Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)

Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)”.
Anyways, AI stuff um open, released a open AI, released, an update for chat GPT that allows it to in quote, see, hear and speak users can now hold entirely spoken. Conversations with the bot use images in prompts and have it generate images using the also recently released dial E3, which closes the gap between it and mid-journey. If you want to open up the article on your screen and share screen I’ll just keep plowing through the talking. The one that I want you to try to find is the bike repair demo, AI. Oh sorry, at meta.

What at metaconnect? Oh there, the name of the event is metaconnect got it at metaconnect. On Wednesday, meta announced its meta AI digital assistant, with multimodal capabilities thanks to meta’s, new lightweight image, generator emu, which also produce some fairly impressive sample images. Whatsapp, messenger and Instagram users will be able to invoke meta AI inside of chats to help plan things or push their friends out of their comfort zones. Oh boy, meta, AI, is also only the default assistant. Meta announced a lineup of AI characters with diverse special Specialties, bearing the likeness of celebrity personalities like Snoop Dogg, as the dungeon master. He does text-based RPG stuff and Mr Beast, as the funny man. Users who are who are part of the beta rollout, can message these characters through their social media profiles on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. Okay, you don’t sound that excited about this.

I just the funny man is like the worst name. I like feel bad. For.

Mr Beast he’s just referred to as the funny man it’s kind of funny yeah but, like I don’t know like, I feel like. If you call the comedian, the funny man, it wouldn’t be a positive thing because they’d be like I’d. Rather people know who my name. What my name is not like a vague, not super positive version of what their job – I don’t know. Anyways um Zuck explained at connect that these characters are a proof of concept for meta’s new AI Studio, a service that will allow creators and Brands to build AIS to represent themselves.

Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)

That’Ll make a lot of money in certain circles. Uh meta AI will be integrated into the newly announced second gen Ray-Ban meta, smart, glasses. First gen was Ray-Ban stories, giving wearers the ability to prompt it with their voice and images from the built-in 12 megapixel camera. So you can ask it to do things like identify monuments and translate signs.

Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)

It also supports live streaming to Facebook and Instagram. Those are actually crazy. Have you seen those? No, so the glasses that you wear that look pretty normal from the images that I saw. But I didn’t get to see like back here where they tend to stuff a lot of the batteries and stuff.

Can You Melt Eggs? (This week in AI)

But you can just be looking at something and be like what is this and it will tell you that’s pretty cool, which is pretty cool uh hold on a second. I’Ve got that uh bike repair demo for you yeah. I assume this is the one. That’S got 40 000 up votes, it’s from uh, open, AI yep. If help me hold on. If there’s some, is this just YouTube? Oh, it’s help me lower my bike seat.

So it gives some instructions. Then it says. If you have tools uh, let me see them and stuff like that, so they take a picture of this part and they’re like is this what you’re, talking about more or less? Is this the lever and they’re like nope? It’S not a lever. It’S a bolt! Wow You’ll need an allen wrench and then they attach uh a picture of the manual for their allen, wrench kit and a picture of their allen, wrench set, and it tells them which one out of the set okay.

Who would ever do that, though yeah? But it’s functionality yeah! I guess so you got ta. You got ta, take steps in the right direction. I don’t know if they would include the manual. The manual might be a bit of a cheat but yeah yeah, but yeah pretty interesting yeah, that’s pretty cool um.

I don’t know if we have a link in here, but the um, the second gen ray-band meta, smart glasses. Oh my goodness, I hope. That’S not the official name, um, those those look pretty wild as well. Um yeah Jaden posts in Philippine chat new Mass data collection scheme, just dropped, yeah, absolutely um. It’S gon na be rough ethical images. Getty Images has now announced their own AI art generator built by Nvidia and reportedly trained entirely on Getty’s own library of licensed images.

This is kind of cool Getty has previously sued AI art generators for using its copyrighted images in their training data. Getty also says that the images generated in this manner will not be added to its existing Library. What are they for then? That’S the weirdest response, no they’re, four they’re for generating AI art, but they’re not going to take their generated stuff and put it into their Library. You just use it to generate stuff, got it yep, okay, so you’re, not you’re, not copying, photocopying photos but they’re not generating these for their own use and sale. You can use it. Okay, I understand yeah.

I love this one most. This is my favorite. I actually did want to talk about this. The internet is melting, Twitter, user, uh, uh, Tyler, glail. Sure close enough uh recently discovered that Google search was highlighting an answer sourced from quora that claimed that eggs can be melted. Uh quora itself claimed that the information was taken from chat GPT.

However, quora actually sourced this information uh from an outdated gpt3 API. I love this so much: hey guys, feeding off of AI generated or like uh training data like training data being built from from training data that was built from training data. We are going to end up with some wild stuff. We’Ve been talking about this for a while right, yeah like it’s yeah, it’s gon na be rough um, AI intelligence. The CIA is preparing to launch an AI tool intended for all U.S intelligence agencies. According to the CIA, the AI would be able to sort through the huge amount of information collected by U.S intelligence, oof uh, with links back to the original source of the information all right. There was a demo that I showed Dan uh, someone on Twitter who took a screenshot from it. Some SAS websites dashboard like software as a service, yeah, okay, um and fed that into chat, gbt and asked it for the code and it spat out a bunch of code and they shoved it into an IDE and just ran it. And it worked and it gave them a SAS website. You know your your selections on the left-hand side, some some charts and dashboards and things that you’d expect all that kind of stuff. The part that isn’t as cool – and you could tell Mr Twitter user um that they wanted a lot of views and a lot of clicks on this, because they didn’t exactly try to use it right because no part of it’s actually going to be functional. Yeah.

There’S a bunch of buttons there’s a lot of charts. Those charts aren’t going to be fed by any actual data. All of it’s just going to be hard code back end is the hard part, not necessarily well.

Okay, there’s complicated things in front of two and what I’m saying is that none of those were done sure. No, no, no actual! It’S it’s just like there’s a static chart that we made. I just mean I could ask literally anyone in the editing Den to put together a quote.

Unquote, you know software as a service dashboard and if they haven’t actually done any of the coding for the front end, and they haven’t actually done any of the like populating. It with any data that anyone would actually want to use of the back end. Then they haven’t really built a software as a service platform. Have they uh yeah? No, it’s it’s definitely yeah. It’S a but my point was they didn’t even try to like interact with it in any way, yeah shape or form at all, um someone linked to the Neta smart glasses in the in the chat. We can have a look at these I’ve heard of v0. It’S cool so how like yeah, how like thick are they yeah? Can I just get a clean picture. It feels like they’re trying to obfuscate it because I couldn’t tell when I was trying to look earlier. Yeah they’re a little bit they’re a little bit thick, but they’re I mean it doesn’t look too bad, yeah, not bad. This is the cleanest picture. We have of it uh, okay, but it hides the back yeah. No, I I don’t think there is a back.

I this is thick enough that it’s probably got some batteries and stuff in it. Power switch right there, yeah, okay, uh, hello, oh, why are websites so terrible these days. Does it so it has a capture button. If you’re capturing things, does it indicate to people that aren’t you yeah? I think it has a light. Yeah pretty cool. I don’t know if I need to try this.

I don’t know man. Maybe I am getting old because I just don’t think I care about that. Like I I’m like, I, I theoretically you’ve talked about it for a long time when it can identify people for me and, like remind me, like Pro actually proactively remind me of, like you know, hey you haven’t asked about their kids in a while, or you know, Whatever right then yeah, I could see it being very useful, but honestly we are so far away from that and I just don’t really feel like.

I need to engage with these, not really that functional prototypes at this point – and I don’t know – maybe I’m just being a fuddy-duddy about it, but you know we’re still at the point where, if you have more than one James in your address book, it’s hard to Call James with your voice, like I just you’re, making a face that I am really struggling to interpret. I don’t know if I want to show it on stream uh about too late. Now.

No, I didn’t do it. Okay, [ Laughter ]. I don’t know, I don’t know, why would you click that? What were you expecting to happen? I was trying to see if I needed to ban them, but I was like it’s handyman, so I feel like it’s not gon na be a bannable thing, but it looks like a bannable thing. That’S a work laptop.

If I didn’t know who this person was. If I didn’t recognize this person from chat, I was, I would have just banned them right, but I recognize this person a chat. I’Ve interacted directly with this person quite a few times, so I was like okay. Well, I’m gon na check first and then it was glorious.

I don’t know .