Carrender Robotics

Carrender Robotics

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Carrender Robotics”.
So what are you doing here? Um? This is yoda he’s our mascot, i’m with carrington robotics. My name is eva carrander and we teach after school enrichment program and summer camp and i’ve got three different um programs over here i’ve got some little um. The we do over here – this is one of my students, olivia right here, olivia what you want to tell them about the robot that you made right here a little bit. Oh yeah sure this is my camera box. It takes pictures and it’s uh.

It’S um controlled by this ultrasonic and olivia. Here she programmed and built this robot on her own and she’s demoing it out here at maker faire. That’S awesome, uh yeah! You want to see it run. Yes, so she’s turning it on, so that it can go ahead and work and it uses the ultrasonic.

This thing that looks like eyes over here to sense you and that’s how it knows to take your photograph. It just took your photograph. Probably you have your belly button, so is it movement? Yes? So if i, if i stood in front of it and was completely still for a while yeah, you want to probably get down a little bit, so it’s not taking yeah hi a little closer there. Oh wait: i got you and then over here behind olivia we have.

This is our we do. We teach um summer camp and, like i said after school enrichment – and this is we do. This – is for children that are in the sixth second, through fifth grade. They can learn about gears. Pulleys levers, it’s a great stem learning product here, once they’ve gone through this and they have all the basics down. Then they can do over. Here. We’Ve got our green city challenge. This is for our older children. 4Th through 8th grade he’s going to be activating the trash, i think, is what he’s going to be doing right now, all the robots that you see here that brad is running for us were built by our students in one of our after school classes. They really really enjoy this, and it’s really good for them, because it’s science, technology, engineering and math, which we call stem, i’m carender robotics. I’Ve got my flyers right here and i go from school to school, bringing my product to their school and then teaching the children and they really really enjoy.

They have such a good time, i’m very pro girl. I have boys and girls in my class and some really outstanding students. Oh thank you very nice. .