Buy this if you hate your neighbors – Sony SRS-XV900

Buy this if you hate your neighbors - Sony SRS-XV900

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Buy this if you hate your neighbors – Sony SRS-XV900”.
Continuing in Sony’s SRS, lineup they’ve descended on us with this big boy, the xv-900. This is the largest of their gigantic party size, Bluetooth speakers and is currently their top of the line model need a knife. This one is not exactly purse size, though, and weighs in at about 60 pounds got styrofoam on top, starting with an optical cable. Oh this speaker is really neat because it actually has RGB, so it kind of puts the party back into things. I don’t know if that’s more of a gimmick but we’ll see how bright it is. So we’ve got this clear plastic thing along the I guess top and bottom yeah. It’S got it on the top too nice thing is it’s got a couple handles right on top here, so you can carry it around. There’S some Wheels along the back, so you can troll it around that way and we’ll start getting into all the speakers, and it has quite a few. It’S got one of the giant 12 inch by 12 inch square woofers down here. A couple of mid drivers out front and then a couple more tweeters in the top there. The other neat thing is that kind of more of a surround thing. So, on each side it’s got another two tweeters and another two on the top. This thing’s probably going to put out some volume, but hopefully the sound quality will match it’s Hefty. It comes with a plethora of inputs as well, something that it’s nice, it’s included, is a pair of quarter inch jackets. One of them is for a microphone. So if you want to do karaoke or something like that, this will be kind of more your your style and then it’s also got either a second mic input or a guitar input, it’s switchable, but between mic and instrument input. The optical input allows you to hook it up to a TV and kind of use it in TV mode, so it’ll sync with whatever’s on screen and if you’re playing, say karaoke videos or anything like that, you can just kind of have it as an all-in-one unit.

Buy this if you hate your neighbors - Sony SRS-XV900

It has your standard AUX input, so you pass the phone around. Stick it somewhere. A nice feature. They’Ve included, is a little USB output Port here. So you can charge your phone when you have it attached, you’re, not really supposed to leave this plugged. In all the time, because this thing is a wireless Bluetooth speaker most of it’s battery, because there are five hours of continuous use, although in the service manual, they kind of specify that that’s at a reasonable volume, with all the RGB off when they get 12 hours.

Buy this if you hate your neighbors - Sony SRS-XV900

At a reasonable volume, with the lights on, the minimum will do is four hours at maximum volume, with all the lights on not too bad rather power efficient when it’s uh kind of just in the background they’re, also claiming that 10 minutes of charging will give you Three hours of run time, so if it’s dying in the middle of your three-day Bender a couple licks on the power cord and you’re good to go three God, it’s heavy uh, oh crap, it’s battery powered! I forgot. Okay, so we’ve turned it on. It’S got the typical Sony megabase button, which is on by default, which is fine. I guess – and we’ve also got transport controls here, because it is a Bluetooth speaker right. It’S basically just a gigantic Bluetooth speaker that you’re used to, and then we’ve got these nice colorful things here where we can adjust our RGB. Is it reactive to sound and it must be internal? These are going to be your two tweeters on top as well they’re. Actually, angled back slightly, so it’s not going to shoot at the ceiling it’s going to fire back. So if you’re behind the speaker, you can get some good sound too.

Buy this if you hate your neighbors - Sony SRS-XV900

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Okay, it’s pairing now tap to pair pair and connect Bluetooth connected woo battery about 80. Oh, it accidentally pushed the battery button. It just tells you battery about 80 percent, like Sony’s other SRS speakers. This one has the ability to group with other speakers, so if you’re a crazy person and bought four of these and put them in every corner of the room, it’s easier than doing multi-room audio so yeah.

She stands about 35 inches tall, 16, wide and 18 deep. So it’s it’s! You know it’s quite Hefty. You can see compared to me how big it is. Okay, my phone volume can control it, which is nice, foreign, okay.

Let’S turn it up Saint Christ. My heart is gon na. That’S very, very loud. Let’S try this again at a reasonable volume and have a listen to those side.

Speakers in the top speaker, yeah, the tweeters, are not quite as active as I expected for how much like you know, High bands coming out of this. I would have liked to see maybe some mid drivers on the side as well, but this isn’t an on the directional speaker, so this is probably going to go in a corner somewhere and having a little bit of side. Film is kind of nice. Now we kind of have it in a place where I would expect it to be, maybe in a house party, something like that. Also, you must really hate your neighbors. Unfortunately, it’s mirrored so it’s piano black on top, so it’s covered in fingerprints, now cool standing right here the Base is almost deafening, but as soon as I move away, a little bit sounds a bit better, so you better be careful with walls and Floors around this Thing because it’s going to change the sound a lot for speakers, this big in this Bassy, let’s play with some of the sound settings that Sony includes in their app. We get an additional couple controls in here. Besides the giant mega bass button on the front, we also have a live sound button which I guess would probably cut down the base and boost the highs.

Let’S have a listen. I don’t really like that. One as much I would is hoping for more high band, but we have some extra sounds in here, so we can do a custom um. Unfortunately, they only give us three controls uh.

So this is flat at the moment and I’m just going to boost the treble until I’m kind of happy with it, so that sound setting seems a little bit more appropriate in this environment. At least the bass is still really thumpy right here, but I’m standing right next to a wall. So I’m definitely in some of the reflections but out in the room. It’S a lot better and giving a little bit of a cue kind of fixes.

Maybe some of that sounds cleaner and a little bit brighter and more of a sound profile that I would want to play at a party. You have speech, you have dancing. You know all that sort of thing. You don’t necessarily need ultra high fidelity audio in that kind of thing: it’s quiet background music, but then later in the night, you know you turn it up and you have a fun time.

I Wish It beeped when or vibrated or did something when you pushed a button. Okay, we were talking about DJ effects, here’s the isolator and here’s the flanger. It’S like sleep paralysis, demon, music, Grump with me Bart. No, we, I think we need to go into illumination and then lighting mode. Oh, we have different lighting modes. This would have been nice to include on the top. This is the delightful color mode. We also have Rave, which I guess is maybe a little bit more pronounced. I was hoping they’d be brighter. To be perfectly honest, maybe there’s a control for that. We have chill chill. Is not this speaker if you bring this to a we got strobe.

That’S that’s more like it and then uh radiation gravity gradation, not graduation, which I read three times in a row. We’Ve got some boring battery power management. Stuff too. It’S got stamina mode.

So if you want it to last for a long time, battery care, of course, when you’re charging it to not destroy the battery over a long period of time. The last thing to look at is the feistable Phi stable app, which is the companion one for lighting control. We have DJ control, which is kind of neat, select one mode. Let’S do party flash hey there, we go doing this and it’s making it blink. We also have a custom color. We can set it to whatever we want and it looks like short circuit, blue sure, motion control.

This is the strangest app I’ve ever seen. Uh. What do I want to do? I want to play. Oh there that worked, and then, if I want to do volume up, oh wow, that actually did work. This is weird. What do I just hold it? I’M gon na do that here, all right! This is uh.

This is what it sounds like inside my head. At all times, motion control is weird and very strange: we’ve got it hooked up to the TV now with Optical. It’S really nice of them to include one because like who has one of those anymore, but you know, Works instantly. What are expectations when we defy them? Are we breaking the gold if they expected me to do that? Who are they? Okay, yeah there’s too much bass and I can’t really hear Linus talking about whatever he’s talking about, but there is a button on top and also in the app called the TV sound booster.

So let’s push that and see what that does to the voice and the rest of it. Megabass is off at the moment. It’S still really Bassy sitting down here. Oh that is so much worse.

What the hell happened, they’re doing nothing. Oh I get it. I know. Uh yeah, okay, that’s actually kind of cool.

You know what it’s for yeah, it’s supposed to support your existing speakers, so it gives a little bit of tiny, little sibilance and then a lot of sub bass. So it’s kind of acting like a subwoofer and maybe a center channel simultaneously yeah that was so confusing. Oh, my God, TV sound booster makes everything sound like sure the next.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a speaker come as something for support. I think all Bluetooth speakers should do that. That’S really neat! Actually, I think I like it a little more, although thinking about it for its use case as a party speaker, why would you use it to support your speakers in your home when it’s Giant and you’re going to use it as a party like I don’t see This fitting into a living room very well that doesn’t now it doesn’t make sense anymore. I mean it’s a cool feature to include and obviously they’ve added the optical in they’ve spent the time to design a circuit for it, because I can hear a little relay in there click when I push the button, but I don’t know you draw your own conclusions. It’S confusing to me. I guess who is this for right if your particular proclivity is playing Wonderwall to your friends badly, because they can’t leave your house, then maybe this is for you. You know it’s got the guitar in. It’S got the vocal mic in. Maybe this maybe you want that.

I can also see it possibly be you good for weddings, you know, throw it in a tent outside last for 24 hours. All that sort of thing. One of the problems is it’s 900 US dollars, which is a hefty price to pay, but I do think you get a lot of speaker for that similar floor monitors that you would need extra stuff for and are also not portable or battery powered. There’S like the Mackie SRM 450, which for about 500 bucks, will give you a thousand watts of output power and that’s also deafening, but this is damn loud and I think the sound quality is acceptable.

This is kind of one you have to make your own conclusions for it’s very, very not for everybody, but unfortunately it’s kind of okay at being not for everybody, don’t forget to like And subscribe to Short Circuit. Did you hear it from upstairs? That was that was full volume. I was standing next to it. Yeah .