Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra”.
Portion of this video sponsored by manscape, hey pixel, you know what’s great having 200 megapixels on your phone. You know you’re right. That is really nice. I love seeing my pictures in that high resolution blown out in Crazy contrast. You know what also is really good making your own displays all right, but in all fairness, you guys will sell your screens to anybody with a bug.

Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

You know what’s really good. We can both relate to this processor made by quala at least the processors we make are actually getting good. Exos oh hold on a second. Let me just sign this Burn Notice with my S Pen, all right sure, but my finger works.

Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

Just fine, hey! You guys heard of RCs Ricks uh, evidently Apple invented this new thing. It’S coming to iPhones sometime next year, and I guess it’s going to. Let us finally chat boring, listen. I know these phones came out months apart.

Clear choice! Pixel 8 Pro vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

I wish they came out the same time, we’ll revisit this when the s24 ultra ultimately hits the market, but as always, there will not be a cop out. We will declare a winner, so I want to jump in with camera right. The biggest focus of these phones, a lot of consumers, are looking for is a great camera system.

I think gone of the days of picking up a phone and being just like face paled with bad bad quality. Every flashship out there, including the s23 ultra and pixel 8 Pro, has a full featured camera system and if there’s one thing that Google has stood on flexed puffed out their chest, it has been camera and Samsung for a few years was behind. But they’ve come out swinging the past few years in order for phones to stand out. The actual camera Hardware isn’t the only thing that matters. The software of the two is just as important.

I think Google’s always taken a camera software like from like there’s like normal phone level and then here’s what Google’s doing, and that is no different uh with the pixel 8 Pro and there’s a lot in here with software. Things like best take are gamechanging useful, especially with kids and a bunch of faces. We took Family Photos a couple weeks ago and trying to find one where everybody’s looking at the camera smiling is tough but being able to sort of use. The best take has made that incredibly easy things like magic, editor being able to delete things from the background. Incredibly, helped F to have there’s a lot of little things that Google does on the software camera side that I think, are incredibly useful, but, like Samsung’s got a lot of features built in there too. In fact, there’s an entire page in the camera app dedicated to software features and a lot of features are focused on sort of the more Pro Camera user.

You got things like expert raw mode director’s view pro video motion and a ton of others. I think Samsung has more stuff in there. I think what Google has is generally more useful, but also there’s some weird crossover stuff where, like, if you download certain apps, you can get some of the Google features on the Samsung phone. So there’s definitely some like. There’S a vend diagram. They definitely like overlap uh with the camera features there uh, I think Samsung tries to throw a lot more when it comes to camera.

Like I said, I think Google tries to focus on making what they have work as efficiently as possible and I’m sure where Google focuses on software as the main selling point Samsung throws incredible Hardware into the ultra to bring sort of that heat up inside the 23 Ultras rocking a 200 megapix Main sensor also has a 12 megapix ultrawide and two 10 megapixel telephoto for 3x and 10x Optical photos, which is pretty awesome and the 200 megapixels like it’s, not just a gimmick. You can see the results in the photos and here are some examples of said: photos uh. You can get a lot of detail uh in those photos and if that’s your jam, then the Sammy is 100 % uh the way to go pixel.

It’S not lacking, though, on the hardware side. Finally, it is not deficient. It’S not relying on the software to bring it up so with the pixel 8 Pro you get this many cameras uh.

The main sensor is a measly that sarcastically 50 megapixels, which isn’t to 200, but it’s a nice high resolution uh the ultrawide and 5x telephoto also 48 megapixels. So that’s probably the resolution you would expect from the main camera on phones. I think it’s one of the best camera features here with the pixel 8 Pro. Is you get it on all of the cameras, so Samsung’s going to do what Samsung’s going to do? Uh no surprises here it’s going to lift the Shadows.

It’S going to boost the contrast and you get things that generally brighter – and I mentioned when I talk about 200 megapixels too, you can zoom in a lot some of the settings there. It could be pixel bend down to 10 megapixels, so it kind of depends uh. What settings you’re using, but you can see the photo quality here they look.

Beautiful Google, on the other hand, is a more sort of true to life, sort of sense of the photos. They look the way they actually look to your eye and that’s usually where the story ends with the photos. But something weird happened with the pixel a pro when we’re out shooting photo samples actually like for this video so right by our studio.

There’S a wall of a bunch of colors you’ve, probably seen it uh in a video, so we were just sort of checking color representation on the phones took out the pixel8 pro. As I got close to this kind of tealish color, I brought the pixel8 pro close to it and it turned gray and it didn’t stop. Turning gray, I took a picture.

The picture looked gray and, as I pull it back, it went back to its sort of bluish color. I went into settings and sort of turned off the macro stuff in case that was something that was happening and it kept happening. Um Courtney, who’s actually filming this video has his own pixel8 Pro, so we brought his pixel8 Pro out to make sure it wasn’t just something happening to my phone, as you can see, happened to both phones.

It wasn’t just that sort of tealish color on a more traditional blue would color shift to purple uh. We just saw a bunch of very strange things happening with the pixel 8 Pro. That did not happen with the s23 ultra.

I don’t know if this is a known issue with the 8 Pro or maybe we just happen to have two that were doing weird stuff uh, but that definitely was something I had never experienced before. Cuz, probably I never tested sort of that level of granularity with it, but if you’ve had those issues uh, let me know down below so we’re going to come back to the versus video, but I put a lot of thought into how it was going to make This transition to talk about this video sponsor manscape. So here’s what I came up with picking the right phone is a debate.

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I think Samsung is focusing really heavily on the pro market, with a ton of built-in features uh, including pro video settings. So there’s a director mode pro video mode, it also think can shoot an 8K pixel has not always been known. I think it’s a fair thing to say for great video quality uh, but this year I think the pixel8 pro has reached the point of great video. If you want to take video of your friends, your family and post it to social media or put up on your TV, this is going to get that job done and look incredible. This is one of the first years that you’re not going to be wanting for video unless you’re wanting for pro features, but just regular video stuff uh. I think Google nailed it uh with the combination of the 8 Pro and the tensor 3.

So much like with the camera, the phone software is where these two phones also track differentiate themselves, so they’re both technically running Android, although you’d have a hard time telling that it’s the same version of Android cuz. These phones take very different approaches to it. Samsungs, as always, takes the everything, but let now really including the kitchen sync approach, any fature you can think of 23. Ultra probably has it and if it doesn’t, I’m sure, Samsung’s going to add it for the s24 uh Google, on the other hand, does not give you every feature, but instead focuses on three important factors: Ai Ai and AI uh.

One of my favorites is call screening with Google Assistant. I get ton of spam calls probably like you uh, and this has become a real fun Pastime. It’S sort of watching the spammer talk to the phone using Google Assistant to help with help with things like that is incredible. Also, things with live translation voice to text is great built in when I need it notes, transcribing just the AI features that Google has are.

It’S so far above everybody else, it is not even close whether you want every feature or features that are in there that work really. Well, that’s got to be decision sort of for you. For me, I’m used to always having all those features in the Samsung and not using all of them.

The AI is still new and novel to me, so I’ve been sort of enjoying using that a lot more so powering all that software is what’s going to be inside the counts. The pixel 3 has uh their own tensor G3, and the s23 ultra has a very capable Snapdragon, 8 Gen 2 to both optimize and perform very well, and I think that the tensor line was a bit sort of maligned, probably rightfully so, especially with last year’s 7 And 7 Pro those phones got warm. Those phones slowed down uh.

Those phones did not multitask all that. Well, all those things I have not had a single issue with on my pixel 8 Pro and asking Courtney, who has the same phone he’s, had no issues with his either seems like it took three gens for Google to nail it. The pixel8 pro is incredibly fast.

I’M not concerned about battery life. I can get through a full day with over 20 %, it’s nice to say uh when it comes to a pixel. Qualcomm makes some of the best processors in the world for a reason and their Snapdragon 8.

Gen. 2 is a beast so to say that it’s powerful is an understatement. This phone will probably be powerful in like 4 years, uh great processor and it’s for the King of the Hill for a reason, battery life on both phones has been really good and pretty similar.

Actually this one sheer mega pixel in case you’re, wondering Samsung, has 5,000 Mill hour, whereas the pixel’s got slightly more with 5,050, but in my usage battery life has been great. The big Cal you get, though, with battery life – and I see this all the time in the comments is what thirdparty apps you are using. If you’re on Tik Tok a ton, your battery life is going to be garbage, no matter what phone or processor you have. If you’re using more native apps on the phones for battery life, will probably be much better, but one of the biggest things is going to drain that juice on the battery is a screen, and I I’ve been unabashed about my bias. I love me some Samsung screens and the s23 ultra is as good as it gets from the best in the industry.

The pixel is also bringing Heat this year with the screen that gets super bright at 2400 nits, which on paper, sounds awesome when we’re outside shooting all those photo sample stuff. I didn’t really notice a giant difference in the screen brightness and theoretically. It should have been very, very obvious, um screen quality aside. The pixel 8 Pro screen is a very, very, very good screen, and if I wasn’t comparing it to the s23 ultra, it would probably win, but there is no phone at on the market.

That has a better screen to me than what Samsung’s doing with the s23 ultra and Hardware wise. These are both iterations of previous generation. Clearly, it’s not always a bad thing. Uh.

I love the hardware, the pixel 8 Pro. I love the new back material kind of that matte feel I like the visor look. I know it’s uh, polarizing kind of thing to me.

It looks good, it feels good and it sort of looks how a premium smartphone should feel. Samsung is the same way. It’S got heft, It’s got weight. I love the way that phone feels in the hand as well. I love that I’ve got the S Pen.

I can use it uh when I want to I’m more worried about breaking this 23 Ultra uh. If I, if I drop it um, but both these phones, Hardware, wise, look and feel as premium as they are picks on the other hand, but for something a bit more more unique. If not more confusing on the back is a temperature sensor and in theory, in one day, when they get FDA, approval, be able to use it like a thermometer and see if you are sick in actual practice right now, you can put it on your cup of Coffee and select ceramic and see what the temperature of your mug is. I don’t know why this feature is here. I’M sure, there’s a reason uh.

Maybe it was something that they had planned a few years ago, when temp to temperature checking with something more regular. I used it to check on it that it was there. It’S weird that it’s that it’s there, but it’s if you want to measure the temperature of things you’re going to love uh the pixel 8 Pro if you’re, like most people, you’ll, try it once and then forget that it’s there.

So, if you’re looking for an Android phone, especially if you’re coming from the iPhone, these are probably two of your best options, especially if you don’t want a folding phone, you want to say the candy bar style. The pixel feels like an Android version of an iPhone. So it would be a great transition device, but if you want to move away from the iPhone Samsung gives you all the features you could wouldn’t have before. So that might be the better choice, but in terms of which phone is better, which phone? If these are both on a table, I will pick up despite having weird color issues, despite not having all the features of the s23 ultra there’s something about the AI there’s something about using a pixel device.

That is like it’s comforting, the photo quality. I love, and I know every shot is going to be some version of good. Maybe it’s cuz.

I spent a lot of time with the f23 ultra already and the pixel8 pro is newer, but both of these on a table I’m going to pick up the pixel8 pro .