Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)

Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)”.
We Post Friday’s Tech linked after the win show, ends so to basically everyone not on Pacific time. I just want to say happy early Saturday morning get some sleep after this cake. The controversial bill c-11 or the online streaming Act was passed into Canadian law on Wednesday leading many Americans to ask. What is that, in brief C11 will allow the Canadian radio, television, telecommunications, commission or crtc to regulate how much Canadian content is shown to Canadian viewers by streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, but also social platforms like YouTube, Facebook and tick. Tock Giants will also be required to financially contribute to the production of Canadian content, so get ready for Netflix’s gritty, new crime series guns and hoses take off to prison. Proponents of the law say it simply brings online platforms under the same rules that have applied to traditional broadcasters for decades, but critics, including many Canadian content creators, are worried. The law May regulate user-generated content thanks to the government repeatedly rejecting amendments that would specifically protect content.

Creators, don’t worry, the chair of the crtc says they have no intention to regulate users, so it’ll probably be fine eh, oh yeah, hey did you know Wolverine’s, Canadian and Deadpool Scott Pilgrim. We Exist AMD claims. They have resolved the issue causing ryzen 7000x3d CPUs to fry and PCs. Don’T need that much cholesterol on their diet, board Partners, Asus and MSI have already released statements suggesting Expo memory.

Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)

Profiles may be causing unsafe, SOC voltages, and it turns out that was in fact the issue or one of them at least amd’s released new firmware modifying certain power rails, including the soc power rail, without stating what other rails are affected and why, which is really frustrating To me, a gnarly dude who loves, grind and rails if they are safe. Okay, safety is cool. You know: what’s cooler, you know what’s cooler than ripping those narnars safety, calling your mom at the end, the company also didn’t clarify of 7000 x3d CPUs were the only processors affected. With a severe electric shock Kink.

We recommend anyone with an M5 system update their bios. As soon as board, manufacturers release them, since it’s possible that non-x3d ryzen 7000 chips also need to establish a safe word with their mommy boards. Walling boards are the best for grinding you’ve been a bad boy. This mommy’s gon na take care of you and Japanese company ispace seems to have lost their lunar lander, but their pretty sure it’s on the moon right. We all know our space launched hakuto uh Japanese for White Rabbit in December of last year carrying a Rover from the United Arab Emirates, hoping to be the first private company to accomplish a moon landing instead, according to their official statement shortly after the scheduled Landing time. No data was received indicating a touchdown, because it’s not football, that’s why. Apparently, The Descent speed rapidly increased before communication loss, so they believe there is a high probability.

Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)

It crashed we’re, not sure, but we got our top people on it. So we’ve got a missing commercial flight craft with a matrix reference as a name and the Moon is involved. Is this a real story or did someone ask chat GPT to write a conspiracy theory, while our space probably isn’t the first private company to land on the moon? Their CEO says they are the first private company to collect data from an attempted lunar landing and that’s groundbreaking.

Canada Might Ruin YouTube (Sorry)

Now, it’s time for quick bits by eight s, sleep is important and temperature is a massive factor in improving your sleep. Eight sleeps products allow you to control the temperature on both sides of the bed adjustable from 55 degrees Fahrenheit to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, which is perfect for partners with different preferred temperatures. That’S some alliteration right there baby.

If you’re like me, you’re always warm, but if you’re like my partner, you’re, always cold, because you have ice for bones and the doctor doesn’t have any solutions. Luckily, AIDS sleep does all of their features, such as temperature control, vibrational arm and sleep pattern. Insights are all accessible through their easy to navigate app head on over to the link below and check out.

Eight sleep use code lmg for a nice discount on the Pod cover because sleeping better is living better, quick bits, quick bits, quick bits, equipments, quick bits, the price for the Rog Ally, handheld PC, maybe only 700 for its high expect version according to leaks, putting in Only 50 above the most expensive steam deck variant. The alleged sources for this leak include a Best Buy product page screenshot, an earlier leak from Snoopy tech on Twitter and Roland Quant, a gadget leaker, who shared data with the Verge. There is an alternate universe. Version of me, that is ecstatic because he doesn’t have student loans to pay off in the cma’s final report on why they blocked the Microsoft Activision merger. The regulator cast doubts on Microsoft’s 10-year Call of Duty deal with Nintendo, saying the switch isn’t technically capable of running a version of the game, criticizing its impact on competition.

They also cited internal documents from Microsoft, while mentioning the difference and Technical performance and audience between the Xbox and switch consoles. Guess maybe maybe Microsoft should have made a sizable effort to convince people. The XBox doesn’t compete with the Nintendo switch in a lawsuit about the of competition and gaming.

Weren’T thinking ahead would have thought Tesla. Lawyers are arguing that Elon Musk cannot be deposed in a wrongful death suit. To answer questions about his exaggerated claims about the safety of Tesla’s autopilot software, because he is very famous in a target of deep fakes, thus nothing he has said publicly on a stage in front of a camera in a room. Full of hundreds of people should be held against him in a court of law sounds right.

I mean who can argue with that. It’S called Deep fakes, not deep truths. A Model S and model X at this point can drive autonomously with greater safety than a person.

Right now said, musk, allegedly in this article right here, posted in 2016 by a prominent news outlet that musk has never before claimed, was fake or asked to be taken down. But we just can’t know there was a Balenciaga reference. There was a Valencia, we have our top people on it.

The first babies born from eggs fertilized by a robot have been born and that robot was only kind of sexy. It was a five at best, sadly, for sci-fi fans. This does not mean that the world has seen its first robot baby, daddy rather the robot injected a normal human egg with boring nor normal human sperm yeah, no Miracle whatsoever. Halal 9000 – you are not the father.

Typically, a trained embryologist has to perform the procedure, making it extremely expensive, but this time an engineer with no fertility training was able to control a specialized robot with a PS5 controller and fertilize the delicate eggs like a high-stakes game of asteroids. That’S right: Gamers can fertilize eggs later versions. I was training for my career mom and the next version of Smash is coming out on the NES, which sounds like a warning of an impending collapse in the timeline. Fortunately, however, it’s just super tilt. Bro the brainchild of a French Indie developer that reached its fundraising goal in just two days. The game will amazingly feature online multiplayer thanks to dark magic, and maybe the cartridges onboard Wi-Fi helps with that too. I don’t know, I’m not a wizard. I just look like one: Nintendo can barely make online work on the switch, yet one French dude with a dream adds online gaming to their first console, be better, and I dream of you watching more Tech news, this Monday speaking of Dreams Mitch, you need to wake Up, please open your eyes: it’s been seven years, please for the love of God.

Mitch, see you Monday, .