability is 90 % or you go for a hike. If the probability is 10 %. Maybe you bring an umbrella and that’s it.. We don’t have the same kind of system for climate simulation, where the climate models are very difficult to use. They’re, not custom, tailored to be used by stakeholders that have to make a decisions. The unique thing about our approach compared to some of the existing climate information Is is those outputs will be really flexible. To make progress on this promise? You see you need people from different community coming together. We have teams across MIT that work really directly with industry, we’ll partner with people who are using results of of climate information on the ground, making sure that their most relevant and useful. MIT is at the forefront of computational advances.. So MIT should fill that gap and allow that interaction between stakeholder and climate science community to make tools create tools that can be used for actionable decisions like weather forecast. Allow you to decide what to do for a hike, because if we don’t do that, essentially we are facing climate change without being prepared for it..

We want to show that you can create a software like that.. We want to show that that is possible and what kind of infrastructure you need to make it happen.. There are substantial advances that have to happen in order to make this work. And we’re confident that we can do this..

We really have the right team in place.. We have the support of the MIT behind us and we have the capability .