Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio

Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio”.
What’S happening guys, I’ve been tagged source and today we are building an epic Razer theme, the gaming PC inside the new Leonie 11 dynamic razor case. Some of this razor gear is also gon na, be given away at the end of this video, including the case. So if you guys want to enter make sure to stick around Lili is also having a promotion on their new razor case and I’ll drop a link below, if you guys want to check that out, but yeah what that said, let’s begin I want to give you Two things to read for sponsoring today’s video raid Shadow Legends is the most ambitious RPG game of 2019, and it’s gon na change everything it’s the most immersive experience you will find on a smartphone. It’S got all the features. You’D expect from a brand new RPG title. Like an amazing storyline, awesome, 3d, graphics, giant, boss, fights PvP battles and hundreds of champions to collect and customize, I mean just look at the level of details on these champions. The game is free to play and as an upcoming special launch tournament with crazy in-game prizes and a real-life physical prize pack.

Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio

So go to the description, section and download raid using my link to get 50,000 silver immediately and a free epic champion as part of the new player program. So the processor we’re going with is the 9900 k-8 core 16th red coffee Lake processor and we’re gon na pair that with the old mighty MSI Duke RTX, 20 atti pooling the 9900 k4. Now is the courser h, 150 pro rgba io. The reason why it’s temporary, because after this build I’m actually going to convert this PC into a fully custom, modded water-cooled build so that’s gon na be fun.

Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio

The motherboard we’re going with is the MSI godlike, since that is what you guys voted in the comments section of the unboxing video. After all, this is a high-end build. So why not go with the best that MSI has to offer we’re gon na occupy all four dimm slots with a quad channel kit from jail, we got 32 gigs of the super loose or GB RAM sticks at 2400, megahertz for storage. We are adding a single m2, the 97 Evo from Samsung. However, we are adding two additional SSDs for a raid 0 configuration.

Building an EPIC Razer Gaming PC w/ Chroma Studio

You guys might be wondering why – and my simple answer is purely for aesthetics, because the Lindley razor case has two SSD trays, the bottom. So I do want to occupy those mainly because we have some awesome. Ssd covers from v1 tech that I want to show off so yeah purely aesthetic reasons, we’re not actually gon na even use any of the storage other than downloading games on there to benchmark powering the entire build is a fully modular gold certified power supply from Corsair. We got the HX 850 and, of course, everything is going inside a newly released Lindley, o 11 dynamic razor edition with tempered glass panels, a Razer logo in the front and addressable RGB lighting. We do have some extra mods to spice a build like an RGB backplate from v1 tech that has the Razer logo in the center.

Of course, we have some custom cable extensions and a set of 120 millimeter fan grills with the UV green Razer logo in the center. A lot of people are not into the fan grills, but I personally like it. I think it’s, I think, an add some spice to the build, but yeah anyways, okay, let’s not drop that but yeah. These are pretty much all the parts I’m gon na be using in the build. I will be custom painting the case itself and adding extra mods in the water pool build so make sure you guys a notification is enabled for that. It’S gon na be an epic video, of course, but you guys know what time it is it’s time to zip. It cue the music and let you guys enjoy this montage all right, so the PC is finally complete and I think it looks pretty sick if I say so myself. The custom mods really spiced up the build, and I personally think the fangirls were a great addition, because the fans on the side here are used as intake blowing cold air inside the case, which means that I had to mount them backwards and the fan grills help Cover up the sticker and the cables, the rest of the lighting from the SSD cover is the GPU backplate light up the PC beautifully, and I couldn’t be more happy with the way it turned out. I’M gon na save the gaming benchmarks when I convert this into a water-cooled PC, but what I want to focus on in this article is the RGB lighting. As you can see, I built a quick setup using some Razer gear.

We got the huntsmen elite gaming keyboard. The Mamba elite chroma gaming mouse and the Goliath extended RGB gaming mouse pad. I did set the lighting to solid green right now, which blends perfectly with the color scheme of the build, but we’re not really taking advantage of the chroma lighting.

You could do so much more with it, which is why I’m gon na spice it up a bit. So it’s not looking so bland. I’M gon na be using Razer synapse to control the lighting on the Razer gear connected including the case since it is a Razer Edition.

So let’s go ahead and check it out. Alright. So once you open up Razer synapse on the top here, you’ll see the list of your devices. We’Ve got the mouse pad Mouse case and the keyboard also down here on their modules.

You can control your macros. You can even control the lighting from Philips. U so if you have a Philips, u RGB, bulb or even an RGB strip on your desk, you can control and sync the lighting through here as well, which is pretty cool and on the left over here we have chroma studio. Alright, so let’s go into chroma Studio and on here you guys can see all the devices we have connected and over here is where we can customize the lighting.

If you want to change the lighting on all the connected devices, you can either use the mouse and just drag over everything or go up here and click on everything. Then you can come over here and select any color. You want from the color wheel or set any presets, which you can also customize yourself. So let’s say, if you find a color you want, you can just come down here, hit the plus sign and it’ll save automatically down here.

After all that just hit save – and you can see everything changed to that selected color now. Obviously, we’re gon na keep everything green just to match the color scheme of the build, but we’re gon na add an effect because if you like solid color is a little bland, so we’re gon na try and spice things up a bit. So I’m gon na go down here and add an effect. I just give you guys an example: we’re gon na go with spectrum cycling, we’re gon na go up here and delete static, because this is layered. So I’m gon na delete that and then I’m gon na select everything and save, as you guys can see it’s gon na cycle through all the colors slowly, you can even control the speed over here on the top right. What’S really cool about chroma studio is a level of customization that gives you, so you cannot only control the entire strip, but you can control individual sections of that RGB script. So, let’s say, for example, I’m gon na do every other section, just to kind of give.

You guys a demonstration, I’m gon na do blue and then save so, as you guys can see here, every other section of that strip is gon na be blue. Same thing goes for the other gear, so let’s zoom in a little bit and go down to the keyboard area and you can kind of see which areas are separated. So you can select any area from the actual borderlining or the keys itself. Even on the actual Mouse itself. You can do the scroll wheel, you can do the Razer logo or any section of the side glow.

Okay. So, let’s go back here and give it an effect. My personal favorite is ripple, so I’m gon na click on ripple down here.

I’M gon na go ahead and select everything and over here we’re gon na select what color we want. The ripple effect to have again we’re gon na try to tick the green, so this has a nice gradient of green from dark to light. So we don’t know what this I’m gon na go down here and hit save for now. I’M gon na go back and delete static and then hit save. So now we have the ripple effect programmed in our devices and by default nothing lights up until you press a key or any button, as you guys can see, the ripple effect begins from whatever key you press and kind of just spreads out to the rest of Your devices same thing with the mouse, so if I click the ripple effect starts on the mouse and just spreads out to the rest of your gear, which is really cool. Personally, I don’t like how the lighting is off by default. So when I try and change that, but still keep the ripple effect, so we’re gon na go down here and add static.

We’Re gon na go and select everything change that to green and then hit save now, because static is layered on top of ripple. That’S gon na take priority, no matter what so our ripple effect is no longer going to work, as you guys can see. Now. The way to change that is we’re gon na drag static, underneath ripple, we’re gon na hit, save, and now we get static color by default, but we also get the ripple effect. So if we click on a button or a key, as you guys can see, the ripple effect still works.

That’S another cool thing about the chroma studios. You can actually layer effects like that. Another cool thing about Razer synapse is that it’s compatible with MSI mystic light.

As you guys can see. We are using an MSI, motherboard and a graphics card, so we can actually use chroma Studio and control the lighting not just on a motherboard, but also the RAM sticks and the GPU itself. So if you go back to chroma studio and click on the MSI mystic light option, you can control the lighting on here.

So, let’s just go blue, for example, just to show you guys a demonstration and you can see the RAM sticks, the infinity mirror and the GPU all change to the color blue. Let’S go back and give it a ripple effect. So I’m gon na click on ripple make sure everything is green, also make sure the static.

Color is green as well so select everything green and, as you guys can see every time I had a key, it will ripple from the peripherals to the PC case. Motherboard Ram and the GPU, the only downside to this is that chroma Studio won’t let you configure individual sections of the motherboard. You have to, unfortunately, select the entire thing, so there’s no option to select, let’s say one of the RAM sticks or maybe just a GPU itself. You have to change the colors or effects on all of those. Now I don’t know if they’re going to change that in a later update, but with this current version of Razer synapse. Unfortunately, that is all I can do so that’s how you control those three parts.

The only other things that you can control on here are the RGB fans and the cooler which are from coarser. You would have to use the IQ software for that and, finally, you have the RGB backplate and yes as the covers, which are controlled with the included RGB, remote and now for the giveaway on the razor gear. If you guys want to enter for a chance to win the Razer Mamba Elite Gaming, Mouse, BlackWidow, elite gaming keyboard and the Goliath extended mouse pad, all you guys have to do is drop a like on the video and leave a comment down below about anything in This article, that has nothing to do with the giveaway itself. Please do not mention anything about the giveaway and that does it for this video.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, let me know by leaving a simple like and if you didn’t, you know what to do make sure to subscribe. If you want to miss out on the epic water cooled PC using this case, I’ll drop a link to all the parts you saw in this article down below I love your beautiful faces. I will see you in the next article peace .