Close to absolute perfection. – Hyperkin Xenon

Close to absolute perfection. - Hyperkin Xenon

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Close to absolute perfection. – Hyperkin Xenon”.
I’Ve heard a lot of people say that the Xbox 360 controller is their favorite controller. Ever it’s certainly up there for me and in its generation, oh boy, did it ever kick the PS3 controller’s butt first generation Xbox’s revision control, the S kicks the ps2s, but I don’t like the GameCube controller. You don’t like having a good uh analog. Stick on the right side. No, no. The idea of this controller, as you can see, is to bring back 100 percent the Xbox 360 controller. It looks feels smells this one smells old, it’s definitely a little bit lighter. That being said, they are only producing a wired variant which at first kind of seems like a bit of a shame, but then I realize how much trouble Wireless can be it’s nice just to like plug it in and have it work let’s see what’s Alice is In this box, um to that end, there’s what seems to be a very long, USB, type-c, cable, proprietary stuff, always sucks USBC is definitely a huge win. This is long though I’ll go down.

This is it’s 10 feet. It might not be long enough if it’s your living room PC and you have to plug around the back or right around some stuff, but for most scenarios, especially if you’re right around your PC 10 feet is, is more than enough. Thank you for not cheaping out on that hyper King. Outside of that, we get a sticker, quick start guide and a little purchase cardboard, I’m bringing in my actual 360 controller.

It’S a little beat up, but it’ll give us an idea of the comparison. It’S the same cool, hey video’s done. Thank you for watching this video before we even compare. Let me give you just kind of General hand. Feel first impression is it’s it’s fairly light uh. It almost feels like it doesn’t have Rumble in it, but it does, and it actually has Rumble triggers, which is a cool little update, uh, bringing it up to par with the Xbox One and series X controllers. The Plastics feel pretty convincing in terms of almost feeling as good as the Microsoft’s ones. They feel a little bit cheaper, they’re, stiff and rigid, but the texture on it is a little bit off.

I might just be used to 15 year old controllers and the touch of that the screw layout looks pretty identical. I almost wonder if they got the exact moldings from Microsoft. This is actually an Xbox branded product, and so it wouldn’t surprise me if they got the official molding from Microsoft themselves. If you didn’t tell me that this wasn’t a first party controller, I would have a hard time saying it’s not.

It shares the same strengths, which was the great triggers for the time. Good analog sticks, uh, very comfortable shape, and it shares the ultimate weakness, which is the worst d-pad of all time different sound. I don’t think they feel quite as good.

I think these the original ones feel a little bit better in terms of analog sticks, they feel fairly light. I use mostly a dual sense: uh and a third-party Xbox One controller and both sticks feel a little stiffer than this, not the end of the world. I know some people like that, like really Snappy feeling um, but I find they feel a little cheap.

These are potentiometer base, sticks, they’re, not hall effect, unfortunately, but in a product such as this, I’m not super surprised. The clickiness of the sticks actually feels a little bit better on the hyperkin than the decade old 360 controller. But I don’t love. The plastic finish feels okay, not certainly not as good as the Xbox One and series X controller in terms of buttons in the middle. It has basically the same things you know start equivalent, uh select equivalent and then also a little the share button. I believe that’s what that is in an absolutely Valiant effort to redeem the worst deep out of all time.

Close to absolute perfection. - Hyperkin Xenon

Hyperkin has made it slightly more clicky, so it gives a little more tactile feedback on the direction you’re pressing. But when I do my Street Fighter moves test, you know the forward down quarter Circle forward. I could not tell you what’s being pressed at that moment, whereas, on a like a Super Nintendo controller on a Saturn controller or a PlayStation controller, you can like you can feel each part of the press. That’S going down on the top of the controllers.

Close to absolute perfection. - Hyperkin Xenon

We have the same right: bumper left bumper trigger uh type c versus the original Port. It has the hyperkin engine versus the Xbox one another little upgrade on. The bottom is instead of this proprietary accessory Port. We have just a 3.5 mil Jack and I think that’s one of the greatest improvements we’ve made to controllers over the last 10 years.

Although my dream for the Elite Series and the edge series on Playstation is that they would put a good DAC in there, because I find, when I play like good headphones into my PS5 controller, just sounds like doggy doo doo. Alright, that about does it for the physical exploration, let’s plug this bad boy and test it out, but not after I tell you about our sponsor thanks to MSI for sponsoring this video from oopsie. I spilled my coffee to epic Gaming. Marathons msi’s got your back and your laptop too they’ve got everyday laptops, for those mildly, productive moments, value gaming laptops for when you want to accidentally conquer the world and Flagship gaming laptops that scream, I’m so awesome, even my keyboard, glows with Envy, so whether you’re a Master procrastinator or hardcore gamer MSI has the perfect laptop for you.

Close to absolute perfection. - Hyperkin Xenon

Disclaimer Amazon laptops do not possess magical powers to clean coffee spills or guarantee victory in gaming check out msi’s epic summer sale at the links down below look at me. I was about to plug this. In without even showing off the other and clearly Superior Colors, Let’s do that is a really nice red.

Oh with the gray accents too, it’s usually hard to beat pink but uh. I found myself surprised by my color choices. These days amazing experience, I don’t like the pink it looks cheap so far, red is in the lead, still better than the white. Almost no plastic in this box, which I appreciate this is like a cardboard. The only plastic is around the cable which, although it’s a shame, pretty acceptable uh by most packaging standards, so nice job all right.

So now for the David goche official color rankings, what I would buy, I think I’ll do red black pink white, whatever texture they’re using on their Plastics, makes the pink look really cheap and third-party okay, so each color actually comes with a different colored cable. So pink comes with pink and red comes with red. Okay, it’s the details. If you were bringing back the 360 era yeah, you probably want it, because you like this controller, but you also like the the Aesthetics of it.

You know that retro Aesthetics, which is pretty crazy to think the 360, is turning 18 years old this year. It’S old enough to vote. I think the general rule is 15 years, but I’ve heard some people say no one of the strengths of using the Xbox controllers. Even since the 360 ERA, with the red adapter on a PC, is that it’s instantly designed to work with everything it works with Windows, it works with all the games. Steam can figure it out right away and even older games.

Even if you use a PlayStation controller on the PC will still have the Xbox button prompts. Traditionally, when I play PC games with the controller, I choose Xbox controllers, because it’s just tiny bit easier and that’s enough for me tiny bit easier. I need all the wins. I can get in my life guys.

I need every single one. Okay, uh first impression. It’S way too much Rumble like it’s really intense.

It’S like making my hands feel tingly. There is both vibration in the controller body and the impulse triggers. Although the body is so violently shaking that, I don’t feel the triggers at all, it might also be that this game, as it’s a Sony game, isn’t designed to use Xbox controllers to their fullest uh.

The trigger feels pretty similar to the 360 one. It’S a little light for my taste compared to Modern controllers, but it feels pretty good. Let’S see the shoulder buttons, the hyperkin has the better shoulder buttons. It feels a little more inconsistent on the button press like how much I have to press down on each part, but that was a big problem I had with the 360 like when you press here, it’s such a short travel, but when you press here it’s like A freaking inch man, I feel like the sticks, are tall. The hyperkin one, the shaft is a little thinner, uh and it looks slightly more elevated from the controller. Yeah.

Definitely yeah yeah, and I don’t know if I love that there’s some times where it’s kind of cool, to have the extra Precision that a heightened analog stick can give you definitely not a a deal breaker. But that’s something. I’Ve kind of generally found with hyperkin controllers is they’re generally like pretty darn good, especially because they’re coming generally at a value price um, but there’s usually like one or two things about them.

That are almost too much of a compromise. I have like the hyperkin Scout, which is their cheap Super Nintendo controller, and I really like the d-pad on that. It’S very clicky, but then the shoulder buttons are weird and off and the whole shape of it’s just like a little bit wrong. And that’s what I’m finding with this is that it’s really close to a 360 controller.

And if I wasn’t, you know holding a real 360 control in my hands. Some of these things might not bother me. The resistance feels more similar to the 360 one, but it’s definitely clickier and then, when you compare it to the the modern Xbox controller, these things have like almost no feedback like it’s kind of really easy to press, and it makes me sad that that’s the direction They went these feel so much better to me uh. This is slightly too clicky.

That’S a pretty normal hyperkin thing, I think, with a bit of wear after about a year, these would feel more similar to the 360 one. The hyperkin Xenon is a pretty good approximation of the 360.. Getting used.

Stuff is always a role that ice. You might get lucky uh, you might get a good deal or you and you might get one, that’s not super worn or you could get one that you open up and has a family of cockroaches living inside being able to buy a new version of an absolutely Beloved and Classic Controller is really nice. The few compromises are a bit of a bummer, especially. The sticks seems like a strange one to me to get so wrong uh, but everything else is a pretty good experience as long as you can turn down the rumble, and so if you really want to relive the 360 glore era, uh with a modern controller, this Is a good option, but is it worth the fifty dollars they’re asking for? I probably would spend the extra ten dollars and get a modern Xbox controller. I think they feel comfortable, more comfortable, they’re, more premium, yeah the face buttons and the shoulder buttons are a little bit less good, but the d-pad is clicky in the way that you need it to be, and it’s just an overall, better controller and you can use It wired right out of the box or you can buy a wireless dongle for it, and so I have a hard time recommending the Xenon, unless you specifically want the 360 feel which you might want, and in that case it’s pretty pretty good.

Just like the segue to the conclusion is pretty good. Thank you for watching this video please like And subscribe. If you want to check out some more controller review content, why don’t you check out my video, where I unbox the Dual sense Edge and have some strong opinions? .