Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT’s 18th president-elect

Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT's 18th president-elect

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT’s 18th president-elect”.
Diane GREENE Welcome everyone on this historic day for our MIT community., I’m Diane Greene, Chair of the MIT Corporation. And on behalf of the corporation, it’s my immense pleasure to join together with you to welcome and MIT president-elect Dr. Sally, Kornbluth., [ AUDIENCE CLAPPING ] And let Me just add, and her husband, Danny and her son Alex. [ AUDIENCE CLAPPING ]. Last February, President Reif announced his decision to step down at the end of this year.. Dr. Reif has made remarkable contributions to MIT during his 42 years of service.. First, as a faculty member, then as provost and for the past decade as our president. – And we owe him our highest gratitude.

Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT's 18th president-elect

– Thank you, Rafael. [ AUDIENCE, CLAPPING ] OK. Thank you., Given MIT’s world stature and the tremendous challenges of our times. We knew from the outset that the search for MIT’s next president would need to break new ground..

Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT's 18th president-elect

It was crucial to gain high-quality input from the entire MIT community, as well as from the leaders of our peer universities.. It was a tall order to coalesce this input into a set of attributes and then questions that would, over the course of our evaluation of CVs, posted talks, reports, interviews and references. Let us determine if an individual matched the profile that we had developed. In choosing the members of our search committee. We worked with the corporation’s executive committee corporation members, who are recent MIT graduates, Faculty, Chair, Lilly Tsai and the Head of Human Resources. Ramona Allen., We selected a 20 person committee composed of corporation members faculty members from each school and the college staff members a graduate student and an undergraduate.. The rigorous and sustained process that we went through gave us an understanding of elite higher education’s needs in general and MIT’s needs specifically.. Equally importantly, we develop great trust and respect for one another which allowed us to work constructively despite our diverse backgrounds and views., And you can imagine how wonderful it was to find that we all agreed on our four finalists.

And then after we’d exhaustively interviewed each enthusiastically. An understatement decide that Dr. Sally Kornbluth would be the ideal 18th President of MIT. Sally was our clear and obvious choice., Her selection came easily.

Chair of the MIT Corporation Diane Greene introduces MIT's 18th president-elect

And it was unanimous. And I’ll just add that it was unanimous at the corporation this morning when we took our vote as Well., So why is that Sally Kornbluth is an exceptional administrator. She’s, widely respected for her ability to create an environment that breaks barriers and enables every student faculty and staff member to contribute at their highest levels., She’s known for her judgment, her plainspokeness and integrity., And we By the way, checked innumerable references back door and front door couldn’t uncover any blemishes..

Dr. Kornbluth’s leadership style is decisive, bold and invariably informed by high moral principles.. Her career has exemplified a powerful drive for excellence and a capacity to appreciate respect and integrate.

A wide array of viewpoints. Sally demonstrates the leadership qualities necessary to do justice to MIT’s incredible assemblage of talent. People who seek to achieve the seemingly impossible who demand excellence and who are driven by a hunger to make a positive difference in the world. Dr.

Kornbluth arrives at the Institute with a deep understanding of MIT’s strengths.. Her vision, humanity and warmth are evident to all who have had the good fortune to come into contact with her.. So it’s therefore within tremendous pride on behalf of the entire MIT community that I now invite the Institute’s new president-elect to join us., [ AUDIENCE CLAPPING ] .