’s openpilot test drive experience | TryTech | TechCrunch’s openpilot test drive experience | TryTech | TechCrunch

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “’s openpilot test drive experience | TryTech | TechCrunch”.
You can see it doesn’t have his feet. You know resting over the break or accelerator yeah right now. It’S detecting the red light. It knows that it’s appropriate not to go. You really want the system to be as chill as possible claws. You want to make sure that a human has time if they don’t like what the car is doing. I mean look. Look at the wheel like very unusual for Vegas. I feel, like I’ve spent half of my time here, sitting at red lights, but this is handling a very nice you put on the blinker and it made the automatic Lane change. Do you have to nudge it at all yeah? Are you also having to check your mirrors and stuff, or is it checking it checks for you? If I try to do a lane change now? Okay, if you weren’t to turn the blinker off, but it continued to do more Lane changes yeah. Only if you nudge it again without an end-to-end system, you can’t tell the difference between stopping for a car stopped at a red light and stopping for a car stop and go traffic.

We’Ve been through these two things very differently. Humans will come up much faster to a car and stop and go traffic because they think that it might go, whereas if you see a stopped car and a red light, you’ll actually slow down much earlier. Do that .