CFast as Fast As Possible

CFast as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “CFast as Fast As Possible”.
The humble secure digital or SD card, it’s found its way into most of the digital cameras on the planet, with their small size, high capacities and relatively low cost. It’S pretty easy to see why virtually all point-and-shoot cameras, any phones that have expandable storage and even many video cameras, use SD for storage. But SD is not always the right tool for the job and shooting super high-res photos on a DSLR or recording 4k video. That takes up tons of space requires flash memory with not just high capacities, but also very high speeds, and while premium models exist, low-end SD cards leave a lot to be desired for high-end photo and video creative professionals, but to understand the new developments we need to Derail this whole video for a moment and go back to one of the earliest standards for camera memory. Compact flash. If you owned a digicam as we used to call them in the late 1990s or early 2000s, there’s a good chance that you remember those adorable rectangular dealies that were thicker, bigger and faster but more expensive than SD. But what you might not know is that, although SD won the mainstream flash war, compact flashed never entirely disappeared, which isn’t to say that it’s aged entirely gracefully either.

So when designing a high-end SD card Buttkicker the powers that be borrowed but didn’t entirely copy compact flash and gave us C fast, a standard that has been making its way into higher-end photographic equipment, as the name implies C fasts main advantage over SD and older compact. Flash cards is that it actually uses the same serial ata bus that your PC uses, whereas original compact flash used a parallel ata connection like the one in your Grandpa’s computer. That means that C fast cards can perform data transfers at up to 600 megabytes per. Second.

Just like a high-end SSD, making them ideal for 4k, video and other bandwidth heavy applications, especially when you compare them to d cards which currently top out at less than half of that speed. The C fast interface itself has also become useful, even if you don’t want the cards because C fast uses the SATA bus, it’s compatible with SATA SSDs, which one enterprising kickstarter are used as the basic idea behind the c box, an adapter that attaches to the cameras And camcorders slots and then holds two SSDs connecting directly to C fast, so you can record 4k video directly to your SSD drives without having to worry about space constraints and the horrendous cost of the more compact flash memory cards but hold on a second Linus. Should I really be buying all of these C fast cards? It sounds useful, but what if it goes, the way of Betamax or the HD DVD good question? There’S currently a small but intense format. War, going on in the high-end video scene between C fast and a competing standard called xqd, which uses the even faster PCI Express bus and promises capacities up to two terabytes on a single card and as if that weren’t enough SD and micro SD cards, refuse to Go gently into that good night with speed and capacity revisions showing up every few years, someone, I guess, there’s SATA SSDs themselves as well, that even some cameras do you so know it isn’t clear which of these rival formats are going to end up dominating high-end photography And video recording, but at least whichever one wins we can sleep comfortably, knowing that the camera on the end of our next generation selfie stick is capturing every detail of our nose: pores a glorious 4k blob, broad gob and glob bless and bless mass drop to mass Drop is the site where you guys, the community say: hey we’d, sure like to get like a great deal on whatever it happens, to be what, if we all pitched in to buy one, could we get a discount and they go yeah? They work directly with manufacturers and distributors to arrange for what is essentially group buys, and we’ve got a pretty interesting one here today. It’S the Ultimate Ears, eighteen pro custom, in-ear monitors.

These are different from your typical in-ear earphones. Basically, you visit an audiologist for ear impressions. You ship those impressions to mass drop, then ultimate ears will manufacture what is essentially a tailor-made pair of IMS, just for you sure, they’re still expensive, even with a bunch of people committing to buy them, but you’re going to get six balanced, armature drivers to high to Mid to low and thanks to the molded fit a whopping minus 26 decibels of noise isolation.

Oh and you can customize the covers on them too, so check out the link in the video description. If you want to learn more about this particular drop and just to check out mass drop in general, because they’ve got a wack ton of cool stuff, everything from like knives to keyboards to well high-end audio equipment – just like this, so I guess that’s pretty much! It guys, like the video, if you liked it dislike it, if you thought it sucked, leave a comment, if you have suggestions for future fast as possible. Just like this one and check out our channel super fun channel, where we’ve actually got a pretty slick, video that just went up, I forget what it was right. Yeah, rubber band machine gun check that out with the little I in the top right corner and have a card there for ya, see you later .