Build Santa’s Sled with Makey:Bit

Build Santa's Sled with Makey:Bit

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Build Santa’s Sled with Makey:Bit”.
Hi everyone – this is Cecilia, Hillway I’ll, be showing you how to make a Mickey bit Santa sleigh. First you’re gon na need a Mickey with mobile kit and you’re gon na need to print the templates that we’re providing you’re gon na need a long piece of cardboard about 15 inch, long at least some tape or glue. Some painter marker cutting tools, whatever you’re comfortable with a couple of females to female jumper wires and a LED and a ruler. The first thing you need to do is to cut the templates carefully along the outlines. There are a few holes that need to be cut out, like the eyes of the characters and the hole for the microwave for Rudolph is gon na, be a special case, because we’re going to actually Mount him into a piece of cardboard.

The corrugation of the cardboard needs to be parallel to the reindeer once we Mount one of the layers on one side, we’re gon na add the second layer on the other side of the cardboard. That way, it’ll look good from both sides. Having the cardboard be parallel to the reindeer, we’ll make it so you can insert the LED and the wires through the holes of the cardboard. That way, you can have the LED on his nose once you have all the pieces cut out and Rudolph mounted on the cardboard you’re ready to cut the cardboard piece. This cardboard piece is going to be a long piece. The measurements do not have to be exact but make sure that the corrugation is perpendicular to the length of the piece. The most important measurement is the middle one, which is eight and a half centimeters, or about three and one third inches after you cut it out. You can mark the folds by stabbing it with a ruler um.

Once you have the the folds marked, you can paint it black. This is aesthetic preference, I’m using just a marker for that. Now that I have all the pieces it’s time to dress up your Makey bits, so you can place the costumes that you made on top of them. You can add some tape if you want to have a more firm grip, but it’s not necessary. Then you need to fold the pieces for the back and all the tabs for this sleigh for the curls in the back and the front of the sleigh. You press the paper while pulling it on the edge of the table, if necessary, manually, make the curls better by Rolling them with your fingers.

Now we’ll tape or glue the parts onto the buggy I like taping them, so it’s um a less permanent fit. Do the sides first and then glue the back onto the tabs? You can also use a tape to hold it in place if the glue is not enough. It’S time to attach the cardboard piece you cut directly onto the front of the buggy, with tape you can use glue for a stronger Bond once the cardboard piece is attached to the buggy.

You can then glue the front piece of the template to the tabs. It’S a bit tricky, so you can use hot glue if you need a quicker glue. I used a non-bleed black marker to color the back of the two non-rudolph Reindeer.

The marker needs to be non-bleed, so it doesn’t ruin the print. This is just for Aesthetics glue. The two reindeer to the sides of the cardboard piece, since we want the illusion that they’re floating glue them high enough so that their legs don’t touch the ground for Rudolph. We’Re gon na insert the jumper wires through the holes in the corrugation of the cardboard, and that way we can get the LED and the wires through the nose plug the led directly to the jumper wire keeping track of which leg of the LED is connected to Which color wire, because the long leg is positive after you make a slot hole in riddles body, you can insert him onto the front of the cardboard piece you can add glue if you need, but it’s if it’s a tight fit, you will not need it again.

Try to make sure that the when inserted riddles fit, do not touch the ground, connect the positive connection of the LED to P1 and then negative to ground in the back of the making bit. Your project is ready for some code. There are several ways to coat the sleigh and the remote control I’ll, be showing you one of the easiest ones and, as you get more comfortable with coating, you can add more details to them. Make the movements of this lace smoother we’ll be using for our code? We will need to make two files, one for the remote and one for the sleigh.

The first thing to do is make sure that the radio set group for both of the files is the same, so the two micro bits can talk to each other. The thumbstick of the remote is a sensor that gives you values from 0 to 1023, on either P0 or P2 and depending on which direction and how far you move the stick to make it easier and to have more margin of error. The code is only looking for values from 0 to 350 for One Direction and from 700 to 10, 23 on the other anything bigger than 350, but smaller than 700 is not measured as a movement and tells the Slate to stop by sending the strings or messages Via radio signal, you can then program the Slate to receive those strings and to do behaviors.

Accordingly, P1 is used for the button of the controller which, in my case, turns Rudolph’s nose on or off now we need to make the code for the sleigh. The slave receives a signal from the remote control and depending on which string it receives. It performs different actions that way.

If it receives a signal forward, the servo Motors can run in the direction that makes the slave move forward. Since you have two Servo Motors that are pointing in opposite directions in the Slate, the code to move forward has to be a positive number for one of the sides and negative on the other. If they were both positive, the sleigh would just go in circles to make this lay turn to one side or the other. The code makes just one Servo move depending on which direction you want to turn.

In my case, I added the code for the nose as well after you’re done with each of the programs, make sure you download them to the corresponding micro bits. Now you can test the buggy and the remote. If your test is successful, you can add final details. Like a bag for presents in the back and now you have to learn to drive, because you have some deliveries to make.

Build Santa's Sled with Makey:Bit

I hope you enjoyed this project and are inspired to make your own remember learn to try before you go out. Bye, .