Can Linus Fix Anything?

Can Linus Fix Anything?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Can Linus Fix Anything?”.
You are all Workaholics, but what make her creative things do you enjoy doing when you have free time, painting, Fiber Arts doodling? I think that for me, um well, okay, fine! I was talking about my paint booth earlier. I am planning to paint my bike, so I haven’t actually fired up the sprayer. Yet, although I will this weekend um, I somehow got roped into I volunteered to help James paint, his walls, because I have experience with that, and I knew that I would be able to help him do a much better job with even just a few hours of Setting him up for it and somehow I got roped into helping James paid his kitchen cabinets, which is not something that I am super experienced at or in fact even have ever done before, but I do have the equipment for it. So we’re going to be muddling our way through it together, which will be fun, but the real reason that I have this spray equipment is so that I can do up my motorbike in this color scheme. So that’s not actually that’s like a mock-up yeah Maria did this up for me and um.

Can Linus Fix Anything?

I contracted her out of hours to just kind of mock this up for me because I’m lazy and don’t feel like figuring out how to do it um. So that’s something! I’M planning to do so. I guess that’s kind of what you’re asking I like fixing stuff. I don’t know if that really counts, yeah, I’m not like super knowledgeable or good at doing it, but I enjoy it.

Can Linus Fix Anything?

I don’t know why, but over the years I remember being colossally disappointed many times by how not handy you were with what well see. I grew up on a hobby farm and I know that your dad’s, like super handy, and so there would be just things that I would take for granted that you would just know how to do like paint a thing. Nope and you’d just be like to to quote Yahtzee it’d, be like watching a cat. Try to fly a kite like you just were incapable, and I didn’t understand it, my dad because you weren’t stupid you just you know the story right.

My dad, like so my dad, was around a ton yeah when I was like quite Young, but when I was in like my teens, when you would do a lot of this type of stuff. Yeah they’re really long story, but he had to he didn’t have to. But he stepped up and got a bunch of jobs and stuff and was like it wasn’t absent father because he was around yeah, but the time that he was around would be like. Oh, I have two hours between my jobs. Let’S, like hang out, first, throw a ball like or like well he’s, probably like too tired right, okay, but like how about you, throw the ball I’ll watch and then a lot of times. If something needed to be done, he wouldn’t have that much time.

So he would just like do it so I could observe, but I often wasn’t doing it myself, yeah um, but I mean since then he’s like shown me more things and stuff right, but yeah yeah see I don’t know like I just I was um not by Choice but I was very often dragged into things, so I just I just know all because I’ve done it. I’Ve done a bunch of like distributed labor tasks, but not things like paint. This thing like we uh, we re-roofed my parents house right so like I’ve done. Roofing sure I did pretty good job of that yeah, but that’s like quite different. Actually, I’ve done Roofing interior exterior and I’m not talking like it professionally. So, like some Roofing interior exterior painting, um I’ve, you know treated infections on horses feet cared for livestock.

You know built out buildings um, like uh, uh, repaired gravel. You know driveway uh. You know buried that Fawn that the dog killed operated an excavator like I just like there’s just so much uh.

You know uh Doug fence posts, both by by digging them pouring concrete and embedding them also by post pounding like there’s just on a farm. Even if it’s not a for-profit farm, there’s just there’s a lot of stuff to do, there’s so much to do it’s utterly. Never ending so like I’ve gone to because I I grew up out there, but we didn’t have one so I’ve gone to like friends, houses and helped them with yeah stuff that they had to do.

Can Linus Fix Anything?

But there’s a big difference. Yeah, like my friends, didn’t weren’t really helpful when we were like you know, loading the barn with hay right like they were they’d kind of, do a couple and then they’d get bored and they’d wander off and I get it I didn’t get bored. You probably would believe that to be yeah yeah, you probably would have been a lot more helpful than my friends were, but, like I mean I still didn’t live there, so it wasn’t. A constant people are asking repair, gravel driveway. What? What is that? So you don’t have to do you, don’t just lay down gravel, so potholes develop and then the way that you put it down, you just have to kind of get a feel for how much of it to shovel and wheelbarrow out and how much to fill it. So that when it settles, it’ll actually be smooth when you, when you drive up it like just Gravel, Drive, gravel man, our driveway was so freaking long.

It was over 100 meters long and the incline was like this um so like getting out of there in the snow and stuff was brutal. I had to often run because I was usually late. Uh up to my bus, stop uphill, both ways, of course. Ah, I hated that driveway curse that driveway um. If you guys want to see it, it doesn’t really matter matter um here. Here’S the here’s, the place where I grew up well grew up after 11., so I lived in Ladner until until then uh. Here we go there. This is my parents, hobby Farmer, at least what it looks like now. So this used to be a riding ring for horses. Um, there’s pawns here, it’s kind of hard to make out this is this: is all uh, my parents, former property? They don’t they don’t have it anymore, not now don’t like show up and we’re not like.

We were not crazy. Wealthy. My parents were teachers uh this land was empty when they got it, it was a big stretch for them to get it and uh. It was basically like worthless compared to now it’s probably worth a fortune like yeah as States out here are totally a thing you can see like other people, with their fancy paved driveways and whatnot yeah. We didn’t have anything like that.

In fact. Oh is this pavement. I think so looks like it might be. I think it’s been, it might be paved now. Um. Also many many of these buildings, whether it’s the the pump house is hidden over here, were actually built by my parents themselves. All of this was just like dirt and blackberries. It looks like a lot of landscaping’s been done since we lived here see my dad, like my dad uh built this like that garage. That’S in our backyard yeah like he built that, but I was like too young at that point, to be able to contribute much um.

He also did this like custom solar panel array for our pool chicken Coop’s gone, but I was also not very useful at that time. Barn Stiller, a lot of stuff was either. I was too young, or I was already now out of the house and like the Gap where I would be useful at like contributing and also learning things was, he was very busy. It’S just unfortunate timing, but he’s he’s definitely gone out of his way to educate. Since then, fun fact um if that place is ever on the market and you’re into high quality drinking water. It has a drilled well that by luck we managed to hit some kind of underground spring or something and it has the best drinking water. I have ever encountered in my life and never runs dry. It’S like the highlight of that property for me, and probably something that wouldn’t even show up on a real estate brochure nice. Like honestly, I I spent my childhood bathing in water that people would pay like six dollars for a little bottle of and it would still taste like crap, because it’s been in a plastic bottle: yeah yeah, obviously um plastic bottles, yay .