Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus

Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus”.
Hey everybody, I’m Sean okay and I’m a reporter and overall camera nerd here at the Burge, hey, I’m James BAM, I’m the photographer Cameron, hood and I just did the features of the first lady always hit the one-up me I’m here, comparing the brand new Galaxy s7 Edges camera again, so it’s probably the leading camera up until this thing, the iPhone 6s plus, so we’ve been out shooting on the streets of New York. With these we’re going to take a look at some of the results that we got so we went out onto the streets of New York, wanted to put these cameras really through their paces. First, one was: how fast are they yeah? So the camera on the galaxy s7 edge launches extremely fast samplings, been doing the double tap the home button to launch the camera for a little while now, but the s7 it’s faster than ever, and so we gave ourselves a little bit of a contest here. Of these taxis going through the intersection down in the West Village – and I was basically waiting for taxi to hit the crosswalk as soon as they hit the crosswalk I’d. Take my phone out and try to take the picture as quickly as possible or trying to get the taxi in the middle of the intersection, and you can see here with the iPhone.

This is the best that was able to get. I tried a couple different times right: the iPhone you have to pull out of your pocket. You have to hit a home button or the power button and then slide the camera icon up. And then you got to wait for the camera to punch, and then you can take this off.

Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus

How long is this whole process going to take? That’S like two seconds two or three almost I mean was enough that I almost missed this taxi takes me that long to find it and then let’s skip to the Samsung image here and I caught it almost back at the line Wow. So that’s probably like four feet: yeah and I mean we’re working with a wider angle lens which we’ll talk about in a bit on the Samsung. I wasn’t able to get that taxi in the shot with the iPhone. The Samsung is also faster to focus you’re messing around with that the auto focus on the Samsung notices when new things are in the frame. It does a better job of guessing what it is you’re trying to take a picture of, whereas the iPhone still has to hunt for that focus. It feels a lot like an older contrast action autofocus on a camera.

Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus

What are you talking about? Some of the images? Yes, so this is just some general details and raindrops on flowers and both of them are pretty similar. I mean this is the iPhone image here. We’Ve got really good detail, but there’s a lot going on. It’S also.

Camera shootout: Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus

We put, we deliberately put the trees in the background, so sometimes the autofocus will come through. It will actually try and focus through the screen, but no real problems for either camera on this. No one big thing about samsung’s new camera is that both the front and the back camera are f.

1.7. The brightest lens you can find on a smartphone right now, iPhones working with that 2.2. So that’s a big difference, not just in the amount of light that I let in, but also in the depth of field.

So we took this picture of this tiny little jug did a little small as bottolota, guys that we found on the street, and I think these two images are actually pretty similar. It yeah. It almost looks like there isn’t much difference here. You can see some color difference and everything, but as far as depth of field that didn’t look terribly different, but the big difference comes with these images of the cobblestone. You know the background here is actually relatively InFocus. You can make out that grille over there on the band.

I should just point out here. You know this is red paint. Yes, but if you I mean, if you look up here, you can see you can make out the grille in this red van up here. Right, it’s much harder to make that out on the Samsung yeah, because it’s got that really shallow depth of field, and you clearly see the line of focus on this as well yeah and Lily going across the top. I really like the Samsung yeah here so now.

Let’S go we’re gon na shift into some low-light photos, because this is basically where most people take their photos if you’re not outdoors than they’d like you’re in a bar or in your coffee shop or it’s nighttime. This is a really challenge. This is probably the worst. The iPhone did out of all the things you have tried, and we should point out here that we couldn’t really see this without the picture yeah, we were in the dark on dark on dark, so this is actually much lighter than it looked at the time yeah. It handled itself relatively well, considering it was pitch black, almost yeah, back on us in this coffee shop.

It’S a world of difference whether the Samsung hear that difference from f 2 point 2 to F 1.7, the iPhone one there’s not really much to work with. It looks yeah kind of awful the one from that 7 is zoom into that. You actually have some detail yeah, you can see the sort of the individual swirls and absolutely love the cappuccino, and the s7 edge is optical image stabilization. I think that helped this image as well really strong, but it has to this point, there’s a point here, because the lens on the Samsung is wider, mmm and there’s that corresponding rule that the white of the lens, the slower the shutter speed, can be before you See the shape another big deal also in low-light is food images yeah. I think both of them perform pretty well, considering again we’re in really awful lighting situation. That’S a really awful food picture yeah and this one’s not too much better again a lot yet more yellow Samsung image this.

This is amazing because you can clearly see that there was a very similar focus, but this is back focused a bit because if you go to the front down here this is so you can see the softness here, yeah and then so the focal plane is actually Midway through and we get close to the iPhone, it handles itself pretty well, but that seemed crisp, Detailers yeah here it’s definitely a lot muddier than the same, but the funny thing is it gives, if you zoomed out. The overall impression is that the picture is sharper, but if you zoom in right, it’s kind of they’re close, but it doesn’t have the Christmas to the Samsung good. So another coffee photo another popular picture that people would take again and challenging light yep. I think this time the iPhone actually wins out. Yes, the Samsung much more contrasting, like we saw on the that car right, much better, color in the iPhone foot. The interesting thing, though, is there’s two rules to come here, because, if you’re just gon na shoot publish, then the iPhone is definitely better.

However, if you were going to shoot, publish from the Samsung phone and you want it just to play with it a little bit with some, you know some adjustments. You actually have again more shadow detail to play with right – and we see this in this next extra to there’s a lot more detail in the shadow on the Samsung, whereas the iPhone handles the color better yeah, but it definitely darkened out the blacks. So it’s kind of locking into saying this is what the picture is going to look like whether you want it to or not right, let’s move to front-facing cameras because, obviously selfies either video. Thank you. The iPhone again, f.

2.2 lens on the front five mega mega pixels Samsung is five megapixel as well, but F, 1.7. You actually put everything in focus. I had it far enough away from the sort of minimum focusing distance.

The resolution is the same, but the Samsung looks much better right. If you go to the Samsung one again, it’s wider, but look at the color, it yeah, it just seems sharper and there’s just a bit of bit more contrast. Now, a little bit closer a little harder, your Telugu, yes, definitely a cooler image from the Samsung, but also it kind of missed the focus a little bit. So it shows it can kind of go again one way or they own back a little bit yeah and then a low-light example of the front-facing camera. This is a truly horrible picture.

By anything about that that is, I couldn’t possibly take a whispered iPhone brighter Samsung. Much flatter image G out sharper image, but you really see how much wider it is yeah so for that front-facing camera you’re just going to get a lot more in yeah and then. Lastly, here we have some – just you know always got to get a flower shot in here we’ve got a lot of bright colors. This was actually shot indoors and some more challenging light. So this is the iPhone more saturated. Colors focus isn’t quite as good actually had a lot of trouble getting it, whereas the Samsung is actually able to nail it again. You know honey that if you compare the straight-up picture, the iPhone definitely looks better, but thinking about well how we could great.

I can grade this, what I could do to it right. I actually have much more choice. Example now.

Another big thing with these two cameras is obviously video in Samsung, like the iPhone can both not shoot 4k. So we put both phones right up against the big window in the High Line here in New York. Looking down, there’s not a ton of difference here.

The iPhone is definitely a flatter image over here and the Samsung a little crisper, a little more contrasting and definitely a touch warmer yeah. Now, both cameras can also shoot really slow. Motion. 240 frames. A second so up upwards of five times slower Cleanser 10242 times cut, and you did a quick test here, just sort of chasing down some pigeons, because there are lots of them here in New York. And if you really want to go deep on it, the Samsung stock camera app has a manual mode and you can go in and change the shutter speed to change the ISO.

You can change a lot of stuff, whereas on the iPhone you can’t really change much and what you can change has been buried in the settings menu. If you want to even just change the frame rate to shoot slow motion or shoot 4k, you can’t do that in our app anymore, which is really really frustrating. So I think we were all expecting the s7 edges camera to be better.

It’S basically at this point, a generation ahead of die phone 6, where the end where Apple is out with the iPhone in general. We’Re gon na really need to wait to see the iPhone 7 to. I think to find something: that’s comprable with s7 edges in that sevens camera and I think the results sort of proved it.

Today I mean it’s sort of an informal test, we’re here on a laptop we’re not on a big monitor anything but from what you can tell on the phone in on the laptop I mean I got ta say you know I do not like Samsung software. Never have, but as far as the app goes, you just can’t fault it and the pictures speak for themselves. .