Can you have too much internet?

Can you have too much internet?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Can you have too much internet?”.
Uh this one’s from Austin, hey, I just wanted Austin Texas, the the whole state uh hey. I just wanted to bring up that. I’M currently working at a Fiverr to home ISP that is bringing 10 gig to residential in California at a reasonable price. Some of my co-workers claim that it’s not necessary uh. What are your thoughts? It’S not necessary yeah. I want it. What the heck are you gon na do with it? Have it? What are you gon na connect? What are you going to connect to? I just want it like I actually. No. I actually think this should have been on the defend the indefensible wheel, because it is an indefensible position to say that you could need 10 gig internet at home today, you’re poorly secured iot device.

You can just like DDOS the world I mean honestly, though. Um like you could: okay, let’s, let’s go through the arguments right so that you could um have lots of people there. Well, realistically, you probably live in a single family dwelling. You said it’s residential, so no! No actually the the numbers, it might be lots of people, but it’s not going to be like the vast majority of the office building.

The vast majority of the services that you connect to a will not even have one gigabit of available Uplink bandwidth to you yeah and B, especially for things like web browsing, are more likely to be limited by like DNS lookups than by the actual transfer speed. Okay, number: three: let’s say you: you sail the high seas hard. Okay, at that speed crashing waves, you are going to be spending. You will not be able to work enough hours to afford the hard drives that you are going to need to contain all this data. Everyone so far, that’s saying that they want it says just because no one has a reason. Well, I get it because when we got a 10 gig connection here, that was why I did it yeah I mean it’s sick, but like yes, it’s complete okay, but we have a hundred people here now so yeah we might actually use a lot of it.

Can you have too much internet?

Yeah um yeah yeah, the the the thing was claims that it’s not necessary. Of course it’s not necessary yeah yeah, all right put it in anyway. Sorry are you guys actually opposed to being Tech forward right now? This is a prime I’m sorry. This is the I like waffles, then you hate pancakes argument that is stupid. That is not what we said. We said it’s not necessary. Yes, who can line us hate the internet and I’m not saying don’t, lay the fiber. All we were saying is not necessary by all means: let’s, let’s get ready, yeah.

Can you have too much internet?

Let’S do it yeah, let’s stream 3D model files into whatever. Who knows, I don’t know hot take yeah hot take. We will never need a 10 gigabit home. I didn’t say it was bad.

I said it was hot okay, it’s hot, because, okay can I can I the amount of weight gon na give me a chance to know it is not very much. Are you gon na give me a chance? We need to have our timed segments. Can I talk sure all right? Okay, what are the primary drivers of bandwidth consumption? Now the video yeah. I mean yes right.

This guy knows look at his shirt, um yeah primary driver of bandwidth, okay, it’s like Netflix and stuff right now. We are at 4K right 3D coming back, probably not okay, we’re at 4K. We are at color depths that, while not um uh we’re at Dynamic ranges and color depths that are not uh maxing out the capabilities of the eye, but we’re starting to talk about the capabilities of the eye, fair enough, okay, sure, okay for resolution right, we could Go further but at what is considered to be, and even going back to like you know the the early days of of projection theaters at what is what is a a ratio of your field of vision at what is a ratio of your field of vision? That is considered optimal to reduce motion, sickness. Okay. There is a solid argument to be made that 8K is unnecessary and certainly anything beyond it will be Tripoli, unnecessary, uh, yeah, yeah. Of course, the type of data being consumed may change in the future you’re saying we will never need it hold on hold on hold on.

Can you have too much internet?

I am saying we will never need it, but what I’m? What I’m trying to lay out is sort of the the groundwork for sure, but you’re only talking about video and you’re talking about 2D frame video, so far, okay, but I haven’t gotten there yet all right okay, so we need timers if 8K, if 8K is realistically, As far as we’re gon na get before, we’ve filled up too much of our field of vision and is no longer discernible. Anyway, then, my argument is that we are kind of reaching a point where we can at least see the Final Destination sort of, and that could be two 8K images in stereoscopic 3D through a VR headset or through some kind of holographic uh. You know projection system or whatever should know that. It’S not just resolution, though no no, absolutely that’s part of it.

That’S not really that strong of an argument. However. However, I mean we already we already again, though we know what that might look like, so so we are, we are approaching the limits of what the eye can discern and we’re sitting at like the the highest bit rate Blu-rays or something in the neighborhood of 100 Megabit so if we say Okay 100 megabit times, four is 400 megabit times. Two is 800 megabit for a stream that is now stereoscopic and let’s, let’s throw let’s go to gigabit, okay to say: okay, we’re gon na need uh we’ll need more color depth than we have today. It might come in Burst when you’re, buffering and stuff like that. But even that isn’t really enough to fill that pipe, not even close yeah, not even a significant fraction, not even a little now you could make the argument for a five user household um all consuming that at once all consuming that at once.

I would counter that point by saying I pretty much promise you that that experience for at least in our lifetimes is not going to be something that all five of those users are consuming in much the same way that right now, you might have five people watching Netflix in the house, I promise you they’re, not all at 4K. There that’s my argument: why are they not all at 4K? You just think one of them is on like a yes, almost probably on the phone. So not not. Every person has like a TV. Basically, it has a top top of the line. Experience is kind of I’m saying that you’re almost five theater rooms, the vast majority of households or whatever might have at most one of these, this peak tier experience, yeah how many phones or laptops or computers or whatever else, that’s my argument, um yeah.

So my thing, I think, would be new alternate experiences, so, yes, I do think we would have a hard time getting there in in like flat frame video player type of content um. But I I made like an offhand comment earlier, but like streaming 3D models whatever. I wasn’t describing it very well, but that’s sort of what I’m talking about sure, really really high poly count complicated things being live streamed instead of rendered locally game stream style to your house in in more complex things that might not exist yet in regards to how We consume content could start hitting bandwidth levels pretty hard count. I think it’s super likely.

Not really a lot of the market is going towards uh. Actually, while we’re increasing this, oh you can get 10 gig to your house. A lot of the market is going towards making something less data is being sent out. That’S exactly where I was going to go to, because, at the end of the day, the higher the the the bigger the pipe between the service and the user. The more data was being stored and, as we talked about in the video Yeah in the video, we did recently Why YouTube should charge for 4K um.

Basically, the the trend that we were looking at was the way that storage is not getting cheaper anymore and you don’t the way that it used to plug ethernet cables into hard drives either you need systems to run this data transfer to put things in packages, send Them out handle all that now we will still get faster compute. We will still get specialized encoders and decoders um, but and that and but those will exist to minimize that data storage burden to minimize that data transmission burden no service, no company anywhere is looking to just use up more infrastructure. Let’S go yeah yeah yeah yeah.

It’S not happening so that’s my argument, I’m saying it now. This might be one of those. I don’t see Bitcoin going anywhere moments 10 years from now, when everyone needs 10 gig to have the best gaming experience um, but you know what’s funny is I might have even made a stronger argument for 10 gig back when um back when we were back when Game streaming was in its infancy and we couldn’t really see the trajectory of it as it is now. I I just I it it.

It’S pretty clear that to keep latency down, compute has to stay down, data rates have to stay down and we are not going to see like like an uncompressed. You know 4K game stream product, not not in any reasonable amount of time. Yeah .