Change Your Life! Oura Ring

Change Your Life! Oura Ring

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Change Your Life! Oura Ring”.
Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video so on this table is my favorite piece of tech of the past 3 years. It’S not that it’s not that, but it’s this before. I share why the aura ring is my favorite piece of tech. I think that I’ve ever had.

Let me thank you guys being awesome. Good human supporting the channel for years give you guys a chance to win $ 500. Let me know what you would do with your ordering.

Change Your Life! Oura Ring

Tell me a dad joke. Tell me a fact about yourself: just leave a comments down below with your social handles, so I can contact you if you win, give the video a thumbs up open to anyone in the world for 10 days. All information will be in the description. I’Ve been sitting in front of this camera talking to you guys, for I mean the better part of decade plus, and I feel like in a lot of ways. We’Ve got a chance to get to know each other. I see your comments and I get a chance sort of get to know who you are, and I’ve tried to share who I am not just a dude who plays with tech but like an actual flawed human with lots of flaws.

Uh. If I was to pick one, that’s impacted me on a daily basis and there are a lot to choose from uh. It’S always been insomnia uh. Ever since I started TechnoBuffalo and the site went down, I’ve had issues with sleep and really it’s insomnia.

That comes from anxiety and stress whether it’s stress ful, running a business making sure I can make payroll making sure my kids are safe. I have a really hard time dealing with any sort of anxiety. It always manifested itself for me in the form of insomnia. This video was filmed like 4:30 in the morning uh talking about how a weighted blanket was helping me deal with insomnia.

This has been. This has been something that’s very longstanding. I mean look at me. I didn’t have a beard back then, if I did it probably.

Change Your Life! Oura Ring

Wouldn’T be half as gray as it is now wasn’t until a few years ago that I started wearing this guy uh the AA ring, and you could see it in every single video that I’ve done for the past three years, every post on social media. This thing lives on my finger and only comes off my finger when I’m in the shower, so I can charge it. That is it. This has changed. My life gave me control over things that I thought were uncontrollable. If you don’t know what Aura ring is, it is fundamentally a smart ring.

Change Your Life! Oura Ring

It’S also my wedding ring that I wear all the time uh it gives you information about your sleep, your sleep history, what levels of sleep you’re in if you’re, in deep Sleep, REM, sleep uh, but beyond that information it gives you advice on your life. So in the morning, I get a Readiness score it’ll base that, based on how my heart rate was what time of the night it lowered if it didn’t lower what it was, what my blood oxygen level’s been through the night, if I was Restless or not, and It’Ll say like might want to take it easy today, or today’s is going to be a really good day. It’S a good day to sort of tackle something big, my wife, I got one for her as well. Usually, wake wake up in the morning and see who has the lower Readiness score and that person has to get up the kids she sleeps like a champ. She like a superhero.

She closes her eyes and goes to sleep and or’s actually partnered with a bunch of other companies. Now as they’ve grown uh with new features. I hope you deal with something that a lot of us deal with, and that is stress talked about in the intro stress, from business stress from the world stress from everything I I wish. I was better about not letting it get to me or dealing with that anxiety, I’ve sort of tried to talk about it and I explain it. I always feel like you know that feeling you get when you forgot something really important like that moment, you realize you forgot it.

How kind of your heart drops in a lot of ways? That’S how I feel, throughout most of the day and being able to sort of quantify that has, let me be aware of it and try to take steps to to to com it, or I take a few minutes to meditate or sort of get my mind on Track instead of spinning out is really helpful and Aura has been so instrumental in giving me that information. So now I can track my stress level and combine that with other health features like sleep recovery tracking, and it’s given me kind of an overall bill of health that helps me manage stress. It’S also really good for workouts, too it’ll integrate fully uh with your Apple Health, if that’s your jam or on the Android side, integrate fully with health there, if you’re doing workouts, it’ll sort of use that information in your scores for the day and the night, it Fully knows what your phone knows and they sort of share information back and forth and there’s a lot of stuff and features in here here. I think one of the greatest features is daytime stress again, big stress, Focus video.

This will detect moments of stress throughout your day what it’s doing to get all this information, it’s using heart rate, sampling every 3 to 5 minutes, heart rate variability in motion and temperature data. So you can see, I can go into the Ora app and see what time of day I had a stressful reaction um and this sort of help you notice there are things that you’re doing that are causing stress. You can take steps to avoid that or modify those things. So sometimes it’s it’s going on social media.

Sometimes it’s watching the news. Sometimes it’s even filming and I can try to take steps to eliminate those things from my life, but what makes aura’s stress tracking future. I think different uh than a lot of others is their stress profile, which tells you your stress or resilience, basically lets. You know how susceptible you are to stress and how well you are recovering from stressful activities and, if you’re like me, you’re very susceptible one of the most encouraging things about a Tracker like this is that you can see things hopefully change over time.

So, as I’m beginning to change my habits, I can see if those things are helping and if they are continue with them, if not tweak and adjust until I find out what works best. For me, for example, I cut down on my caffeine from two cups of coffee to one and that sort of helps me throughout the day, and all these features are in a teeny, tiny little ring that almost weighs nothing what’s surprising about these things, too, is a Battery life essentially lasts a week, but when I travel, unless I’m going away for more than like 6 days, I don’t bring the charger with me. It is, I don’t even know where the battery is in something this small, but it’s there uh and it lasts a very long time. But if it’s kind of on your finger, I think it’s got to like look decent too uh Aura sort of offers. A ring design to kind of match it over your aesthetic is there’s actually a new look, got it right here. It’S a titanium finish and it seems, like 2023 is the year of titanium, and I am like not complaining uh. It still has all the features you get with the other versions of the ring. This one is just brushed titanium finish, so it’s super lightweight, but also insanely, durable, uh and strong.

When I think about the order ring, it’s such like a visceral reaction, something that has really helped me throughout my life and its technology. So it’s a cool use of tech with a very tangible result to me now: you’re, hopefully a better justed human being than I am, and you deal with stress and anxiety better. The O ring is awesome for sleep tracking and it’s always getting better. There always new features getting added. You don’t necessarily need the most expensive or ring to get a lot of the great features, I think, has also been really cool um. I wear mine as a wedding ring. It’S recommended to wear it on your pointers, where you get the best results, so you can pick, I guess where you want to put it on. I love Aura and I legitimately love this ring. If something you’ve been considering or something that I said resonates with, you check it out, I think, if you pick one up, you will 100 % not be disappointed, and if you do, let me know – and I can talk to you about it – on sort of social Media about how I’ve used it – and maybe you can tell me how it’s helping you or questions that you have it’s something that I really love, that much that I’m willing to go the extra mile for something it’s made that big a difference in my life. If you want to learn more check an or ring out for yourself all the information you need be down below .