COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup [2017 – 2018]

COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup  [2017 - 2018]

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup [2017 – 2018]”.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, just before we upgrade to the next generation of the gaming setup. Let’S take a look at where we are now so this is my room looks pretty good, but there are some noticeable problem points. This chair is extremely uncomfortable. This pretty shoddy excuse for a curtain is actually just a piece of fabric tape to my ceiling. The piece you see on the bottom left is on its last legs.

COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup  [2017 - 2018]

It really is aging fast and those curtains. On the right hand, side are really looking out of place, so we’re gon na fix these problems and then take the setup even further. But before that I need to clean my room. Unfortunately, since I filmed that last set up, my room hasn’t exactly stayed as clean, as I would have hoped, and the problem is we just get so many deliveries here, which is great, but I just need to get a little bit better at managing them.

So I’ve shifting up some boxes getting some black bags packing everything away and now we’re going to start upgrading. So the first thing you’ll, probably notice, is that brand new PC on the right-hand side of our room. So you might remember my club, I did with Marcus from PC centric. He basically built a custom PC just so we could edit the videos on this channel, we’ll talk about the specs in a little bit. What this allows me to do is to completely remove that aging PC. I had and replace it with the PC that was originally on the right-hand side of the room. It gets better because we have a package here from game. They might be aware. I’Ve got a PlayStation 4 Pro hooked up on the right-hand side of the room, we’re gon na add a standard PlayStation 4 on the left as well you’ll see where we’re going with this in just a little bit, so we take it out the packaging. It’S a really slim line, console the new PlayStation 4 and it’s gon na sit quite nicely next to this PC on the left.

COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup  [2017 - 2018]

Now, if we take a glance around my room right now, you’ll notice something else a bit different, those curtains, those ugly curtains. You saw at the beginning have been replaced with these blinds now. These aren’t anything special that is standard blackout, blinds so they’re gon na block pretty much all the light which stops. You waking up at stupid times in the morning. What you’ll also be understood in seeing something which has completely changed since I lasted my set up, is where I film so this white table over here, by the way that wallpaper was made by Raul. So thanks to him is basically where I sit.

COLOSSAL $20,000 PC Gaming Setup  [2017 - 2018]

I’Ve also very recently upgraded my microphone from the rode ntg3 to the Sennheiser MKH four one six – and this is pretty much San Heiser’s highest-end shotgun microphone. I’Ve been using it for my latest few videos and have been seriously impressed. I’Ve also added these same blinds right to the back of my setup, just to block out any backlighting, and you might notice something else. The monitor which used to be on the far left of my setup, has not shifted to the middle and has been replaced by this giant TV here. This is a 49 inch LED TV, which is exactly the same size as the TV we have on the right-hand side. So it looks like a more symmetrical setup and when I show you these shots at the end of the entire setup, it’ll start to make a lot of sense. What I think is quite cool is I’ve got this little Ridge running around the inside of my desk. Now is a custom-made desk and what that’s allowed me to do is to not only have an LED strip running through it, but also allowed me to hide the monitors power cable. So, with a combination of some sticky tape and they serious and under patience, I managed to wire this up, so you can barely tell there’s a cable just a little thing dangling off the end of the monitor and connected to this monitor via HDMI. You’Ve probably noticed a good old friend of mine. This is the Nvidia shield tablet still even today, even three years after it was launched, one of the best multimedia Android tablets, which is almost embarrassing. It’S really good for playing any Android games you might want to, and it’s also got a controller that connects wirelessly to it and feels every bit as good as an Xbox one. Alright, moving on, you might be familiar with the Nano leaf Aurora. These triangular lights have almost defined my set up ever since the second update to it. You can control them via an app and thus plenty of customization options there, but they’re getting better now, because the company is actually released.

The aurora rhythm is a tiny little plugin that comes in this little recyclable, cardboard box, and you just clip it onto the end of your existing Nan only for a kit, and it allows them to sync to music. Well, technically, even when you talk or when you clap and again when I show you all this together at the end, it’s a really cool effect now for a bit of an audio upgrade. These are the co2 wireless Bluetooth desktop speakers and they are regrettably, quite expensive. Tearing open the packaging reveals two giant boxes, each of which comes with their own foam padding. Now I chose these speakers in particular through a play.

My cube eto threes, which were pretty good, and these aren’t necessarily much bigger, but they should sound quite a bit fuller. They also connect directly to my TV, so by default every time I turn that television on audio will play out of these, and also they do sound quite a bit bass, yeah they’re, also bluetooth, so you can instantly connect them to the phone. So it’s kind of like an all in one media solution in the room. Now, let’s talk a little bit about this PC and because it is geared towards editing it specifications are focused in this way.

So it’s got an eight call rise in 1800 X and 32 gigabytes of 3,000 megahertz Ram. It’S got a gtx 1070 card in there, which is not an extreme gaming card, but for the purposes of this PC is going to do a fantastic job. You probably also been drawn to the crazy LEDs going on in this case that says the Corsair 570 X and through courses PC lighting application. You can get the lights in your case to sync, with the lights in your keyboard and whilst it definitely does need a little bit of a clean, this is the k95 platinum and it is one of the best keyboards I’ve ever used in terms of response time.

In terms of LED customizability and in terms of typing experience – and it doesn’t end there – the same lighting software works not only across the keyboard but the mouse too, and believe it or not, even the mousepad. So when all the lights are off, you just got this crazy surge of LEDs flying across your room, all completely in sync, all right, flicking back over to the left hand, side of the room you can see, we’ve got a brand new graphics card. This is the gtx 1070 TI and, amazingly, this card is 10 to 15 percent faster than last generations, top-end 980 TI, which is the card I have in the PC just below, taking the 1070 ti out to the anti-static bag and inspecting it.

For the first time you realize wow, that is one good-looking card. It almost resembles a gemstone with all these angular edges, reflecting light in slightly different directions and, of course, Nvidia’s latest and greatest cooling solution. So, as I said, this PC on the left-hand side currently has a 980 TI in. So what I’ll do is take that out, replace it with the 1070 TI and now we’ve got a slightly higher level of performance, but that’s not the end of this left-hand side. You’Ll notice two other laptops up here.

The one on the right is Google’s brand new pixel books, something I was really excited to try out it kind of has both the benefits of being a laptop and a tablet. Because, anytime, you want to you, can fold the lid and change modes. Google was also kind enough to actually engrave the mr. who’s, the boss logo on there. So that’s pretty neat and overall, I’m really finding myself enjoying using it. The trackpad isn’t quite as responsive as the ones on the MacBook, but in terms of battery life and portability, it’s fantastic. The machine on the far left is a color where custom Edition 2015 top end MacBook Pro. That was a mouthful and a half. So that’s not really the machine I use regularly to edit videos, but it’s kind of the spare laptop that’s often handed around the house. Alright, let’s just take a step back now and really enjoy the setup, so you’ve seen almost all aspects of it now, and this is the latest and greatest version I haven’t even got started on the rest of the room, the cabinets filled with phones and all that Other cool stuff, but I’m thinking I’ll, save that for a full room tour. So do let me know if you want to see that alright guys thanks a lot for sticking this far into the video. I really hope you did enjoy it and all the product links, or at least most of them are going to be in the description below.

So if you’re interested do check that out and don’t forget, if you want to submit any ideas for future editions of the set up, be sure to do that, I’d be really interested to hear what you think. But that being said, I’m used to use the boss and I’m signing [ Applause, ] [ Applause, ] .