Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!

Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!”.
Look at the monster i made: isn’t he awesome? Do you want to know how i made them? I actually took this. It’S a pizza box. I cut up a pizza box, folded it up and taped it up into a monster, and if you look on the top here that little blue board, that’s called a microcontroller, you can plug it to your computer and make motors move inside here. There’S something called the servo motor servo motor yeah, a servo motor moves 180 degrees, just like my arm, so that servo motor can make this jaw move and make my monster chop. This monster loves one thing: it’s: either: pizza cupcakes or ice cream. I’M gon na transmit the thought to you here. It is: oh, did you catch it in your brain, i’ll prove it? You don’t believe me i’ll.

Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!

Prove it point to any two of these cards. Any two you want. I know exactly which one you’re going to do. I know exactly, i knew it ice cream point to another one go ahead.

Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!

I knew it. You know what that leaves me with one left, the exact one. I knew it. You don’t believe me here. Look there’s nothing here on the back of these cards here. One card it says: that’s the one that he loves. Sometimes when i do this people still don’t believe me. They think i’m crazy, but the truth is the monster will actually eat the cupcake. Oh yeah, oh yeah, i’m gon na turn him on right over here there. He goes, i’m gon na stick the cards inside the monster’s mouth he’s gon na chomp and he’s gon na eat one card, and that is the cupcake.

Chomper Robot Trick Kit Coming Soon!

There goes i’m gon na put it inside here. Go ahead, mr monster go ahead and eat. I don’t know. If he’s gon na do it, i don’t know, sometimes he does this.

Oh, my goodness there he goes he’s going crazy. I can’t believe it, oh, my goodness, but could it be? Could it be that he actually ate one of these items? I don’t know not pizza, not ice cream, oh yeah, you better believe it look the cupcake and it’s got a big bite in it and that’s the only one that has eat me. You did a great job monster, i’m out of here guys until next time take care.

Bye-Bye .