Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results

Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals. Raise your hand if you think a 250 RX 6600 is faster than a 1200 RTX 3090 TI. I am willing to bet. None of you have your hands raised right now and in general, most of the time you’d be right, but not all the time and definitely not. Today. I hear the objections already sure at 1080p low detail. Both graphics cards would be CPU bottlenecked right sure, but that is not what we are testing today, how about 1440p high detail in modern AAA games? What, if I told you, the RX 6600 was more than 20 percent faster than the RTX 3090 TI same game, same resolution, same detail, settings you’d, call me crazy and say that’s impossible. Today, I’ll show you how today’s video was brought to you by ewin racing. The best source for gaming chairs in desks for those long gaming sessions, we have a playlist of our Ewing, chair and desk videos Linked In the video description below save 30 off of everything.

Using the discount code. Tech deals more details at the end of the video. We recently published a video talking about CPU bottlenecks, what they look like when they matter and when they don’t that video used the RTX 3090 TI, which is awesome, but I also understand most of you don’t have one of these – that video will be linked in the Video description below please consider watching it if you haven’t, it goes into more detail on CPU bottlenecks than we have time for here. It is now time for some cold hard facts.

Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results

Is the RX 6600 actually faster than the RTX 3090 TI? No, of course it isn’t. The RTX 3090 TI is substantially faster in raw compute. Power has more and faster vram and absolutely crushes a card like the RX 6600 in every possible way.

Assuming, however, that you put both Cards into the same high-end PC – and this is where it gets interesting. I’Ve heard over and over from viewers, random comments on Twitter and, of course, the best place for high quality civil discussions on the internet. That would be Reddit for those of you who didn’t know that little secret, that your CPU really doesn’t matter for gaming.

Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results

So long as you have something reasonably modern and decent to be fair, that comment is often directed at 4K. However, I have seen it aimed at 1440p as well and, as I think, 1440p is way more popular and common than 4K. We’Re going to look at that first today, before we get to that, let’s have a quick challenge: question first, raise your hand if you think a 250 RX 6600 could be CPU bottlenecked on an I9 10900k running at 5 gigahertz playing AAA games at 1080p High detail. Do I have any takers on that? This is a top of the line: 2020 CPU from Intel, the I9 10900k featuring 10 cores 20 threads and a 5 gigahertz all-core turbo speed. Clearly, this should be fast enough to keep up with a lowly 6600 right, well sort of, but not really in the middle of the Benchmark. It’S just about to hit 99 for a second before falling back down.

Can the $250 RX 6600 outperform the $1,200 RTX 3090 Ti ??? — Surprising Results

61 GPU usage is the lowest I saw during this test with a middle ground of around 80 percent. Let me put this another way: the very best Intel CPU from 2020 that was launched at over 500 just two years ago, and one year after Far Cry New Dawn was released, is unable to keep up with a 250 RX 6600 at 1080p. Now be honest, how many of you really expected that I’ll be honest? I didn’t expect it and that result is part of why this video is being made. I am so rarely surprised when I Benchmark anything anymore when you play with enough Hardware after a while, you sort of know how it’s all going to perform before you actually use it most of the time it’s predictable.

But at times like this, I tilt my head sideways and ask wait. Did that really just happen big disclaimer time? Let me be absolutely 100 crystal clear about something. While we were, in fact CPU bottlenecked here, we were also getting 127 frames per second average with a one percent low of 97.. The frame times were butter smooth, and this game would run amazingly well on this Hardware. It would be a superior experience in all respects. What the CPU bottleneck simply means is that we could have had even more than 127 frames per second average if we simply had more CPU power available, we were simply limited to 127 due to the inability as ridiculous as this sounds to say out loud due to The inability of the I9 10900k to keep up with the RX 6600 to keep it fed with data to process. Now, let’s get to why you’re all here, an RX 60 600 beating an RTX 3090 TI at this point. At least a few of you have figured this out share in the comment section below, if you have guessed it beforehand or if this surprises you, this is 1440p high detail on the left side of the screen.

We have the RTX 3090 TI running on a ryzen 7 1700x, a lovely 8 core CPU that provides solid frame rates and smooth frame times on the right side of the screen. We have the RX 6600 running on the I9 10900k, a CPU that is simply faster than the 1700x in all respects. Yes, these are not the same CPU, but rather that’s the point. Putting an amazing graphics card on an average or older CPU simply holds you back. Often in ways you might not expect to be fair, the 6600 is at its limit here we are using almost 100 percent of the card. For those of you hoping this would repeat at 4K, I’m afraid not.

The 6600 is not a 4K gaming card, at least not for modern, AAA games. The RX 6600 is the modern replacement for the famed RX 580 and GTX 1060 cards at 250 dollars with eight gigabytes of vram. It has great 1080p performance and solid 1440p performance as well. It’S an awesome choice for gamers looking to play everything on on the market today, without spending an arm and a leg.

Having said that, if you put a modern GPU, even a modest one, like the RX 6600 into an existing PC you’re going to find many games where the CPU is your limit to Performance, not the GPU, this holds true for the entire Zen one Zen plus, and Even Zen 2 lineup – and it also holds true for everything prior to the 12th generation from Intel as well. I read comments all the time from people saying I’ll, just build a PC and then upgrade my graphics card in two years and I’ll be fine with my CPU for the next five years or more. That might have been more true in the past when CPUs from 2011 to 2018 did not gain a lot of performance year over year. However, that situation has been rapidly changing recently, with Zen 3 being a solid improvement over Zen 2 and a massive improvement over Zen. One on the other side, Intel’s new 12th generation Alder lake – is more than 50 percent faster in some games versus the ninth generation and 35 percent, faster in others versus 10th Generation. Those are solid improvements, games evolve over time and with them come more demands from our CPUs and our graphics cards.

This video isn’t meant to tell you that a Zen, 4 or Raptor lake is required to play games with new gpus. Rather, it’s meant to show you that the situation is far more nuanced than you might think. I get asked all the time which should I upgrade my CPU or my GPU without telling me which games they play, what resolution, what their desired detail settings are or what their frame rate goals are without that information.

There is no useful answer to the question because it could be either of them or both. Sometimes it’s both e-win racing has a wide selection of chairs to fit all shapes and sizes of Gamers, ranging from petite to cuddly. They have something for every type of gamer, not just sizes, but colors and material options as well, including red, blue purple, pink orange and more plus cloth and leather choices. We have over half a dozen chair and desk videos in a playlist down in the video description below. We also have a very special offer.

Just for Tech deals, viewers save 30 percent off of everything using discount code Tech deals using our Link in the video description. We have used e-win gaming chairs for three years in our office sitting on them for up to eight hour Marathon live streams. They are very comfortable and we are happy to work with ewin to bring you this special discount and recommend ewin for all of your gaming. Chair and desk needs, so what does the tldr of this entire video? In short, your CPU matters for gaming, even on a 250 dollar graphics card, even at 1440p, even on three-year-old AAA games and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Thank you all so very much for watching to the very end two gold stars to all of you for still being here like this video, if you like it, share it with your friends, if you love it remember to subscribe to the Channel with a big, huge Red button directly below hit the join button.

Next to that, if you’d like to support the channel directly and get some exclusive member benefits check the links in the video description below, I was not joking earlier. This is probably the best bang for the buck deal. You can find in a video card right now, 250 dollars, eight gigs of vram substantially faster than the cards it replaces.

It is a great value for the money and it’ll play everything on the market today at 1080P and most games at 1440p, really nice for 250 dollars, there’ll be some other links down there as well, including to the previous video I mentioned at the beginning of this Video that one’s longer go check that out and then, of course, I’ll be interested in your comments down in the comment section below what did you think of this video? Yes, the CPUs are different. Did you guess that was going to be what the whole Spiel on? How this is actually faster because it is or did you think it might be something else, I’m curious as to your thoughts. I will be reading them and responding to those that are interesting. Thank you so much for watching. I will see all of you next time. Part one take one hello and welcome to Tech deals. Raise your hand if you think a 250 RX 6600 is faster than a twelve hundred dollar RTX 3090 part. One take two part.

One take three part. One take four part. One Take Five. Okay.

I hear the objections sure at 1080p low detail, both graphics cards would be CPU. Both CPUs would be CPU bottleneck. What lunatic wrote the script part two take two. Now, let’s get to why you’re all really here, an RX 6600 destroying an RTX 3090 TI.

Does that sound epic enough, this poor lowly middleweight 6600, which just wants to play a few video games, absolutely positively destroys the 3090 TI that thinks it’s tough, but it really is not part. 20. Take two part 22 take one. It is a lovely eight core CPU that provides solid frame times and frame smooth frame rates.

The rates, the frame time rates, part 22, take two part. 22. Take three part. 22.

Take four part. 22. Take Five, two thousand dollars later the amount of stuff. This bottlenecks is mind-blowing. It is so easy to have a bit of information that, for whatever reason, gets glued in your head. Now, here’s something that’s going to blow your mind.

Ninth and tenth gen are the same perkor Performance Set both CPUs to basically the same clock. Speed and games shouldn’t really care, except they do when they use more than a course and to everybody out there who thinks they don’t use more than eight cores. Spider-Man remastered wants a word with them, because at 1080p High detail, the I9 9900k did 116 frames per. Second, the I9 10900k stock to stock no overclocking with just two additional cores did over 130 frames per. Second. There was nearly 15 frames per second or 10 percent more performance, and it was using all 10 cores on the 10900k and people think you only need six scores for gaming, really by the way Spider-Man remastered to do. That was using almost all 16 cores on the 12900k two or three of the e-core menus, but it was well into the e-course. All 8p cores, plus e-course yeah part 31. Take one. I get asked all the time which should I upgrade my CPU or my GPU.

Without telling me what games they play, what resolution, what detail settings and what expected frame rate they want to get they also don’t share their desired part. 31. Take two part. 31.

Take three part. 31. Take four part. 31.

Take Five part 31. Take six .