Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!

Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!”.
Hi there, no I’m just a Twitter customer support, but press relations. No, we don’t have anything like that. This is this. Is the tech news Dell unveiled an updated prototype for concept Luna, a fully modular laptop that comes apart in seconds just like me, when I watch Pixar’s Up the little accomplishes this by having no glue, no screws, securing components and no actual product? That’S right! It’S still! Just a concept, but man am I ever hoping, instead of any of those nasty things, a push pin tool is used as an unlocking mechanism and allows everything to be taken apart in less than a minute. This is a massive change from an earlier Luna prototype. That was shown off last year, which still used four screws. Four screws, that’s four too many to secure everything in place because it didn’t know who it wanted to be.

Yet what does that even mean anyway, good job you’re, doing really well on the script so far? Dell apparently worked with a micro Factory while developing the new Luna, which was equipped with a robot arm that can take the device apart while also scanning each component, as its is removed to like determine its Health. Like a doctor with the world’s coldest hands had ability to quickly check them all with an automated process during disassembly could allow for the ReUse of some parts that are still in good shape, while no launch date has been set. Dell did state that parts of this project could Cascade into other products sooner, which sounds great if it means fewer customers get screwed, get it because no screws, a group of tech Giants is suing California over a new law that could force them to effectively babysit your Kids, for you and frankly, big Tech isn’t sure they’re old enough. Yet for that kind of responsibility, meta, Google and Tick Tock of all unlikely allies have joined forces with others to become the trade Association net choice boy. I love political group branding agree with net choice. Trying to stop California’s a Zine code act from taking effect in 2024..

The law is meant to Force tech companies to make sure that their products and services are designed in the interest of child safety and to prevent exposure to harmful content. As tech companies are currently protected from liability of third-party content posted to their platforms by section 230., it was why Tick Tock was not found liable when 15 children under 12 died from the Blackout Challenge last year. Now that sounds really bad, but netchoice doesn’t want you to fall for the government’s emotionally manipulative argument of but think of the children.

I mean. Why should you anyway little jerks, won’t leave you alone, won’t stop calling you names like Mom or Dad Uncle net Choice has pointed out that the law is vague, about what harmful, even means, and it would require reporting user information to the government which brings up privacy Concerns an issue that big Tech takes extremely seriously: Elon Musk AKA Thanos, but for companies uh has been shaking things up at Twitter Again by suspending the account of competitor Mastodon and even blocking users from sharing links to the platform. Now to be fair. Elon said he wanted to make Twitter all about Free Speech, but if you leave or talk about leaving, then how will the speech be free and also any journalist that talked about Elon and were mean well, they need to be suspended too. According to Elon, the journalists were actually suspended because they doxed him by reporting on the fact that he was doxed and besides, they weren’t really journalists where they they were journalists, those guys fair game, so yeah doxing is bad unless you’re Elon tweeting someone else’s license plate And asking if anyone recognizes their car, because obviously that’s called delayed doxing, which, according to another Elon Tweed higher in the thread, is utterly harmless.

Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!

Here’S the thing, though it is his platform, he bought it and it’s not Twitter anymore. It’S X the everything except jet tracking accounts and Mastodon, and journalists who reported on this app app now it’s time for the butt clocks brought to you by secret lab. Their chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfy for long hours at work and play you’ll want to Lounge in there work and play in the Twitter office, where you’ll be living extremely hardcore. You’Ll be happy to Lounge in their new Titan Evo 2022 chair for hours and all night, with four-way, lumbar support, Ultra comfortable seat materials and, more all their chairs, come with up to a five-year extended warranty and a 49-day return policy so get in on the secret. Everyone’S talking about and check out secret lab today at the link below the secret lab um little tip, don’t sell any chairs to Twitter because I heard they don’t pay their bills anymore, not for the butt clocks.

Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!

Remember when YouTube started, making shorts to compete with Tick. Tock well in a studying turn event. Tick Tock is now getting Vengeance, as the platform has announced that it is testing long-form, landscape videos. This is well, I guess they were testing long form before, but now they’re landscape. This is great news for tick talkers.

Break Your Laptop… On Purpose!

As now, your followers will be able to see even more of the people that you inconvenienced when you decided to film a dance in the middle of a busy sidewalk two designers for the steam deck had an interview with the Verge and oh boy. They teased a second generation of the handheld, but don’t get too excited. They said they weren’t planning to really increase the performance instead, they’ll focus on a better display and better battery life, which is like whatever. Who cares? Actually? No, that’s like awesome. The big reveal, though, wasn’t even that because, like come on realistically of course, they’re going to do a steam deck too, the big reveal was that they want to make a successor to the most revered and respected controller of all time. The stadia controller excuse me the steam controller.

That’S it’s really good for people with giant thumbs love those two thumb buttons. E.T loves it GM’s self-driving Cruise Robo taxis are facing an investigation by the U.S government after reports of the vehicle’s blocking traffic and in some cases breaking so suddenly that they caused rear end collisions in other news. They’Re also investigating Dennis no kidding. Could this be the world’s softest robot Uprising, or is it simply a or is it simply a robot union strike those greedy fat cats at GM are lighting their pockets while hard-working robots go unpaid wow.

I wish I could do something about it. Stability, AI announced that artists will be able to opt out of the next version of stable diffusion so that their work won’t be used in the training set for the popular AI. I guess algorithms aren’t allowed to be cultured anymore. This comes just days after artists protested. The art platform art station for allowing AI art those are really a protest. If you still post on Art station, I don’t know I’m not an artist, I’m just a hot dad. This must have been written for Riley. I ended up hosting, though, and a Russian crew capsule docked to the International Space Station, sprung a coolant leak and is now inoperable.

Cameras on the outside of the station showed a stream of coolant leaving the capsule, though investigations have not yet discovered what caused the capsule to suddenly spring a leak. So far, analysts most likely explanation remains stage. Frights, we’re certainly not frightened to tell you to come back on Monday when we’ll have even more Tech news now written by ai’s, because, quite frankly, I’m not that pleased with the jokes in this episode just kidding just kidding. This is one from one of our new writers and it’s actually very good yeah. I wrote you were a hot dad. .